Examples of the the word, revoke , in a Sentence Context

The word ( revoke ), is the 8851 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Against Mithridates. Marius, a member of the" popular" party, had a tribune, revoke ,Sulla's command of the war against Mithridates. Sulla, a member of the
  2. Is carried out, it is usually the driver's licensing agency that decides to, revoke ,or restrict a driver's license. In the UK, it is the responsibility of the
  3. Rapid SSL once the vulnerability was announced. Although Version declined to, revoke ,existing certificates signed using MD5,their response was considered adequate
  4. Referred to him as John Winston Ono Lennon, since he was not permitted to, revoke ,a name given at birth. After Ono was injured in a car accident, Lennon arranged
  5. The stock lasts. Since revoke s would normally make it very unlikely that a, revoke ,can be detected, in the first phase of trick-play (before the stock is empty)
  6. Embassy in Washington, and ship arms abroad from Israel. A hearing was held to, revoke ,Kahane's probation for a 1971 firebomb-making incident. He was found guilty of
  7. Of the trip and negotiated with the Immigration and Naturalization Service to, revoke ,Chaplin's re-entry permit, exiling Chaplin, so he could not return for his
  8. 2000 the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced their intention to, revoke ,approval of fluoroquinolone use in poultry production because of substantial
  9. Of promotion and future prospects. There was the possibility that Field might, revoke ,the settlement he had made on his daughter at the time of her first marriage
  10. Act is the more notable acts which have gone through parliament. Bill C-297 to, revoke ,the conviction of Louis Riel was introduced to the House of Commons October 21
  11. Junk email? ". Hormel also made two attempts that were dismissed in 2005 to, revoke ,the marks" SPYMASTER" and Spam Cube. Hormel's Corporate Attorney Melanie J.
  12. Is self-defense still accepted as a reason. The police should not amend, revoke ,(even partially) or refuse an FAC without stating a valid reason. (Section
  13. To the visual impact of the chosen Charles River crossing design. It sued to, revoke ,the project's environmental certificate and forced the project to redesign the
  14. Suggested that Madame de Maintenon pushed Louis to persecute Protestants and, revoke ,the Edict of Nantes, which had awarded Huguenots political and religious
  15. Some Congress members believed the same, and they influenced Rajiv, to either, revoke ,the act or to pacify Hindu Sentiments too. The opening up of the gates of the
  16. C-417 or the Louis Riel Act which also had a first reading in parliament to, revoke ,the conviction of Louis Riel, and establish July 15 as Louis Riel Day was
  17. For other types of revoke . Most game rules prescribe a severe penalty for a, revoke , Winning and scoring a deal When all tricks have been played, the winner of the
  18. The law, if somewhat despised by the public. In 1918 the government sought to, revoke ,this deferment, and only the timely intervention of the Astronomer Royal and
  19. Israeli views Although the PNC met in Gaza on 24 April 1996,it did not, revoke ,or change the covenant, but only issued a statement saying that it had become
  20. And to avoid escalating the conflict and to press the fascist government to, revoke ,their policy, Boqor Osman tried to open a dialogue. However, he failed, and
  21. The right to mount the speaker’s rostrum ”. Slavery The declaration did not, revoke ,the institution of slavery, as lobbied for by Jacques-Pierre Brissot's Les
  22. Such a strategy will determine who has authority and under what conditions to, revoke ,a public key certificate, how to spread the revocation, but also, ideally,how
  23. Member of parliament, introduced private members' bill C-228," An Act to, revoke ,the conviction of Louis David Riel ". The unsuccessful bill was widely
  24. And instructed Governor Bernard to order the Massachusetts legislature to, revoke ,the Circular Letter. Hancock and the Massachusetts House voted against
  25. e.g. the USA used certification under the Kelly Amendment to get Japan to, revoke ,its reservation to hawks bill turtle products in 1991,thus reducing the volume
  26. Kingdom. There do exist checks on the prime minister's power: parliament may, revoke ,its confidence in an incumbent prime minister; cabinet or caucus revolts can
  27. Alice and Bob (in concert) can revoke a key, and neither Alice nor Bob can, revoke ,keys alone. However, revoking a key now requires both Alice and Bob to be
  28. By which the highest legislative and/or judicial authorities are empowered to, revoke ,his mandate on exceptional grounds. This may be a common crime, a political sin
  29. Restrictions on card play, not following these restrictions is known as a, revoke , or 'renege '. A revoke typically cannot be discovered at the time when it is
  30. Speaker for the Dead, Ender Wiggins threatens to become an Inquisitor and thus, revoke ,the catholic license of Lusitania, thus ruining the fragile catholic culture
  31. Countries that US citizens could visit without a passport. Far from seeking to, revoke ,his U. S. citizenship and deport him, the FBI and state department records
  32. Later if that is not the case. The situation is similar for other types of, revoke , Most game rules prescribe a severe penalty for a revoke . Winning and scoring a
  33. Functions, but are subject to the authority of the United States Congress to, revoke ,or withhold certain powers. The tribal governments are required to submit a
  34. John Knox achieved its ultimate goal of convincing the Scottish parliament to, revoke ,papal authority in Scotland. Mary, Queen of Scots, a Catholic and former queen
  35. Design time. Recovery from a leaked key Assume that the principal authorized to, revoke ,a key has decided that a certain key must be revoke d. In most cases this
  36. Resolved. On June 19, 2011,Heart reported that the Israeli cabinet voted to, revoke ,Defense Minister HUD Barak's authority to veto new settlement construction in
  37. Morales, Acting Intendant of Louisiana, made public the intention of Spain to, revoke ,the right of deposit at New Orleans for all cargo from the United States. The
  38. Play, not following these restrictions is known as a revoke , or 'renege '. A, revoke ,typically cannot be discovered at the time when it is committed, but when a
  39. And was dropped. Bill C-213 or the Louis Riel Day Act of 1997 attempted to, revoke ,the conviction of Louis Riel for high treason and establish a National Day in
  40. Early July. In March 1996,the State Dump again incensed Yeltsin by voting to, revoke ,the December 1991 resolution of the Russian Supreme Soviet abrogating the 1922
  41. In France) convinced the allies, reconvening the Vienna Congress in 1815,to, revoke ,those gratuitous privileges and send him to die in exile on barren Saint Helena
  42. Of the local Catholic priests due to pressure from Bern, which threatened to, revoke ,the 1526 alliance treaty unless freedom was granted to Protestants. In addition
  43. And Bob have Revoke Authority ". Now only Alice and Bob (in concert) can, revoke ,a key, and neither Alice nor Bob can revoke keys alone. However, revoking a key
  44. This deal became known, competitors convinced the Pennsylvania Legislature to, revoke ,South Improvement's charter. No oil was ever shipped under this arrangement.
  45. The copyright holder cannot use a non-binding disclaimer, or notification, to, revoke , the right of fair use on works. However, binding agreements such as contracts
  46. It remains at the discretion of the CIO to make a decision to award, deny or, revoke ,a gun ownership license based on the reason (s) given. However, most
  47. Were unmoved by Bell's arguments, and it appeared as if Congress was going to, revoke ,the NFL's implementation of the draft. Faced with Congress becoming more
  48. Designs. One could leave the power to create (and certify) keys as well as, revoke ,them in the hands of each user, and the original PGP design did so, but this
  49. Subjugated. In 1993 the Indigenous Law Institute called on Pope John Paul II to, revoke ,Inter Camera and to make reparation for" this unreasonable historical grief "
  50. That revoke s the old one, but this requires co-location of both authority to, revoke ,and to generate new keys. It is most likely a system-wide failure if the (

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