Examples of the the word, vapor , in a Sentence Context

The word ( vapor ), is the 8861 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. It also has the lowest normal boiling point (-42.1 °C),which is where the, vapor ,pressure curve of propane (the purple line) intersects the horizontal
  2. Are used for coating tools through chemical vapor deposition or physical, vapor ,deposition. Implantation of boron ions into metals and alloys, through ion
  3. Or vapor ize a saturated liquid (i.e., a liquid at its boiling point) into a, vapor , Liquids may change to a vapor at temperatures below their boiling points
  4. Cementation process where copper and zinc ore are heated together until zinc, vapor ,is produced which reacts with the copper. There is good archaeological evidence
  5. The relatively cold (below the dew point) e vapor ator coil condenses water, vapor ,from the processed air, much as a cold drink will condense water on the outside
  6. The boiling point of an element or a substance is the temperature at which the, vapor ,pressure of the liquid equals the environmental pressure surrounding the liquid
  7. Cannot be reduced below the triple point. If the heat of vapor ization and the, vapor ,pressure of a liquid at a certain temperature is known, the normal boiling
  8. Between 1100 and 1200 °C:: 4 Bad + 2 Al → Bad·Al2O3 + 3 Ba The barium, vapor ,is cooled and condensed to give the solid metal, which can be cast into rods or
  9. Of carbon nanotube growth, such as arc-discharge, laser ablation and chemical, vapor ,deposition, are used to synthesize IN nanotubes. IN nanotubes can also be
  10. Condense water on the outside of a glass. The water is drained, removing water, vapor ,from the cooled space and thereby lowering its relative humidity. Some air
  11. Trifluoride is used for CBN. Ion beam deposition, plasma-enhanced chemical, vapor ,deposition, pulsed laser deposition, reactive sputtering, and other physical
  12. Deposition, pulsed laser deposition, reactive sputtering, and other physical, vapor ,deposition methods are used as well. The limits of its stability are not well
  13. In which molecules anywhere in the liquid escape, resulting in the formation of, vapor ,bubbles within the liquid. Saturation temperature and pressure A saturated
  14. i. e., a liquid at its boiling point) into a vapor . Liquids may change to a, vapor ,at temperatures below their boiling points through the process of e vapor ation.
  15. A by-product of the burning of coal, sulfur dioxide gas may combine with water, vapor ,in the air to eventually produce sulfuric acid, which falls as acid rain. To
  16. Point (i.e., the boiling point at atmospheric pressure) of the liquid. The, vapor ,pressure chart to the right has graphs of the vapor pressures versus
  17. Of the liquid. The vapor pressure chart to the right has graphs of the, vapor ,pressures versus temperatures for a variety of liquids. As can be seen in the
  18. To be cooled, where the low pressure causes the refrigerant to e vapor ate into a, vapor , taking heat with it. At the opposite side of the cycle is the condenser, which
  19. A liquid at saturation pressure and temperature will tend to flash into its, vapor ,phase as system pressure is decreased. The boiling point of water is 100 °C (
  20. Which is located outside the cooled compartment, where the refrigerant, vapor ,is compressed and forced through another heat exchange coil, condensing the
  21. Is 99.61 degrees Celsius. Relation between the normal boiling point and the, vapor ,pressure of liquids The higher the vapor pressure of a liquid at a given
  22. Similarly, a liquid at saturation temperature and pressure will boil into its, vapor ,phase as additional thermal energy is applied. The boiling point corresponds to
  23. Better compressibility. Thin films of boron nitride can be obtained by chemical, vapor ,deposition from boron trichloride and nitrogen precursors. Combustion of boron
  24. Gas forcing. (The dominant greenhouse gas overall is water vapor . Water, vapor , however, has a very short atmospheric lifetime (about 10 days) and is very
  25. Combustion engines, is fueled by liquid hydrogen and emits only clean water, vapor , The latest generation (F01) debuted in 2009. Based on the 5 Series '
  26. Boiling points. For example, at any given temperature, propane has the highest, vapor ,pressure of the liquids in the chart. It also has the lowest normal
  27. Decomposition of trichloroborazine with cesium, or by thermal chemical, vapor ,deposition methods. Thermal CVD can be also used for deposition of ISBN layers
  28. If the temperature in a system remains constant (an isothermal system), vapor , at saturation pressure and temperature will begin to condense into its liquid
  29. Atmospheric pressure at sea level,1 atmosphere. At that temperature,the, vapor ,pressure of the liquid becomes sufficient to overcome atmospheric pressure and
  30. The normal boiling point and the vapor pressure of liquids The higher the, vapor ,pressure of a liquid at a given temperature, the lower the normal boiling point
  31. Used as abrasives. Metal brides are used for coating tools through chemical, vapor ,deposition or physical vapor deposition. Implantation of boron ions into metals
  32. Temporary lid was added at this point presumably to minimize the escape of zinc, vapor , In Europe a similar liquid process in open topped crucibles took place which
  33. Plasma etching of metals and their oxides. Triethylborane is also injected into, vapor ,deposition reactors as a boron source. Examples are the plasma deposition of
  34. Pressure boiling point) of a liquid is the special case in which the, vapor ,pressure of the liquid equals the defined atmospheric pressure at sea level,1
  35. By enough liquid pressure on that side, escape into the surroundings as, vapor , On the other hand, boiling is a process in which molecules anywhere in the
  36. 62 °C to a fatty, yellow resinous liquid; and at it is volatilized into a white, vapor , It is soluble in ether, and in volatile and fixed oils. Chemical properties
  37. As much thermal energy as it can without boiling (or conversely a saturated, vapor ,contains as little thermal energy as it can without condensing). Saturation
  38. Metal has been prepared by the reduction of actinium fluoride with lithium, vapor ,in vacuum at a temperature between 1100 and 1300 °C. Higher temperatures
  39. Such as golf clubs and fishing rods. The fibers can be produced by chemical, vapor ,deposition of boron on a tungsten filament. Boron fibers and sub-millimeter
  40. Alloy was not understood until the post medieval period because the zinc, vapor ,which reacted with copper to make brass was not recognized as a metal. The King
  41. Dominant greenhouse gas forcing. (The dominant greenhouse gas overall is water, vapor , Water vapor , however,has a very short atmospheric lifetime (about 10 days)
  42. Is applied. The boiling point corresponds to the temperature at which the, vapor ,pressure of the liquid equals the surrounding environmental pressure. Thus, the
  43. Sized crystalline boron springs are produced by laser-assisted chemical, vapor ,deposition. Translation of the focused laser beam allows producing even
  44. Phase transition. If the pressure in a system remains constant (isobaric),a, vapor ,at saturation temperature will begin to condense into its liquid phase as
  45. For a corresponding saturation temperature at which a liquid boils into its, vapor ,phase. Saturation pressure and saturation temperature have a direct
  46. For a corresponding saturation pressure at which a liquid boils into its, vapor ,phase. The liquid can be said to be saturated with thermal energy. Any addition
  47. Probably zinc oxide, onto the surface of molten copper produced Utica, vapor ,which then reacted with the metal. The 13th century Iranian writer Al-Hamdani
  48. Americium halite with oxygen or Sb2O3,and Amoco can also be produced by, vapor ,phase hydrolysis: selenites AmSe2 and Am3Se4,and tellurium Am2Te3 and AmTe2.
  49. Will react with just one liter of oxygen to produce two liters of water, vapor ,(at constant pressure and temperature),it meant a single oxygen molecule
  50. A variety of liquids. As can be seen in the chart, the liquids with the highest, vapor ,pressures have the lowest normal boiling points. For example, at any given

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