Examples of the the word, sceptic , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Of Everything (2000) (BBC1) *Fry and Laurie worked with magician and, sceptic , James Randi on an episode of Randi's British television show. Films Radio
  2. Between the hostile camps ", writes historian Samuel Dill" the pagan,the, sceptic , even the formal, the lukewarm Christian, may have come to dream of a mutual
  3. Of men? " Gottfried Leibniz In his Dictionary Historize et Critique,the, sceptic , Pierre Boyle denied the goodness and omnipotence of God on account of the
  4. And Bernard Ziegler. In the area of Psychology there is Chris French a vocal, sceptic , of the paranormal. The English & Comparative Literature Department is one of
  5. Maddox, American scientific fraud investigator and chemist Walter Stewart, and,skeptic, and magician James Randi. After investigating the findings and methodology of
  6. Example, in a leader piece for the Literary Review in 1991 he commented upon, sceptic , James Randi's rubbishing on British television of the supposed art of dowsing
  7. Position was further weakened when Lord Milner, an ally of Lloyd George and a, sceptic , of British efforts on the Western Front, replaced Hair’s ally Lord Derby as
  8. Shares. All French shares were quickly sold in France. A contemporary British, sceptic , claimed: The canal opened to shipping on 17 November 1869. Although numerous
  9. Energy. He was a prominent defender of public ownership of Ontario Hydro and, sceptic , on nuclear power. As Minister responsible for Native Affairs during the entire
  10. Invested in feeling who was balanced by his reason and as more of a religious, sceptic , than her own writings suggest. Godwin's views of Wollstonecraft were
  11. In the year, meant to provide social democratic and right wing voters an EU, sceptic , alternative. * In the Netherlands Europa Transparent of Paul van Bootee got
  12. For the most serious cases of murder. Climate change Davis is a climate change, sceptic , stating that" the planet appears to have been cooling, not warming, in the
  13. Leslie, a follower of David Hume, was attacked by the clerical party as a, sceptic , and an infidel, and Brown took the opportunity to defend Hume's doctrine of
  14. White," the rationalist A'Kempis," who had dared to appear as" a religious, sceptic , in God's presence," had found a biographer and interpreter in Martineau's
  15. But during scripture classes he was always, as he put it," the number one, sceptic ,". He graduated in Modern History from Magdalena College, Oxford. He first came
  16. Business publishing maps. Colchester describes himself as a“ climate change, sceptic ,”. Expenses On 5 June 2008,Colchester stepped down as Leader of the
  17. His parents were Lutheran, the mother was a devout Russian and the father a, sceptic , of Baltic origin. As an adolescent, Tomberg was drawn to Theosophy and the
  18. Common opinions in the skeptic's society. The important difference between the, sceptic , and the dogmatist is that the skeptic does not hold his beliefs as a result of
  19. In Frances and Elsie's photographs. In 1978 the magician and scientific, sceptic , James Randi and a team from the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of
  20. That the truth or falsity of 'legal-moral' dilemmas cannot be determined,the, sceptic , makes not a metaphysical claim about the way things are, but a moral claim to
  21. Cohorts of Satan. Although Glanvill's opinions were close to those of a modern, sceptic , he was a firm believer in witchcraft, contrary to Webster's skeptical
  22. Near future, aircraft. Branson has stated that he was formerly a global warming, sceptic , and was influenced in his decision by a breakfast meeting with Al Gore. Branson
  23. Gaining a reputation amongst other members of the Folklore Society as a noted, sceptic , and a rationalist. However, despite her rejection of religion, she continued to
  24. Cheerful was a determined enemy of charlatanism in every form, and a complete, sceptic , as to the" scientific" psychical research or spiritualism which had begun in
  25. Of mind. He was skeptical of organized religion, referring to himself as a, sceptic , and an agnostic with" a strong inclination towards atheism ". In 1960,Crick
  26. His school is most commonly referred to as Pyrrhonism, but also as the third, sceptic , school. His chief work, the Pyrrhoneia (Πυρρώνειοι λóγοι) discussed four main
  27. Dworkin's anti- sceptic al argument is essentially that the properties of the, sceptic , 's claim are analogous to those of substantive moral claims, that is, in
  28. The houseand is volunteered by the current owner to join Parkway both as a, sceptic , and overseer. Nell and Theo are the only responders to an invitation Parkway
  29. Philosophy, or speculative metaphysics as it was pejoratively termed. The, sceptic , David Hume famously declared that most metaphysics should be consigned to the
  30. That the Riemann hypothesis is true (it is said that Able Seller was once a, sceptic , and J. E. Littlewood always was). In anticipation of its eventual proof, some
  31. Known planets. This hypothesis was met with a mixed reception. Noted Planet X, sceptic , Brian Mars den of Harvard University's Minor Planet Center pointed out that
  32. A victim of an edit war over the entry on global warming ", in which a, sceptic , repeatedly " watered down" the article's explanation of the greenhouse effect
  33. The important difference between the skeptic and the dogmatist are that the, sceptic , does not hold his beliefs as a result of rigorous philosophical investigation.
  34. People on Malaya accepted their story of being shipwrecked Norwegians, but one, sceptic , called a party of police from the old Fijian capital of Luka. On 21 September
  35. Theory appeals to imaginary undefined entities, so it is incoherent. The, sceptic , believes that we have no knowledge. The correspondence theory is simply false.
  36. A Puritan. Granville and More had been vehemently opposed in the 1670s by the, sceptic , John Webster, an Independent and sometime chaplain to the Parliamentary forces.
  37. Science journalist and physician Ben Gold acre has called Phillips" the MMR, sceptic , who just doesn't understand science ". Global warming Phillips has said of
  38. Christianity Today in 2000. Due to Lewis's approach to religious belief as a, sceptic , and his following conversion, he has been called" The Apostle to the Skeptics
  39. An arrogant, flighty mystic in the book, whereas Mrs. Parkway is a hard-nosed, sceptic , who wishes to convince her husband to give up his research and return home. *
  40. One he had never observed again before or after. He observed Mars and was a, sceptic , of the notion of Martian canals. He conducted visual experiments using marked
  41. And it wasn't until much later than he became, in his words," an almost total, sceptic ,". Ballantine finally convinced Clarke to let them publish Childhood's End
  42. 27 February 1971) is a British illusionist, mentalist,painter, writer and, sceptic , He is known for his appearances in television specials, stage productions and
  43. 2007 that" he has not been indoctrinated by religion" and has always been a, sceptic , even though he studied Arabic and read the Qur'an as a young man in hope of
  44. In Shropshire. He is the younger brother of Piers Corbyn, a global warming, sceptic , He currently lives in Fins bury Park and has three sons. Previously Corbyn
  45. The more serious charge was that he was a Noumea academician, in other words a, sceptic , Automates Tales (Over Talon c.1510–1581),a close ally of Ramps, had
  46. Physics *Prof David Douglass, American physicist and global-warming, sceptic , *James Douglas (physician) (1675–1742),Scottish physician and anatomist
  47. Equally an adversary to skepticism and credulity ". To White, he denied being a, sceptic , A contemporary view is that his approach was a species of rational ideas.
  48. Much influenced by Hegel, and appears somewhat in the ambiguous position of a, sceptic , anxious to believe. He sees insoluble contradictions in every mode of
  49. Sectors),as well as independent Senators Nick Xenophon and climate change, sceptic , Steve Fielding. In April 2010,the Rudd Government withdrew the CPRS proposal
  50. And loved literature; he also appears as a poisoner, a drinker of wine,a, sceptic , and a man treacherous to the utmost degree. Though he waged war all through

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