Examples of the the word, sci , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sci ), is the 8847 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. http://www.kirjasto. sci .fi/hinnes.htm Hammond Inner profile from impasto., sci , Fi * http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/authors/Hammond_Innes.htm Book covers
  2. General discussion of the X-Factor TV show and all its worldwide editions., sci ,Science-related topics. Soc Discussion related to society and social
  3. To Cover, a book review and interview show dealing mainly with fantasy and, sci ,phi publications, together with Michael R. Mennen. Skepticism Stack pole has
  4. By regular keyboard. It was developed for Usenet, notably the newsgroups, sci , Lang and alt. Usage. English. It is named after Evan Kirshenbaum, who led the
  5. Repertory grid web application * http://www.eac-leipzig.de/ sci vescoweb, sci ,: ESCO - FREE Online Repertory Grid Software,3D Grid Analysis *
  6. As news: comp. Answers comp. Answers, news: misc. Answers misc. Answers, news:, sci , Answers sci . Answers, etc. for cross posting and collecting FAQ across
  7. http://www.kirjasto. sci .fi/prudhomm.htm René Sully-Prudhomme at WWW. Kirjasto., sci , Fi * http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1901/prudhomme-bio.html Sully
  8. Pyrenaea Albert; EGL. Jacob. 21: 422 (1896) * Anemia radicals Radii; Opus., sci , BOL. 3: 282 (1819) * Anemia retroflex Trade; An. Prim. Run. Summer. Bot.
  9. Do and candy are often preceded by prepositions:: For example: * El IA vote, sci ,ante candy el IA vote pasta. -" He could ski before he could walk. " * Me
  10. SCI 124,the notation for the Shapely Super cluster *Science, as in" comp, sci ," (computer sci ence) or" bio sci " ( biology) In 1 Chronicles, Jabez is a
  11. Nanospace. Com suggested a general idea for a macro scale replicator on the, sci , Nanotech newsgroup, operating in a pool of ultraviolet-cured liquid plastic
  12. Sc › is used before ‹ e › and ‹ i › to represent; before other vowels, ‹, sci , › is used. Otherwise, ‹ SC › represents, the ‹ c › of which follows the normal
  13. Linguistics; 9. External links * http://www.sljfaq.org/afaq/afaq.html FAQ for, sci , Lang. Japan. * http://grammar.nihongoresources.com/ Detailed Japanese grammar
  14. The Judge Dread strip was it's sic ability to slide seamlessly between gritty, sci ,phi adventure, nasty gothic horror, spoofery, all the way to daft comedy. "
  15. Shapely Super cluster *Science, as in" comp sci " ( computer sci ence) or" bio, sci ," (biology) In 1 Chronicles, Jabez is a well-respected man (ancestor in the
  16. Ego of Tasmanian Devil in the DC Comics universe To mica Milosavljević, Prof Dr, sci ,(Serbian Cyrillic Томица Милосављевић) (b. December 24, 1955 in CureVac)
  17. Etc. for cross posting and collecting FAQ across respective comp. *, misc. *, sci , * newsgroups. The term FAQ, and the idea behind it, has spread offline as well
  18. Like Italian pronounce it exactly as in Norwegian, and modify the spelling: ", sci ,". German and Spanish adapt the word to their linguistic rules;" Shear" (
  19. Rebranding effort. Network officials also noted that, unlike the generic term ", sci ,phi ", which represents the entire sci ence fiction genre, the term" Safe" can
  20. Space, comp. Simulation In this case, the message will be visible both in the, sci , Space and comp. Simulation newsgroups. Despite appearing in two separate
  21. Answers comp. Answers, news: misc. Answers misc. Answers, news: sci . Answers, sci , Answers, etc. for cross posting and collecting FAQ across respective comp. *
  22. And Shredder. Despite Leonardo being the official leader of the team given the, sci ,phi nature of the series it is Donatello who comes up with most of the plans and
  23. Hl engine UTF-8&q=Operation+C3+group:, sci , Military. Naval Ref Given the short distance (90 miles) between Axis
  24. Be trademarked. Network officials also noted that, unlike the generic term ", sci ,phi" which represents the entire sci ence fiction genre, the term" Safe" can
  25. Anonymously posted to the Cyberpunks mailing list. It was soon posted on the, sci , Crypt newsgroup, and from there to many sites on the Internet. The leaked code
  26. And the Internet. From 1983 to 2007 Spencer posted over 34,000 messages to the, sci , Space. * newsgroups. His knowledge of space history and technology is such
  27. Large mouth Benny or Rock Benny * Halichoeres anti - Earmuff wrasse, current, sci , Name Halichoeres bicolor * Marina anti - Polley Drum, Golden Drum, or Golden
  28. Hl engine UTF-8&q Operation+C3+group:, sci , Military. Naval Ref Fate A date near mid-July 1942 was set for the invasion
  29. From" con sci ence" to leave" sci ence" and" Na mere "; then they lost ", sci ," and had nothing but" ens ": that shrew, Riches and gar. King Hart is a
  30. And Tom Banger * Space Mutiny by David Winters - (considered the worst, sci ,phi space action film made in the English language) * Stand and Deliver
  31. It Came From The Basement! - A look at people's eclectic collections of, sci ,phi related material * Shadow Hunter - A series that focuses on the paranormal
  32. Pict ... Pictorials: port ... Portrait photographer: Rf ... rephotograph:, sci ,... Scientific/technical photographer: SPT ... Sports photographer: UND ...
  33. Between the two events was physicist John Baez, in his October 2002 post to the, sci , Physics. Research newsgroup. Skoal referred readers to his follow-up essay, in
  34. Iowa State J. Sci. 36: 434’t.32B (1962) * Anemia Collins Radii; Opus., sci , Bot. 3. 282 (1819) ** f. ripeness (Benedict) Michel; Britannia 33 (3):
  35. Bot. (Can) 2 Bull. Mens. 216 (1928) * Anemia mandioccana Radii; Opus., sci , BOL. 8. 282 (1819) * Anemia marginate Michel; Amer. Fern J. 74 (4): 111 (
  36. Primum cursus gallium decantation. Index posted beats policarpus di sci ples, sci ,Ioannis. Index posted hairiness quit Food EPS Lugdunensis Galley. Terminus apse
  37. First appeared in a 1994 post by Clifford A. Rickover to the Usenet group, sci , Math, and the article he later wrote was published in chapter 30 of his book
  38. Specify that the message is intended for more than one newsgroup. Newsgroups:, sci , Space, comp. Simulation In this case, the message will be visible both in the
  39. Over 40 short stories, most of them fantasy and sci ence fiction in various in, sci ,phi magazines, journals and women's magazines. Her work has also appeared in
  40. Hl engine UTF-8&q=Operation+C3+group:, sci , Military. Naval Ref Specialized landing equipment slated for Hercules included
  41. This digraph is used to represent the cluster before vowels ‹ e › and ‹ i ›. ‹, sci ,› is used in Italian to write the sound before the non-front vowel letters ‹ a
  42. Of the paper passed a copy to John Gilmore, who made it available via the, sci , Crypt conference (Merle,1990). Khufu and Share were patented by Xerox;
  43. Hl engine UTF-8&q=Operation+C3+group:, sci , Military. Naval Ref The Italians assembled a varied collection of other naval
  44. Today hosts Chris Taylor and Craig Recessed. *Space Goat - a parody radio, sci ,phi performed by the breakfast show's Jay and the Doctor which borrowed many
  45. That is 'alternative' to the 'mainstream' ( comp, misc,news, rec,soc, sci ,and talk) hierarchies ". The" So You Want to Create an Alt Newsgroup" FAQ
  46. Fricative),e.g. Miami or, ( but can also be found in written form as hi, sci , x or CI). The sound approximates to an allophone of English language before
  47. Line. Most commonly, just one newsgroup is specified. For example; Newsgroups:, sci , Space However it is possible to specify that the message is intended for more
  48. Source code for RC2 was anonymously posted to the Internet on the Usenet forum, sci , Crypt. Mentions of CODEVI and Soft ICE (popular debuggers) suggest that it
  49. Physics groups and Internet forums, continuing the pattern of behavior seen on, sci , Physics. Research. A controversy began on the French Wikipedia when Igor
  50. On an enterprise production system. There is a thread in the newsgroup alt., sci , Seti which bears the title" Anyone fired for SET screensaver" and ran

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