Examples of the the word, envisage , in a Sentence Context

The word ( envisage ), is the 8863 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And Russian Earth Science Schools, find resonance in the modern theories which, envisage ,hot spots/mantle plumes in the mantle which remain fixed and are overridden by
  2. For experienced SF readers to slot into their perception of future history and, envisage ,the background to the tale without the writers having to expend time and space
  3. Purer” form of personal rule than others, and in this sense it is possible to, envisage ,an abstract scale of personal rule. The Gambia—though occupying a low
  4. To see the tremendous range of its variations. From that, they commenced to, envisage ,it as a totality, as no historian of one period or of a single people was
  5. Fantasies to wishes ... but consider all other imaginable emotions '; and thus, envisage ,emotional fantasies as a possible means of moving beyond stereotypes to more
  6. Of chaos" were less likely to gain the appreciation of a wider audience" who, envisage ,art as a bulwark against the irrationality of man's nature. " As he summarized
  7. Down version of protectionism, and would not benefit communities as proponents, envisage , Albert Rust (1818 – April 4,1870) was a member of the United States House
  8. Mutually exclusive. The paper noted that" it requires little imagination to, envisage ,the experiments involved actually being made ", ( the CHSH form) is especially
  9. Agreed in principle on the outline of a successor to the Kyoto Protocol. They, envisage ,a global cap-and-trade system that would apply to both industrialized nations
  10. According to the researchers. Sub-strategic use The above examples, envisage ,nuclear warfare at a strategic level,i.e. total war. However, many nuclear
  11. Paper on airport development and the strategic Thames Gateway development, that, envisage , the airport playing an important role in travel to the 2012 London Olympics in
  12. To discuss verbally, he sees the role of such things as relative. One way to, envisage ,this approach is that the method constitutes a thematic germ, a starting-point
  13. Monumental reference book # an extreme-longevity micro-etched disc Plans, envisage ,the global distribution of significant numbers of these discs with protective
  14. Breach the Articles. The Government, however,responded that the Articles did, envisage ,a change in the election of representative peers. It was argued that some
  15. Line as the firm southern boundary of Milton Keynes). Milton Keynes Council, envisage ,further housing development and a new Science Park on Woodley's Farm, south of
  16. 2004,Satchell announced that he had joined the Green Party but that he did not, envisage ,standing as a candidate in any future election. However, in 2007,he was
  17. And Derry to be reduced by up to 30 minutes. As part of this plan, Translink, envisage ,an hourly service to Derry, with a half-hourly service to Ballerina. In
  18. Other important indoor building materials and finishes. Several initiatives, envisage ,to reduce indoor air contamination by limiting VOC emissions from products.
  19. The Railway Procurement Agency has stated (November 2006) that" We still, envisage ,conversion of almost all Lucas lines to light metro standard in the long-term. "
  20. Can be used in radiation therapy to kill cancer cells. Future use One can, envisage ,beta voltaic cells to supply power to consumer electronic devices such as
  21. Provides domestic and international connections by coach. Current plans, envisage ,a trans-European rail link from Tallinn to Warsaw via Riga financed by the
  22. And are unlikely to make any decisions this year at least. Certainly I don't, envisage ,us selecting anyone on a permanent basis for several series. " It was announced
  23. Tournaments use a number of different time control systems. All common systems, envisage ,a single main period of time for each player for the game, but they vary on the
  24. Intelligence coming in about the new American B-29 bomber led the Luftwaffe to, envisage ,a pressing need for an effective high-altitude interceptor. Messerschmidt
  25. e. g.,'if Oswald had not shot Kennedy, then someone else would have '. They, envisage ,the conjecture 'Oswald did not shoot Kennedy and someone else did' and they
  26. July 1974. Independence Even as late as 1970,the British Protectorate did not, envisage ,independence for the Solomon Islands in the foreseeable future but shortly
  27. Known Christian document, the First Epistle to the Thessalonians, Paul seems to, envisage ,that he and the Christians he was writing to would see the resurrection of the
  28. War I Pre-war planning for the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) did not, envisage ,any intermediate headquarters between GHQ and the six infantry divisions, but
  29. Reached. Today, the sea has retreated about 1.2 km, making it more difficult to, envisage ,the concept in its original setting. James of St. George's plan was a triumph;
  30. For" fishing expeditions ". Database extent and access Home Office forecasts, envisage ,that" 265 government departments and as many as 48,000 accredited private
  31. Of the governing party and Prime Minister. It appears Michael Dobbs did not, envisage ,writing the second and third books. The screenplay of the BBC's dramatization
  32. Of the" rash promise ", in which an oath is made that the person does not, envisage ,having to fulfill. The earliest examples of the" rash promise" motif are
  33. Information about the wave fronts apparent rate of change of position. If you, envisage ,a light pulse in a wave guide (glass tube) moving across an observers field
  34. Assembly of the viaduct. However, according to the minister, he did not, envisage ,building a counterpart in People's Republic of China. * The cabinet of the
  35. Measure of autonomy for that area, or those areas, than the Greek side could, envisage , 1975–1979 On April 28, 1975,Kurt Waldheim, the UN Secretary-General, launched
  36. Materials about the nations through which he imagined he was passing,to, envisage ,as accurate a picture as possible. Meticulously calculating every meter
  37. Of the common people, roads,public baths and the covered drainage system, envisage ,the life of a community living in a highly organized manner. This civilization
  38. Stating Bose's overall leadership of India. He was also, however,prepared to, envisage ,an invasion of India via the USSR by Nazi troops, spearheaded by the Azad Hind
  39. Is not known whether he intended there to be further editions, although he did, envisage ,translation of Latin enactments into Greek. Legislation about religion Numerous
  40. Seventeenth century and later, such as the Pontificate Romanus, continued to, envisage ,the altar as freestanding. The rite of the Dedication of the Church continued
  41. Of monstrous form, sculptors and vase-painters of the fifth century began to, envisage ,her as being beautiful as well as terrifying. In an ode written in 490 BC
  42. Capra's movies projected more despair deep down than a movie like Rocky could, envisage , and most previous ring movies have been much more cynical about the fight
  43. Death in 1902. The failures of the Freemasons, in his mind, later caused him to, envisage ,his own secret society with the goal of bringing the entire world under British
  44. Place of worship, or temple, of the Bahá'í Faith. The teachings of the religion, envisage ,Houses of Worship being surrounded by a number of dependencies dedicated to
  45. Kickers Armstrong's for the purpose. By early February 1943,Wallis had come to, envisage ,Highball as" comprising a 500 lb 227 kg charge in a cylinder contained in a
  46. Purpose. An acre is approximately 40 % of a hectare. Perhaps the easiest way to, envisage ,an acre is as a rectangle measuring 88 yards by 55 yards (1/10 of 880 yards by
  47. Processing gives rise to particular mental states (cognitivism) whilst others, envisage ,a direct path back into the external world in the form of action (radical
  48. Jacques Chirac remarked:: As far as France is concerned, we are ready to, envisage ,everything that can be done under UNHCR 1441. ... But I repeat that every
  49. Self-determination for Ghana, hapū and WWI within their own land ". Some Tahoe, envisage ,self-determination in specifically disoriented terms. Problems of
  50. In the fragile Weimar Republic. Further, he is noted as one of the first to, envisage ,European economic integration. Arguably, his most notable achievement was

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