Examples of the the word, se , in a Sentence Context

The word ( se ), is the 4479 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 1755) *Ladonna extravagant," The Extravagant Woman" ( 17?? ) *L'am ante DI, se , medesimo," The Lover of Him se lf" ( 17?? ) *IL cavaliere DI spirit o SIA La
  2. Ad protection em; merit igniter gigantic Decatur a ligand, quia continent in, se , duplex ligament (Calvin's Ca se (1608) 7 Co Rep 1a; Junk 306; 2 State Try 559;
  3. And a broad range of" normal" human behavior) rather than the disorder per, se , Physiological Abnormalities in the structure and/or function of certain brain
  4. A symbol. In the Georgacarakos v. Watts ca se Peter N. Georgacarakos filed a pro, se , civil-rights complaint in the United States District Court for the District of
  5. That the person being asked be in the genitive ca se (Repeat, se , koho/coho),and that the thing being asked about follow the preposition" Na "
  6. Or encouragement of dueling in history. Other crimes, called male in, se , count as outlawed in almost all societies, ( murder, theft and rape, for
  7. Of Cornish from traditional sources but had not studied the language per, se , The last known monobloc Cornish speaker is believed to have been Chester
  8. Of profound unrest that within fifty years of his death, the Duran empire per, se , was at an end, and Afghanistan was embroiled in civil war. Much of the
  9. Appeal are pre se nted through their appellate lawyers, if repre se nted, or pro, se , if the party has not engaged legal repre se ntation. Tho se arguments are
  10. Or the to explicitly mark past ten se , or app to mark progressive aspect), se e, comes before any such particles:: 3. U se se w here French and English have a
  11. Or app to mark progressive aspect), se e comes before any such particles:: 3. U se , se , where French and English have a dummy" it" subject:: 4. Finally, u se the
  12. Some cited advantages satisfy tenets of green building, not independence per, se , ( se e below). Off-grid buildings often rely very little on civil se rvices and
  13. Although neither of the se makes the recommendations fal se or unethical per, se , Raising economic growth to the highest value necessarily means that welfare is
  14. The relevant psychological predictors are for which racial classification per, se , is merely a 'stand-in' variable, we have no choice but to include race (or
  15. To name the dice rolls with their Persian number names: yes (1),Du (2), se e, ( 3),cedar (4),pen (5),SES (6). United States The most recent major
  16. Comparison with other Slavic languages Common expressions *Как се казваш? (key, se , kazvash) – What is your name (informal)? *Кой си ти? (boy is ti) informal
  17. Any form of intelligent life would do; so, specifying carbon-ba se d life, per, se e, is irrelevant. The anthropic principle has given ri se to some confusion and
  18. Some verbs require the genitive ca se to be u se d. For example, the verb" repeat, se ," (to ask) requires that the person being asked be in the
  19. By letter a: is repre se nted by letter o Sample text Czech: Vishnu life, se , rodí svobodní a some OVNI co do důstojnosti a pray. Sou Adana Cozumel a
  20. But what exactly is the difference between religious art and religion per, se , The truth is complex; art is both u se less in a functional se n se , and also the
  21. Is an adjective phra se , prepositional phra se , or adverb phra se :: 2. U se , se , when the complement is a noun phra se . But note that, whereas other verbs come
  22. Court) ruled that sado-masochistically motivated physical injuries are not per, se , indecent and thus subject to §228. Still, this ruling makes the question of
  23. Charged. Under this onslaught they too broke. Retort" La Garden must, elle né, se , rend pas! " (" The Guard dies, it does not surrender! "). Capture of
  24. Andrew reappeared, marked the mission a failure: King Louis, says Joinville,", se , repenti fort" (" felt very sorry" ). Death Andrew died some time after 1253
  25. To JE? " And" What's happening? " Is" Copy? " Instead of" Co JE to? / Co, se , stalo? " Or" Why? " Is" Prop? " Instead of" Pro? ". The region of Chomsky
  26. One thousand nine hundred forty-five" ), it is not an independent system per, se , Since it reflects spoken language, it does not u se the positional system as is
  27. Principles, anarchists have also questioned the concept of schooling per, se , The term schooling was popularized by Ivan Tillich, who argued that the
  28. Record exists of Haitian at its earliest stages of development from French, se , is derived from French c'est (), which is the normal French contraction of CE
  29. The centuries. Under the old common law pleading standards, a suit by a pro, se , ( " for one se lf," without a lawyer) party was all but impossible, and there
  30. Language cinema is also starting to reactivate. With the 2007 film OMA, se , slim kind, the first full length Afrikaans movie since Dallas from 1998,a new
  31. Is one of the exotic linguistic features. It has three forms of the copula:, se , ye, and the zero copula, no word at all (the position of which will be
  32. Entities and do not imply the recognition of a Boer cultural identity per, se , The supporters of the se views feel that the Afrikaner designation (or label)
  33. Attending meetings altogether. ) * Judges' commissions are valid quasi, se , bene des se rt (during good behavior),and if they do not behave them se lves
  34. Firms. Pen-ba se d plotters rely on contact with the paper, but not impact, per, se e, and special purpo se pens that are mechanically run over the paper to create
  35. The distinctive black color of Anubis" did not have to do with the jackal per, se , but with the color of rotting flesh and with the black soil of the Nile valley
  36. Some examples are in improving crop technology (not a medical application per, se , ; se e BioSystems Engineering),the manufacture of synthetic human insulin
  37. Document focu se s more on social morality than institutions of government per, se , and remains a notable early attempt at a government constitution. Medina The
  38. And a vacuum turbine for electric power. While not designed as autonomous per, se , Fuller's concern with sustainable and efficient design is congruent with the
  39. As a Romance-ba se d pidgin. Latin also sometimes u se d a zero copula. Which of, se , / ye / Ø is u se d in any given copula clau se depends on complex syntactic
  40. Then the Chairman are usually not considered to be employees of the company per, se , although they may receive compensation, often including benefits; in publicly
  41. Organized in such a way as to lack the existence of identifiable molecules per, se , Instead, the se substances are discus se d in terms of formula units or unit
  42. Malum in se e and alum prohibitum respectively. They regard a" crime alum in, se ," as inherently criminal; whereas a" crime alum prohibitum" ( the argument
  43. Philosophy: logic, or se miotic Logic as philosophical Pace regarded logic per, se , as a division of philosophy, as a normative science after aesthetics and ethics
  44. Legislation: common law offen se s. The courts u se d the concept of alum in, se , to develop various common law offen se s. Criminalization One can view
  45. Power). Lawyers sometimes express the two concepts with the phra se s alum in, se , and alum prohibitum respectively. They regard a" crime alum in se e" as
  46. Under his own name. Although not formalized and acknowledged as a mythos per, se , Lovecraft did correspond with contemporary writers (Clark Ashton Smith
  47. Ojalá). Grammatically, dano is entirely se parate from the verb Madhavan, se , – " to hope ". *нека (NEA) – means" let (is) " – e.g. NEA Doyle –" let
  48. That universities tend more to p se udo-intellectualism than intellectualism per, se , ; for example, to protect their positions and prestige, academics may
  49. Some monosyllabic words (e.g. me (me),ti (( to) you),to (it), se e, is (one se lf),ASEM (am),CSI (are) ) are critics — they are not stres se d
  50. About follow the preposition" Na" and be in the accusative ca se (Repeat, se , koho/coho Na Soho/co). Counting and declension The third factor affecting noun

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