Examples of the the word, unanimously , in a Sentence Context

The word ( unanimously ), is the 8857 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To accompany the bishop's messenger, and to tell him that the people were, unanimously ,inclined to accept his proposal and at the same time to tell him that, whilst
  2. 26 May 1973,Chile’s Supreme Court, which was opposed to Allende's government, unanimously ,denounced the Allende disruption of the legality of the nation. Although
  3. Megalithic culture, which built dolmens and menhirs. The unsafe towers are, unanimously ,considered the best preserved and largest megalithic remains in Europe. Their
  4. In the Doctrine and Covenants. *October 10, 1880 - The Pearl of Great Price was, unanimously ,accepted as scripture. Also at that time, other revelations in the Doctrine and
  5. Desired a council. Yet when he proposed the idea to his cardinals, it was, unanimously ,opposed. Nonetheless, he sent nuncios throughout Europe to propose the idea.
  6. Majority voting in some areas, unanimity in others. Usually where it operates, unanimously , it needs only consult the Parliament. However, in most areas the ordinary
  7. On the May 21, 1787,William Samuel Johnson, the son of Dr. Samuel Johnson, was, unanimously , elected President of Columbia College. Prior to serving at the University
  8. In 1819, he was nominated to be a commissioner of lighthouses. In 1823, he was, unanimously ,elected a member of the academy, and in 1825 he became a member of the Royal
  9. 6,1830 - When the church was organized, the Bible and Book of Mormon were, unanimously ,accepted as scripture. *August 17, 1835 - Select revelations from Joseph Smith
  10. Court of California, in an opinion signed by Chief Justice Ronald M. George, unanimously ,held that" substantial evidence supports the determination of the trial court
  11. At the end of January 1648 a Cossack Radar was called and Khmelnytskyi was, unanimously ,elected a hetman. A feverish activity followed. Cossacks were sent with hetman
  12. Had not been accepted as scripture because they were received after 1835 were, unanimously ,accepted as scripture. *October 6,1890 - Official Declaration—1 was accepted
  13. The appointment of Sultan, says that Sultan was elected freely and, unanimously ,by the clergy and people. For whatever reason, Ealdred gave up the see of
  14. By Thomas Jefferson and presented by the committee, was slightly revised and, unanimously ,adopted by the entire Congress on July 4,marking the formation of a new
  15. State in the Bush administration, Powell was perceived as moderate. Powell was, unanimously ,voted in by the United States Senate. Over the course of his tenure he traveled
  16. Increasing autonomy. In August 1985 Aruba drafted a constitution that was, unanimously ,approved. On 1 January 1986,after elections were held for Aruba's first
  17. More than 17,000 and injuring 44,000. *2004 – The National Assembly of Serbia, unanimously ,adopts new state symbols for is adopted for the whole country. *2005 – The
  18. The Senate by an increased margin in the 1914 elections, Coolidge was reelected, unanimously ,to be President of the Senate. As the 1915 session ended,Coolidge's
  19. Cyril's letters (which included the twelve anathemas) as their criteria, unanimously ,determined it to be orthodox, and the Council, with few exceptions, supported
  20. Hitler by passing the Enabling act of 1933. Afterward it met only rarely to, unanimously ,rubber-stamp the decisions of the government. It last convened on 26 April
  21. 2006,the bans were made permanent by the AA CCA rules committee: The committee, unanimously ,voted for sweeping revisions to cheerleading safety rules, the most major of
  22. Of the first day. On October 26, 1993,the league announced that the owners had, unanimously ,voted for the Carolina's to receive the 29th franchise, the first new NFL team
  23. President of Pennsylvania Special balloting conducted October 18, 1785, unanimously , elected Franklin the sixth President of the Supreme Executive Council of
  24. United States have been further strained, after Congress of the United States, unanimously ,passed the Belarus Democracy Act of 2004. On 7 March 2008 the government of
  25. S Twelve Chapters were to be used as the orthodox standard. The committee, unanimously ,decided in favor of the orthodoxy of Leo, determining that what he said was
  26. Copper mines in the form of a constitutional amendment. The measure was passed, unanimously ,by Congress. As a result, the Richard Nixon administration organized and
  27. For a development agreement. In August 2010,the Alameda City Council voted, unanimously ,to deny SunCal's development proposal for Alameda Point. Many reasons were
  28. Prisoner issue. Although an audience vote was" too close to call ", Henry was, unanimously ,found guilty by the court on the basis of“ evolving standards of civil society
  29. Against slavery and involuntary servitude. However, the Supreme Court, unanimously ,upheld the constitutionality of the draft act in the case of Carver v. United
  30. An overwhelming victory in the Battle of Unique, and straight after was, unanimously ,proclaimed King of the Portuguese by his soldiers, establishing his equality in
  31. Of Organized Trades and Labor Unions (FOLK) of the United States and Canada, unanimously ,set 1 May 1886,as the date by which the eight-hour work day would become
  32. Academic were acknowledged with an extra 200 lives in pension. In 1765, he was, unanimously ,elected associate member of the Academic DES Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts
  33. Economic Union involves an intergovernmental cooperation. Decisions are taken, unanimously , The unification of the law of the three Benelux countries is mainly achieved
  34. The other side, the Croatian parliament, sitting at Cretin on January 1,1527, unanimously , elected Ferdinand Habsburg of Austria as King of Croatia. The area became
  35. 29 April 1977,Don Chip addressed an overflowing Perth Town Hall meeting which, unanimously ,passed a resolution to form a Centrelink Party, which Chip was invited to
  36. When he used physical" correction" he required that the students be, unanimously ,in support of its application, even including the student to be punished. The
  37. Full force invasion of Cuba and overthrow of Castro. The Joint Chiefs of Staff, unanimously ,agreed that a full-scale attack and invasion was the only solution. They
  38. Sections 137 and 138. *September 30, 1978 - Official Declaration—2 was accepted, unanimously ,as scripture. When a doctrine undergoes this procedure, the LDS Church treats
  39. Of a deaf-blind girl and followed their relationship. His performance was, unanimously ,praised by critics and audiences and won him his second National Film Award for
  40. For Kosovo on November 14, 2006. In 2008,the Armenian National Assembly voted, unanimously ,to double the peacekeeping force in Kosovo by sending an extra 34 peacekeepers
  41. Japan and South Korea. In December 2007,the US House of Representatives voted, unanimously ,400–0 to award Sung San Sub FYI the Congressional Gold Medal; the Senate
  42. Traitors. In 1776,representatives from each of the original 13 states voted, unanimously ,in the Second Continental Congress to adopt a Declaration of Independence
  43. Militia had trapped the main British army in Boston. The Pennsylvania Assembly, unanimously ,chose Franklin as their delegate to the Second Continental Congress. In June
  44. Athanasius to assume the bishopric after his death, it is said, he was not, unanimously ,supported, and questions of his age (the minimum age to become a bishop was
  45. Orthodox theologians who have scientifically examined the question have almost, unanimously ,come to the same conclusions and have declared themselves as accepting the
  46. Upon its initial publication in 1657,though scholars and critics have almost, unanimously ,rejected the attribution. Poetry * Translation of Book One of Lucan's
  47. Accepted as scripture. *October 6,1890 - Official Declaration—1 was accepted, unanimously ,as scripture. *April 3,1976 - Two visions were accepted as scripture and
  48. Of an Alaska fishery. In April 1994 the Pacific Fisheries Management Council, unanimously ,approved the strictest regulations in 18 years, banning all commercial salmon
  49. Bidding process as the 2009 season came to a close. Ultimately, the sale was, unanimously ,approved by MLB owners and the Ricketts family took control on October 27
  50. As scripture. *August 17, 1835 - Select revelations from Joseph Smith were, unanimously ,accepted as scripture. These were later printed in the Doctrine and Covenants.

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