Examples of the the word, harmful , in a Sentence Context

The word ( harmful ), is the 4482 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Such as diazepam or chlordiazepoxide, are recommended over potentially more, harmful ,benzodiazepines, such as alprazolam or midazolam. Using the lowest effective
  2. Aberration of the Axis Point); and since this disk becomes the less, harmful ,with an increasing image of a given object, or with increasing focal length, it
  3. Worldwide. Research has also shown that abiotic stressors are at their most, harmful ,when they occur together, in combinations of abiotic stress factors. Examples
  4. May not be problematic Small trade deficits are generally not considered to be, harmful ,to either the importing or exporting economy. However, when a national trade
  5. Of the primary fermentor. This prevents the formation of unwanted flavors and, harmful ,compounds such as acetaldehyde, which are commonly blamed for hangovers.
  6. Person remain sober. Compared with men, women are more sensitive to alcohol's, harmful ,physical, cerebral,and mental effects. Moderate use is defined by The Dietary
  7. Jews perform harmful economic activities or that economic activities become, harmful ,when they are performed by Jews. Allegations regarding the relationship of Jews
  8. In cases of internal contamination. In general, external alpha radiation is not, harmful ,since alpha particles are effectively shielded by a few centimeters of air, a
  9. Such that the aluminum induces a release of organic compounds that bind to the, harmful ,aluminum cations. Sorghum is believed to have the same tolerance mechanism.
  10. That it possesses elevated levels of hydrogen ions (low pH). It can have, harmful ,effects on plants, aquatic animals, and infrastructure. Acid rain is caused by
  11. Evidence indicating that it is usually no more effective but is usually more, harmful , A review by the US Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality found that much
  12. Of important minerals by the rain, and protect against bacteria, fungi,and, harmful ,insects. The carbon chains in plant alkanes are usually odd-numbered, between
  13. Rates of lung cancer. Subsequent studies confirmed these adverse effects. These, harmful ,effects may also be seen in non-smokers, as a recent meta-analysis including
  14. Did not detect any benefit and suggested instead that excess supplementation is, harmful , (Concerning the previous studies cited the first only shows that antioxidant
  15. Producers on lignite as an energy source. Because burning lignite produces, harmful ,emissions, Vattenfall has announced its commitment to transitioning to cleaner
  16. Toxins Some kinds of raw beans, especially red and kidney beans, contain a, harmful ,toxin (pectin phytohemagglutinin) that must be removed by cooking. A
  17. Rapidly in urine. More seriously, very high doses of some antioxidants may have, harmful ,long-term effects. The beta-Carotene and Retinol Efficacy Trial (CARET) study
  18. Research on this branch of the issue is extensive. For more information on the, harmful ,effects of abiotic stress, see the sections below on plants and animals. In
  19. Way. Whereas a biotic stress would include such living disturbances as fungi or, harmful ,insects, abiotic stress factors, or stressors, are naturally occurring, often
  20. Of battery are (1) a volitional act (2) done for the purpose of causing a, harmful ,or offensive contact with another person or under circumstances that make such
  21. Doubt whether these antioxidant supplements are beneficial or, harmful , and if they are actually beneficial, which antioxidant (s) are needed and in
  22. And 50 health authorities were sued by patients to recover damages for the, harmful ,effects of dependence and withdrawal. This led some doctors to require a signed
  23. Engine exhaust fumes, and may accumulate in the lungs. In these examples,the, harmful ,effects may result from contamination of the carbon particles, with organic
  24. Mouth and nose. The exact cause of this behavior is not known, but it is not, harmful ,to the dog. Working life Hunting Beagles were developed primarily for hunting
  25. Dijkstra considered the use of GOT statements for program structuring purposes, harmful ,for the productivity of the programmer as well as the quality of the resulting
  26. That time. He stated his belief that these trade deficits were not necessarily, harmful ,to the economy at the time since the currency comes back to the country (
  27. Act, which intended to provide affordable HIV medicines has been cited as a, harmful ,effect of patents. One attack on IPR is moral rather than utilitarian, claiming
  28. Worship is granted in the same article, religious organizations that are deemed, harmful ,to the government or social order of the country can be prohibited. Culture
  29. 11,147-148. 1968). The letter, which contributed the phrase" considered, harmful ," to programming jargon, did not mention any particular programming language;
  30. The disagreement with Diego Mendes, suggesting that further divisions could be, harmful ,to the Portuguese in India. Under his orders was Ferdinand Magellan, who had
  31. On Jain temples). Like in Hinduism, the aim is to prevent the accumulation of, harmful ,Karma. When Mahavira revived and reorganized the Jain movement in the 6th or
  32. The thin layer of dead skin cells. Even touching an alpha source is usually not, harmful , though many alpha sources also are accompanied by beta-emitting radio
  33. Result of this analysis was that acupuncture during early pregnancy may be, harmful , Pain Steven E. Braver man published his belief that needling has been
  34. Could not recover for a defendant's negligent production or distribution of a, harmful ,instrumentality unless the two were in privily of contract. Thus, only the
  35. Kill or neutralize the antigen that is recognized as a foreign and potentially, harmful ,invader. These invaders can be molecules such as pollen or cells such as
  36. Factors, so it is particularly constraining. Abiotic stress is the most, harmful ,factor concerning the growth and productivity of crops worldwide. Research has
  37. The refrigerant was much safer for humans but was later identified as being, harmful ,to the atmosphere's ozone layer. Freon is a trademark name of DuPont for any
  38. Felix Mendelssohn and Giacomo Meyerbeer, but expanded to accuse Jews of being a, harmful ,and alien element in German culture. Antisemitism can also be found in many of
  39. Use the appeal to nature fallacy, i. e.," that which is natural cannot be, harmful ,". An exception to the normal thinking regarding side effects is Homeopathy.
  40. It a criminal assault to intentionally cause another person to apprehend a, harmful ,or offensive contact. Definition Battery In common law, criminal assault often
  41. Appealing to feelings of inadequacy) on the intended consumer, which may be, harmful , Regulation In the US many communities believe that many forms of outdoor
  42. 226Ra because it emits 5 times more alpha particles and relatively little of, harmful ,radiation. The amount of americium in a typical new smoke detector is 1
  43. Adolescents. " When people are confronted with unpleasant and potentially, harmful ,stimuli such as foul odors or tastes, PET-scans show increased blood flow in the
  44. The underlying premise of economic antisemitism is that Jews perform, harmful ,economic activities or that economic activities become harmful when they are
  45. Mechanism designed to prevent the organism from engaging in potentially, harmful ,behaviors. Although single genes have little effect on complex traits and
  46. Hexane, heptane,and octane are classed as dangerous for the environment and, harmful , The straight-chain isomer of humane is a neurotoxin. Halogen-rich alkanes
  47. Responses to a group of standardized questions. These can be used to identify, harmful ,drinking patterns, including alcoholism. After detoxification, other support
  48. But antipsychotic drugs encompass a wide range of receptor targets. A number of, harmful ,and undesired (adverse) effects have been observed, including lowered life
  49. Poisoning is similar to arsenic poisoning. Inhalation of antimony dust is, harmful ,and in certain cases may be fatal; in small doses, antimony causes headaches
  50. If a person continues to drink, their condition will worsen. This will lead to, harmful ,consequences in their life, physically,mentally, emotionally and socially.

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