Examples of the the word, cedar , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cedar ), is the 8865 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Roadsides, helping them to escape into the wild. Cryptomeria, the Japanese, cedar , is a conifer extensively grown for its timber; many seedlings can be found in
  2. Were a typical coastal British Columbia mix of Douglas fir, Western red, cedar ,and Western Hemlock. The area is thought to have had the largest trees of these
  3. Is a finely crafted and engineered element often made of spruce, red, cedar , or mahogany. This thin (often 2 or 3 mm thick) piece of wood, strengthened by
  4. Used is Cryptomeria (杉, sugi),which is also inaccurately known as Japanese, cedar , Sake casks are often tapped ceremonially for the opening of buildings
  5. Coastline on the Great Lakes, large tracts of state and national forests, cedar ,swamps, more than 150 waterfalls, and low population densities. Because of the
  6. Makes it his capital, and " Hiram king of Tyre sent messengers to David, and, cedar , trees,also carpenters and masons who built David a house. " David brings the
  7. Sole surviving remnants of UW's first building are four, white,hand-fluted, cedar , Ionic columns. They were salvaged by Edmond S. Meany--one of the University's
  8. From coniferous alpine and subalpine trees such as spruce, pine,and cedar , cedar ,in the extreme northern mountains, to deciduous trees such as the mulberry-type
  9. Of Any. The former tells the story of a noble who is robbed on his way to buy, cedar ,from Lebanon and of his struggle to return to Egypt. From about 700 BC
  10. Bas-relief (7th Century BC) shows the transportation of timber (most likely, cedar ,) from Lebanon. It is found in the palace built specifically for Sargon II
  11. And fauna When discovered, Bermuda was dominated by forests of the Bermuda, cedar ,(Junipers Bermudian),with mangrove swamps along its shores. Only 165 of
  12. Farmland with the native juniper (Junipers Bermudian, called Bermuda, cedar ,) trees that grew thickly over the whole island. Establishing effective control
  13. Maple, pear wood, rosewood,Grenada, or boxwood with a block of red, cedar ,wood. Plastic recorders are produced in large quantities. Plastics are cheaper
  14. Pandoc – sweet bread made with raisins, pine nuts and candied orange and, cedar ,skins * Vanessa and Farina ta – chickpea-based polecats and pancakes
  15. Some unique flora and fauna: prickly juniper (Junipers oxycedrus),Lebanese, cedar ,(Census Libyan),which grows in a small grove on Mount Meron, cyclamens
  16. Sound board. The sound board is typically made of tone woods such as spruce or, cedar , Timbers for tone woods are chosen for both strength and ability to transfer
  17. Of the ancient Calais DES Archenemies (now Muse DES Beaux arts),is a huge, cedar ,tree planted by Napoleon. The garden also has in an alcove a stuffed elephant
  18. This includes forests of conifers and broadleaved trees such as Minus brutal, cedar , cypresses and oaks. Ancient authors write that most of Cyprus, even Messaoria
  19. Would appear to have been cased in silver or brass. Besides Olive wood, elm, cedar , oak and cypress were used. A 5,000-year-old door has been found by
  20. Dwindling so that pencil manufacturers were forced to recycle the wood from, cedar ,fences and barns to maintain supply. Britain went as far as declaring the use
  21. 1/4 of the flag's surface, while the larger, middle band is white with a green, cedar ,tree fixed at its center and consists of 1/2 of the flag's surface. The white
  22. Ships sailed the Red Sea as far as the myrrh-country. " Sneferu's ancient, cedar ,wood ship Praise of the Two Lands is the first reference recorded (2613 BCE)
  23. Variety of valuable crops including cereals, rice and cotton, and woods such as, cedar ,and cork, are grown. Typical Mediterranean crops such as olives, figs,dates
  24. Uses. The hull and deck are built with thin strips of lightweight wood, often, cedar , pine or Redwood. The strips are edge-glued together around a form, stapled or
  25. Marble, granite or soapstone); other hardwoods (e.g., ash,oak, redwood and, cedar ,); metals (e.g., brass or pewter); ceramic clay, or even frosted glass or
  26. Red symbolizes the bloodshed for independence. The top and bottom of the, cedar ,touch the edge of both red bands. Holidays Lebanon has Christian and Muslim
  27. To discourage unnecessary sharpening. It was soon discovered that Incense, cedar , when dyed and perfumed to resemble Red Cedar, was a suitable alternative and
  28. With a strip of harder wood, such as an ebony strip running down the back of a, cedar ,neck. There is no tension adjustment on this form of reinforcement. Inlays
  29. Agricultural production met with only limited success, however. The Bermuda, cedar ,boxes used to ship tobacco to England were reportedly worth more than their
  30. Chris island (Ierapetra, Lasithi),which hosts the largest natural Lebanon, cedar ,forest in Europe. *Animalia island (Asia Galibi, Rethymno) where the god
  31. The principal trees are Douglas fir, red alder, bigleaf maple, western red, cedar , and western hemlock. Compared to the rest of western Washington state, vine
  32. O Lebanon, /so that fire may devour your cedar s! /Wail, O cypress, for the, cedar ,has fallen, for the glorious trees are ruined! /Ail, oaks of Ba shan, / for the
  33. Atlas Beetle (Chalcosoma atlas),a rhinoceros beetle species * Atlas Cedar,a, cedar ,tree sometimes included in Census Libyan, sometimes treated as species C.
  34. Now serve as the country's national emblem. However, centuries of trading, cedar ,trees, used by mariners for boats, and the absence of any efforts to replant
  35. 9,000 volumes, fine furniture, and still finer pictures. Paneling of oak and, cedar ,and carved ceilings relieved by coats of arms in their correct colors added to
  36. By local artists are sold at various galleries and elaborately hand-carved, cedar ,sculptures are another specialty. One such sculpture created by Bermudian
  37. As the" king of trees" in Book of Judges 9:8-15 and" the thistle and the, cedar ,tree" in II Kings 14:9. The varying corpus denoted Jessica or Aesop's Fables
  38. Cigars packaged in metal tubes will typically include a thin wrapping of, cedar , This may be used to light the cigar, eliminating the problem of lighters or
  39. Pandoc – sweet bread made with raisins, pine nuts and candied orange and, cedar ,skins * Vanessa and Farina ta – chickpea-based polecats and pancakes
  40. Among other unknown factors. It is said that Saussure radix from the Japan, cedar ,material of a barrel containing maturing sake comes to be valued, so the barrel
  41. Reaches down to 40–50 %. Forest were replanted after the war with spruce, pine, cedar , Siberian larch, oak,Norway maple, elm,America, ash,apple tree, mountain ash
  42. Was originally a model schoolhouse built in Sweden. Made of native pine and, cedar , it was disassembled and rebuilt in the U. S. as Sweden's exhibit for the 1876
  43. Range of niches with figures about. High with canopies over them, all carved in, cedar , The south door of Beauties Cathedral is in some respects the finest in France;
  44. Occupying the land, for timber-cutting (mainly iron bark and Australian red, cedar ,), lime production and grazing. Oxford itself was explored by Governor Phillip
  45. The Orcas were created when the hunter Natsihlane carved eight fish from yellow, cedar , sang his most powerful spirit song and commanded the fish to leap into the
  46. Vascular plant species are considered native, and of those 15,including the, cedar , are endemic. The only indigenous mammals of Bermuda are five species of bats
  47. Lodgepole pine, ponderosa pine; Douglas fir, larch,spruce; aspen, birch,red, cedar , hemlock, ash,alder; rocky mountain maple and cottonwood trees. Forests cover
  48. Of any efforts to replant them have depleted the country's once-flourishing, cedar ,forests. Government and politics Lebanon is a parliamentary democracy, which
  49. Sophisticated knowledge of astronomy. It included a Wooden, whose sacred, cedar ,poles were placed to mark the summer and winter solstices and fall and spring
  50. Finely crafted and engineered element made of tone woods such as spruce and red, cedar , This thin piece of wood, often only 2 or 3 mm thick, is strengthened by

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