Examples of the the word, riding , in a Sentence Context

The word ( riding ), is the 8021 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. All such hopes. Alexander died in a fall from his horse in the dark while, riding ,to visit the queen at King horn in Fife on 19 March 1286 because it was her
  2. Of Venus (1912),by Dillon Radon. File: Aphrodite swan BM D2. JPG|Aphrodite, riding ,a swan: Attic white-ground red-figured Kylie, ca. 460,found at Camaro (
  3. Himself was caught by his head in the boughs of an oak-tree as the mule he was, riding ,ran beneath it - an irony given that he was previously renowned for his
  4. And features various races and competitions, such as calf roping and bull, riding , In line with the western tradition of rodeo are the cultural artisans that
  5. Practice of sitting alongside the driver in a moving vehicle. The expression ", riding ,shotgun" was apparently not used in the days of actual stagecoach travel. At
  6. Writings of the Bad. ` Abdul’Baha also took an interest in the art of horse, riding ,and, as he grew, became a renowned rider. On seeing his father, ` Abdul'Baha
  7. To Families, ten of his squadrons suddenly broke ranks and were scattered, riding ,headlong to the rear to recover their order, leaving the left flank of the
  8. Same time BSA staff were providing lectures and demonstrations on motorcycle, riding ,and maintenance to 250,000 officers and men in all parts of the UK. The BSA
  9. The wheat fields of America's heartland Kansas, through which her train was, riding ,on July 16; and the majestic view of the Great Plains from high atop Zebulon's
  10. Burned on the pyre. The ship was set to sea by Hydrogen, a giantess, who came, riding ,on a wolf and gave the ship such a push that fire flashed from the rollers and
  11. Campaign of ravaging the region). Also, on 5 August, Eugene reached Ronstadt, riding ,that same night to meet with Marlborough at Schrobenhausen. Marlborough knew it
  12. Can we war against that? " (From Iron Horse, composed July 22–23, 1966,while, riding ,a train from the West Coast to Chicago. The poem was dictated to a tape
  13. To narrower saddles which allow more room for leg swings. Comfort depends on, riding ,position. With comfort bikes and hybrids, cyclists sit high over the seat
  14. Was an esplanade, a waterside building, in which only the caliph could come, riding ,on horseback. In addition, the palace was near other mansions and officer's
  15. Capability. With an effective range of about, it was introduced as a radar beam, riding ,missile and then improved to a semi-active radar guided missile which would
  16. Same distance to be distributed over more pedal turns, reducing fatigue when, riding ,uphill, with a heavy load, or against strong winds. A higher gear allows a
  17. Aircraft. It was effective at visual to beyond visual range. The early beam, riding ,versions of the Sparrow missiles were integrated onto the F3H Demon and F7U
  18. And bringing him back to shore. On January 8,2006,while Schwarzenegger was, riding ,his Harley-Davidson motorcycle in Los Angeles, with his son Patrick in the
  19. Messenger" or sometimes colloquially a" shotgun messenger ". The phrase ", riding ,shotgun" ( not found before 1905) was applied later to print and especially
  20. Mudguards, or fenders, protect the cyclist and moving parts from spray when, riding ,through wet areas and chain guards protect clothes from oil on the chain while
  21. Of the Norse Gods surrounded by an incomplete wall attributed to a Hrimthurs, riding ,the stallion Svadilfari, according to Gylfaginning. Valhalla is located within
  22. Destinations, generally written on their windshields or shouted out by a barker, riding ,in the front seat. Perhaps the most unusual thing about the privately operated
  23. Then $60,000," through anonymous recurrent donations of 200 dollars to every, riding ,of a party from corporations or unions. Elections ** House of Commons – direct
  24. Unsuccessfully to force Cochran to resign. Cochran was successful in, riding ,out the unrest. In May 2000,Android Targaryen replaced Arm Saroyan as Prime
  25. From Asiatic soldiers. The pharaoh was usually depicted in art and literature, riding ,at the head of the army, it has been suggested that at least a few pharaohs
  26. Explorers used horses to cross the outback, the first woman to make the journey, riding ,a horse was Anna Bingley, who rode from Brooke to Cairns in 2006. Mining Other
  27. Also a popular activity because of the hilly geography of the region. Horseback, riding ,is enjoyed by many British Colombians. Opportunities for trail riding , often
  28. Weapon for air-to-air use. In 1947 the Navy contracted Sperry to build a beam, riding ,version of a standard HEAR, the standard unguided aerial rocket, under Project
  29. Horseback riding is enjoyed by many British Colombians. Opportunities for trail, riding , often into especially scenic areas, have been established for tourists in
  30. The BSA factory experienced success in the sport of motocross with Jeff Smith, riding ,a B40 to capture the 1964 and 1965 FIM 500 cc Motocross World Championships. It
  31. Bicycle to be a vehicle, and a person controlling a bicycle (whether actually, riding ,or not) is considered an operator. The traffic codes of many countries reflect
  32. Developed by Jim Lovell. Lovell reportedly sketched the initial design while, riding ,in the backseat of a T-38 flight from California to Houston, shortly after
  33. Court with the same rules, for example, one must dribble the ball whilst, riding , There are a number of rules that are particular to unicycle basketball as well
  34. Animals in markets; porters carrying large bundles, chewing sugar cane; youths, riding ,Bajaj motor scooters; wedding celebrations, and so forth. With the strict
  35. Cutting, working cow horse, barrel racing, calf roping, and other western, riding ,events, especially those involving live cattle. The American Quarter Horse is
  36. His son Patrick in the sidecar, another driver backed into the street he was, riding ,on, causing him and his son to collide with the car at a low speed. While his
  37. Vision (Ezekiel 1:1–3:27): Yahweh approaches Ezekiel as the divine warrior, riding ,in his battle chariot. The chariot is drawn by four living creatures each
  38. From automotive terminology to public transit (for example, in the sentence ", riding ,the subway downtown" ); such American introductions as commuter (from
  39. In dressage and can be good jumpers. They are also used for recreational trail, riding ,and in mounted police units. With the internationalization of the discipline of
  40. Kerry games, such as kHz Kauai, At Charts and Woodrush. Kyrgyzstan#Horse, riding ,Education Educational institutions in Bishkek include: In addition, the
  41. Through party discipline, the party leader, who is only elected in one, riding , exercises a great deal of control over the cabinet and the parliament. A
  42. Track bicycles do not have dedicated brakes. Brakes are not required for, riding ,on a track because all riders ride in the same direction around a track which
  43. At home one evening, early in 1960. He thought that the image of" Apollo, riding ,his chariot across the Sun was appropriate to the grand scale of the proposed
  44. New kinds of businesses, such as bicycle messengers, travelling seamstresses, riding ,academies, and racing rinks (Their board tracks were later adapted to early
  45. SAFIRE Sultan. He was known for his skills in fencing, poetry,horseback, riding , and fluency in numerous languages. He was married twice, to Valid Sultan
  46. The bay offer a number of services, such as boat rentals, boat tours, horseback, riding , scuba diving and other aquatic sports. One popular cruise is from Castilla
  47. Are football pitches, two golf courses, a pitch and putt course and a horse, riding ,school. Aberdeen's success in the Britain in Bloom competitions is often
  48. Dollars in some of these events. The breed is not only well-suited for western, riding ,and cattle work. Many racetracks offer Quarter Horses a wide assortment of
  49. Many more riding than in previous elections (it nominated candidates in every, riding ,in the 2004 and 2006 elections),and in part to increased popularity. Thus the
  50. In need of inspiration from their commander, the Elector, who was seen –" …, riding ,up and down, and inspiring his men with fresh courage. " Anhalt-Dessau's

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