Examples of the the word, nephew , in a Sentence Context

The word ( nephew ), is the 8850 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Accept his brother Hisham's accession to the throne. Returned to challenge his, nephew ,in 796,captured and executed in 800. * Omar (? – before 758) Captured in
  2. The computer science building. Centenary commemoration, with Alan Turing's, nephew ,Sir John Dermot Turing acting as CAC Honorary President. Events are scheduled
  3. Any of his previous works. The Bad Sleep Well, based on a script by Kurosawa's, nephew ,Mike Income, is a revenge drama about a young man who climbs the hierarchy of a
  4. Ordered and forced Tiberius to adopt Germanic us, who happened to be Tiberius's, nephew , as his son and heir. Germanic us was a favorite of his great-uncle Augustus
  5. King around 401 BC, at the age of about forty. In addition to questions of his, nephew ,'s paternity, Agesilaus' succession was largely due to the intervention of his
  6. Chose to become a Republic, under the Presidency of Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, nephew ,of Napoleon Bonaparte, and son of Napoleon's brother, who had been installed
  7. Name is Achmea III. For several years I was Sultan; I dethroned my brother; my, nephew ,dethroned me; they cut off the heads of my viziers; I am ending my days in the
  8. Decisively defeated two larger Persian armies, one was led by Khulna Khan (, nephew ,of Grain) and the other by RUSTA Khan. The armies were sent by Sultan Human
  9. De Chile, and he was eventually elected as the first dean. Long was the, nephew ,of composer Carmela McKenna. In physics and optics, the Abbé number, also
  10. Of which the sultan was forced to give up the throne. Ahmed voluntarily led his, nephew ,Mahmud I (1730–54) to the seat of sovereignty and paid allegiance to him as
  11. Where he was adopted by Augustus on the condition that he, in turn, adopt his, nephew ,Germanic us. This continued the tradition of presenting at least two generations
  12. On an expedition to Sardinia ordered by France under Paolis's nephew , but the, nephew ,had secret orders from Pauli to make sure the expedition failed. The leader was
  13. Against him while he has not transgressed against him, Ajatasattu is still his, nephew , He released Ajatasattu and did not harm him. Upon his return, the Buddha says
  14. And Marple, introducing Mabel West (daughter of Miss Marple's mystery-writer, nephew ,Raymond West, a canonical Christie character) and her duck Oliver as new
  15. With the direction the academy took after control passed to Plato's, nephew ,Speusippus upon his death, although it is possible that he feared
  16. Who died in 1804. Andrew Jackson Hutchins was Rachel's orphaned grand, nephew , Caroline Butler, Eliza Butler, Edward Butler, and Anthony Butler were the
  17. Cut off the heads of my viziers; I am ending my days in the old seraglio; my, nephew , Sultan Mahmoud, sometimes allows me to travel for my health, and I have come
  18. Sent him off on an expedition to Sardinia ordered by France under Paolis's, nephew , but the nephew had secret orders from Pauli to make sure the expedition failed
  19. Asgard, on the other hand, was embraced by the new pope and the pope's, nephew , Camillo Camphill. Algardi's portraits were highly prized, and their formal
  20. In May 2009 and died of metastatic esophageal cancer on 12 October 2010. Her, nephew , Rev Roger Widdecombe, is an Anglican priest. She has never married nor had any
  21. Greek physician, tutor of Galen * Tiberius Plautus Silva nus Alliance, adopted, nephew , of Plastic Urgulanilla, first wife of Claudius; consul 45 and 74 AD * Alliance
  22. Great-grand nephew and adoptive great-grandson of the Emperor Tiberius, nephew ,of the Emperor Caligula, as well as great- nephew and stepson of the Emperor
  23. Instead, London was part of the kingdom of Essex, ruled by Æthelberht's, nephew ,Albert of Essex, who converted to Christianity in 604. The historian S.
  24. Of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. * 527 – Byzantine Emperor Justin I names his, nephew ,Justinian I as co-ruler and successor to the throne. *1293 – Robert Winchelsea
  25. The service of his second wife. Constantine was forced to become a monk by his, nephew ,Androids III Palaiologos. **Eudora Palaiologina. Only legitimate daughter of
  26. Of the modern Gregorian Calendar),where he is commemorated together with his, nephew ," Righteous Lot ". The other is on the" Sunday of the Forefathers" ( two
  27. She benefits in her old age from the financial support of Raymond West, her, nephew , ( A Caribbean Mystery,1964). She demonstrates a remarkably thorough education
  28. Became vizier, although he himself died in March, and was succeeded by his, nephew ,Saladin. Amalia became alarmed and sent Frederick de la Roche, Archbishop of
  29. September/November 1204,Andrew took over the government of the kingdom as his, nephew ,'s tutor, and he also seized the money his brother had deposited on behalf of
  30. Family of consular rank. Through his mother Antonia Major, Domitius was a great, nephew ,of Augustus, first cousin to Claudius, and second cousin to Agrippina and
  31. By his brother Polyphony, and Polyphony, in 369 BC murdered by Alexander—his, nephew , according to Plutarch, who relates also that Alexander worshiped the spear he
  32. The rest of her days there in prayer. On her way to Burgundy to support her, nephew ,Rudolf III against a rebellion, she died at Self Abbey on December 16,999
  33. Of the atomic attack on Nagasaki is visited by her half-Japanese, half-American, nephew , Clark (Richard Gere),who appears (at least to some viewers) to apologize
  34. Served twice as consul. He was the adopted grandson and biological great, great, nephew , of the historian Sallust. Little is known on their relationship. In the first
  35. Raj. Aligarh was founded in 1765 by Human Singh, a Bundle Rapt who was the, nephew ,of Raja Paar Singh of Jaipur. After Aligarh was captured by the British in
  36. Married and has no close living relatives. Vicarage introduced Miss Marple's, nephew , the" well-known author" Raymond West. His wife Joan (initially called Joyce
  37. Piety, clemency,and justice. " Further, his desire to have his, nephew ,Marcus Claudius Marcellus follow in his footsteps and eventually assume the
  38. Rome in 1625 with an introduction from the Duke of Mantra to the late pope's, nephew , Cardinal Ludovic Ludovic, who employed him for a time in the restoration of
  39. The young artist to Venice, whither he accordingly went, and was placed under a, nephew ,of Torrent. With this instructor he continued about a year, studying with the
  40. Was elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame by the veterans Committee in 1939. His, nephew , also named Albert Spalding, was a renowned violinist. The Africa Alphabet (
  41. On the battlefield at Pandora he compared his fortunes to those of his famous, nephew ,and said that the latter" waged war against women ". Alexander Balls (Greek)
  42. He also vanquished Alfonso VII of León, came to the rescue of his mother, whose, nephew , he was, and thus freed the kingdom from political dependence on the crown of
  43. Kaczyński resurrected the plot point of Aunt May discovering her, nephew ,was Spider-Man, and returned Mary Jane, with the couple reuniting in The
  44. A role for an American movie star: Richard Gere, who plays a small role as the, nephew ,of the elderly heroine. Shooting took place in early 1991,with the film
  45. Life Alexios was the son of Ioannis Comments and Anna Lassen, and the, nephew ,of Isaac I Comments (emperor 1057–1059). Alexios' father declined the throne
  46. Then in anthropology. Most commentators consider Marcel Mass (1872–1950), nephew , of the influential sociologist Émile Durkheim, to be the founder of the French
  47. A conflict ensued over who would be the next Raja. Aurangzeb's choice of a, nephew ,of the former Maharajah was not accepted by other members of Aswan Singh's
  48. Murder of Roger Across, for example, Poirot talks about a mentally disabled, nephew ,: this proves to be a ruse so that he can find out about homes for the mentally
  49. Was Jochebed's cousin, but the Magnetic text states that he was Jochebed's, nephew , Textual scholars attribute the biblical genealogy to the Book of Generations
  50. 1487). Guizot died in the year 10 Rabbit (1502) and was succeeded by his, nephew , Moctezuma II. Guizot took his name from the animal Guizot, but it appears

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