Examples of the the word, ashamed , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ashamed ), is the 8020 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Least, what is best. I believed it all through my worst days, and I am not, ashamed ,to profess it now. " When his father died in 1887,Stevenson felt free to
  2. Charles tries to force her to stay with his mental powers, but immediately, ashamed ,by this, lets her go. She later becomes a disciple of Magneto. The X-Men Over
  3. Sermonized against Wilson and his alcoholic Groupers for forming a" secret, ashamed ,subgroup" engaged in" divergent works ". ... more and more, Bill discovered
  4. Person of Christ and The Word of God, referring to which state that whoever is, ashamed ,of the words of Jesus is ashamed of the Lord himself. Balthasar argued that the
  5. In the city and continue to help fight the plague, saying that he would feel, ashamed ,of himself if he pursued a merely private happiness. He now feels that he
  6. Shang Chi then snaps his neck, and leaves with the catatonic Tarantula, ashamed ,of what he believed he had to become, a soulless murderer. Still working for
  7. And Ajax realized that he had actually been killing sheep, Ajax was left so, ashamed ,that he committed suicide. Odysseus eventually gave the armor to Neoptolemus
  8. Interview, he elaborated:" I remember feeling ashamed , for some reason. I was, ashamed ,of my parents. I couldn't face some of my friends at school anymore, because I
  9. His coming to Rome earlier. Un ashamed () Paul's announcement that he is not ", ashamed ," (epaiscúnomai) of his gospel because it holds power (dynamic). These two
  10. Frac + \franc + \franc + \franc + \dots \end, although he later confessed:" I am, ashamed ,to tell you to how many figures I carried these computations, having no other
  11. Ridiculed for making the film, Coppola has defended it, saying he is not, ashamed ,of the final cut of the movie. He had been friends with Robin Williams for many
  12. Ways to fix them. Paul states that this letter is not meant to make them feel, ashamed ,but to“ admonish” them as beloved children. They are expected to become
  13. Still recognized the attackers. " The kind of thing that men are afraid or, ashamed ,to do openly, and by day, they accomplish secretly, masked,and at night. "
  14. And that son would kill Atreus. When Aegis thus was born, his mother was, ashamed ,of her incestuous act. She abandoned him and he was raised by shepherds and
  15. Curtis would often have seizures during shows, which left him feeling, ashamed ,and depressed. While the band was concerned about their singer, audience
  16. Act of separate creation, she gave birth to the monstrous Demiurge and, being, ashamed , of her deed, wrapped him in a cloud and created a throne for him within it. The
  17. Panties and several women refused to jump into safety nets because they were, ashamed ,of being seen from below. (It is, however,suggested, that this is an urban
  18. When they are not needed only to fall down when it comes to a pinch? I would be, ashamed ,to have my picture up now. " In this World Series, the Boston Americans came
  19. He compared man unfavorably to machines:“ In the face of the machine we are, ashamed ,of man’s inability to control himself, but what are we to do if we find the
  20. Among the Kikuyu. Harry Thou said in 1952," To-day we, the Kikuyu, stand, ashamed , and looked upon as hopeless people in the eyes of other races and before the
  21. States, Baruch Goldstein. The JDL maintained, on its website," we are not, ashamed ,to say that Goldstein was a charter member of the Jewish Defense League ", and
  22. Be as proud to be delivered of a Telephone Directory con more as I should be, ashamed ,to create a Blank Verse Tragedy at the bidding of others. " 1926 to 1928 Milne
  23. Of independent actions, the toddler may begin to doubt their abilities and feel, ashamed ,for the desire for independence. The child's autonomic development will be
  24. Lived in segregated Washington D. C. McGhee states in her book that Hoover was, ashamed ,of his African American heritage and decided to pass as a white man. Annie's
  25. Who are" motley" ). Nietzsche calls for exceptional people to no longer be, ashamed ,of their uniqueness in the face of a supposed morality-for-all, which Nietzsche
  26. Morning and remember that Peron was President and feel deeply depressed and, ashamed , Peron's government had seized control of the Argentine mass media and
  27. Incoherently confessing to her dead lover the love she had always been, ashamed ,to tell; Idiom crying out to the distant carousel the glad news that he is to
  28. Where" embarrassed" in English means approximately ", ashamed ,", a similar-sounding Spanish word," embarazada ", means " pregnant ". Both
  29. We damned well have the duty to hold out in the homeland. We would have to be, ashamed ,of ourselves in front of our children and grandchildren if we attacked the
  30. Came to live on land. The story is about a family living on land that is a bit, ashamed ,of their old uncle who still lives in the sea, refusing to come ashore like "
  31. Defiant and withdrawn. In a 1993 interview, he elaborated:" I remember feeling, ashamed , for some reason. I was ashamed of my parents. I couldn't face some of my
  32. God, referring to which state that whoever is ashamed of the words of Jesus is, ashamed ,of the Lord himself. Balthasar argued that the union of the human and divine
  33. As most of my people had been soldiers and I knew I would never be, I felt, ashamed , quite early, to be a bookish kind of person and not a man of action. " His
  34. On my jacket and stepped back. My hair felt sticky. My face felt sticky. I was, ashamed ,of being so disheveled and unprepared to discuss electronic theory. While they
  35. 1734,was more successful, though of its success he afterward professed himself, ashamed , During this period he also wrote librettos for opera serial and served for a
  36. Affair with Carrie was revealed. In a press statement, Major said that he was ", ashamed ," by the affair and that his wife had forgiven him. In response, Currie said "
  37. Is now, he deserves from me unstinting gratitude and praise. I could never be, ashamed ,of such a father, nor do I feel any need, as many people do, to apologize for
  38. And that his wife had forgiven him. In response, Currie said" he wasn't, ashamed ,of it at the time, and he wanted it to continue. " Since 2005 In February 2005
  39. Was quoted by Asia week as saying: 'I am a great admirer of Hitler, and I am not, ashamed ,to say so! I do not say that I agree with all the methods he employed, but he
  40. many men, I,too, have had homosexual experiences, and I am not, ashamed , I have never paid much attention to what people think about me. But if there
  41. Tenacious; and b) because people are inclined to tell the truth, and, ashamed , of telling falsities. Needless to say, these reasons are only to be trusted to
  42. Segments, the documentary crew would interview an anonymous take, typically, ashamed , at being a fan and whose face are censored with a mosaic and have their voices
  43. And someone Wittgenstein came to admire. Monk writes that Wittgenstein was, ashamed ,that he had not also killed himself, seeing Weininger's suicide as an ethical
  44. Pirate Magazine, who was a valuable mentor and retainer to Nonage, was, ashamed , by Nobunaga's behavior and performed septum. This had a huge effect on
  45. Act of separate creation, she gave birth to the monstrous Demiurge and, being, ashamed , of her deed, she wrapped him in a cloud and created a throne for him within it.
  46. Homer Stokes (Wayne Duvall). She refuses to take Everett back and is so, ashamed ,of him that she has been telling their daughters he was hit by a train and
  47. Has a chance to escape, but he decides to stay, saying that he would feel, ashamed ,of himself if he left. Towards the end of October,Castel's new anti-plague
  48. Over futuristic New York City, Gunn says that Asimov's prose" need not be, ashamed ,anywhere in literary society ". Although he prided himself on his ornamented
  49. He claimed to regard the letters as works of art rather than as something to be, ashamed ,of. Carson cross-examined Wilde on how he perceived the moral content of his
  50. Dickens may have drawn on his childhood experiences, but he was also, ashamed ,of them and would not reveal that this was where he gathered his realistic

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