Examples of the the word, recess , in a Sentence Context

The word ( recess ), is the 8019 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The advice and consent of the United States Senate, the President issued a, recess ,appointment so that the Ambassador could assume her post. As embassies fall
  2. Such appointments, the Senate passed a" sense of the Senate" resolution that, recess ,appointments to the Court should only be made in" unusual circumstances. "
  3. Consent" of a majority of the Senate. Appointments made while the Senate is in, recess ,are temporary and expire at the end of the next session of the Senate. The
  4. Of opening a new session in the event of an emergency during the long summer, recess , Parliament is no longer prorogued beforehand, but only after the Houses have
  5. Their contents using red crayon, and interred behind a masonry wall in a deep, recess ,of the 14-mile mine complex,1,800 feet underground. Three weeks later, on 27
  6. Hold their Offices during good Behavior" ( unless appointed during a Senate, recess ,). The term" good behavior" is interpreted to mean that judges may serve for
  7. D. C. time (to be shortly interrupted by Truman's recall from Congressional, recess ,for July 20, 1948). * June 21 – The Deutsche Mark becomes official currency of
  8. Of her back. I ran straight into the nearest building, squeezed into a smelly, recess ,beneath some wooden stairs, and didn't come out for hours. I developed a
  9. The evening of 18 April 1946,as the trials were halted for a three-day Easter, recess ,: In taking the witness stand during his part of the trial, Göring claimed that
  10. Supply, identical to that of the TRS-80,and was designed with an interior, recess ,which held both power supplies. Since the cable connecting the expansion
  11. The President should be elected by the popular vote. After Congress went into, recess ,in the summer of 1826,Polk returned to Tennessee to see Sarah, and when
  12. To Bolton's chances of confirmation. Bolton was put into the position via a, recess ,appointment because of the strong opposition in the Senate. On April 28, 2005
  13. Officer of Congress, chaired the Committee of the States when Congress was in, recess , and performed other administrative functions. He was not, however,an
  14. 5 – A. Mitchell Palmer becomes Attorney General of the United States through, recess ,appointment. * March 9 – The Egyptian Revolution of 1919 breaks out. * March 15
  15. And outboard engines, some of their contributions are that the LDR (rotor, recess ,in the leading edge of combustion chamber) engines had better exhaust
  16. Free milk for school children" program, and milk was distributed at morning, recess ,in 1/3 pint bottles. With the conversion to metric measures, the milk industry
  17. Admitted the partial guilt of the Vatican in the decline of the Church. In the, recess ,drafted on 9 February 1523,however, the German princes rejected this appeal.
  18. For three quarters of a century. In Queensland, the state league went into, recess ,for the duration of the war. VFL club University left the league and went into
  19. With Denmark and its king Frederick. The Treaty of Malmö (in Swedish: Malmö, recess ,) had both positive and negative sides to it, from king Gustav's perspective.
  20. Was seriously ill again in March. On 27 July 1714,during Parliament's summer, recess , she dismissed Harley as Lord Treasurer. She was rendered unable to speak by a
  21. Guides) are available to both UK and overseas visitors during the summer, recess , UK residents may also tour the Clock Tower, by applying through their local
  22. Serving; of the two chief justices and six associate justices who have received, recess ,appointments, only Chief Justice John Rutledge was not subsequently confirmed.
  23. More political role than in the past. Recess appointments When the Senate is in, recess , a president may make temporary appointments to fill vacancies. Recess
  24. Leads them, and represents Parliament externally. During the parliamentary, recess ,— normally from January to February/March — a" state committee" assumes
  25. The shank inside the hawse pipes, and the flukes against the hull (or inside a, recess ,in the hull). While there are numerous variations, stockless anchors consist
  26. Recesses that seem to multiply as the light falls on it. Each projection and, recess ,has a complete decorative articulation that is rhythmic and repetitive and
  27. Mirrors over the chimney pieces and centering the long wall in a shallow, recess ,are disposed in a system of stop-fluted Ionic pilasters. White marble draped
  28. Of cells in the leaves. This evaporation causes the surface of the water to, recess ,into the pores of the cell wall. By capillary action, the water forms concave
  29. The president may make any of these appointments during a congressional, recess , Such a" recess appointment" expires at the end of the next session of
  30. Was considered and trialed. World War I saw the game in New Zealand go into, recess ,for three quarters of a century. In Queensland, the state league went into
  31. States and one to the Confederacy. The Wheeling Convention, which had taken a, recess ,until August 6,reassembled on August 20,and called for a popular vote on the
  32. For the duration of the war. VFL club University left the league and went into, recess ,due to severe casualties. The WALL lost two clubs and the SA NFL was suspended
  33. In many ways a most unusual trial. When the judge enters the court-room after, recess , no one rises—he himself has abolished the pompous formality. He sits without
  34. Hold their offices during good behavior" ( unless appointed during a Senate, recess ,). The term" good behavior" is well understood to mean justices may serve for
  35. Was not subsequently confirmed. No president since Dwight Eisenhower has made a, recess ,appointment to the Court, and the practice has become rare and controversial
  36. Alexandre. In it scour d'Conner four Corinthian columns embedded against a, recess ,in the wall plane create an entry (now glazed). Flanking doors in the corners
  37. Procedure. The last two of these Regular sessions were routinely scheduled to, recess ,exactly three months afterwards in early December, but were resumed in January
  38. Decorated within with frescoes of saints. At the upper end is a semicircular, recess , recalling the trillium of the Lateran Palace at Rome, in which is placed the
  39. May make any of these appointments during a congressional recess . Such a ", recess ,appointment" expires at the end of the next session of Congress. Section 3
  40. Bouguereau was a leading master. In the summer of 1888,with classes in summer, recess , Beau worked in the fishing village of Concerned with the American painters
  41. Plan was accepted, except that Jefferson and Washington insisted on an open, recess ,in the center of the East front, which was part of Thornton's original plan.
  42. The present day. Their posture was due to the development of a laterally facing, recess ,in the pelvis (usually an open socket) and a corresponding inwardly facing
  43. In pieces ... So it is important to fashion ones work carefully in its smallest, recess ,and charge every particle of matter with life. " Legacy Public collections
  44. Democrats leaving the Senate. When the Parliament met again after the summer, recess ,in August 1917,only the groups supporting the Power Act were present. Russian
  45. Boards, are directly elected. Congress meets throughout the year except for, recess ,in July and December. There are 20 seven-member congressional committees.
  46. The readers at the end of a 1990 storyline involving Calvin reluctantly joining, recess ,baseball. It quickly became a staple of the comic afterwards. The only hint at
  47. Continued to sit for Old ham until the next general election. After the Whit sun, recess ,in 1904 he crossed the floor to sit as a member of the Liberal Party. As a
  48. Call the next witness ". At that point, the gallery erupted in applause and a, recess ,was called. Edward R. Murrow, See It Now One of the most prominent attacks on
  49. To 9,000 feet, but makes a sweep convex to the north, forming a semicircular, recess , whose numerous torrents are all poured into the Rhine through the Val Hussein
  50. For 26 hours, with Cannon's present friends making repeated motions for, recess ,and adjournment. When Cannon finally ruled the resolution out of order at noon

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