Examples of the the word, tease , in a Sentence Context

The word ( tease ), is the 8862 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Wanda (Jennifer Baptist),and Julie (Cindy Mansion),who harass and, tease ,him constantly. The Mayor of Thomasville is Mayor Peter Bloody (Pat Ryan Jr.
  2. Her mother she found a good audience, although her brothers had a tendency to, tease ,her about her stories. Manchester was almost entirely dependent on a cotton
  3. Stage of the Iraq War. On 15 October 2005,he performed an impromptu strip, tease ,on Italy's most watched evening news program, removing his shirt and draping
  4. Who uses her newly discovered telekinetic powers to exact revenge on those who, tease ,her. King has commented that he finds the work to be" raw" and" with a
  5. Scot who wrote many articles, some of which drew on scientific knowledge to, tease ,out and illustrate Christian ideas. From the 11th century, however,scientific
  6. The tubers of sweet potato or taro that are her only food. The brothers, tease ,her by snatching them away, one by one, and upsetting her count. Eventually
  7. Nice, and always gets straight to the point when she talks. She can constantly, tease , or even beat up Oscar, but she loves him deep down (during the Proud Family
  8. Although the changes of the carbon cycle can make these effects difficult to, tease ,out. Other carbon-14 sources Carbon-14 can also be produced by other neutron
  9. Fairies threatening the peers. Act II The fairies have come to Westminster and, tease ,the unhappy peers with the success and pronouncements of MP Strep hon. As the
  10. Calling the magazine Facts. Hadden was a rather carefree figure, who liked to, tease ,Luce and saw Time as something important but also fun. That accounts for its
  11. To teach him, but he soon surpasses her. Charlie's co-workers also try to, tease ,him by making him work on a machine that they know he won't be able to work.
  12. Times and sometimes even sang lead vocals. During performances, Hagar would, tease ,Anthony by asking," Do the brothers know you're here? ". Anthony never played
  13. And British press baron, Lord Beaver brook. The agnostic Aiken liked to, tease ,the Methodist Bennett, whose fiery temper contrasted with Aitken's ability to
  14. Cannot suggest what specific rituals or beliefs were associated with it, we can, tease ,out basic spatial concepts. He notes that any ritual at Tilbury Hill would have
  15. And Barney herself. Brooks tolerated Barney's casual affairs well enough to, tease ,her about them, and had a few of her own over the years, but could become
  16. The Merlin Cycle, Zelazny wrote six Amber short stories, in which he began to, tease ,the threads of the story into a new configuration. The author died shortly
  17. Gender studies, queer studies, Holocaust studies and genocide studies to, tease ,out the axis at which they meet in social control specifically under National
  18. Cheerleader Patty Sim cox interrupts to prompt Sandy to join the squad and to, tease ,Danny about his latest indiscretions (" Rydell Fight Song" ). The kids take
  19. As lawyers. This is often done by altering the facts of a particular case to, tease ,out how the result might be different. This method encourages students to go
  20. It was over. Because of this, the NBC 2000 unit invented the“ squeeze and, tease ,” which squeezed the credits onto one third of the screen while the final
  21. Who does not drink, smoke,swear, or rat her hair, and the Pink Ladies, tease ,her about her attitude. Falls in love with Danny Zukor over the holidays.
  22. Man, and the earth, with a beginning, middle,and end. Ishmael proceeds to, tease ,from his pupil the premises of the story being enacted by the Takers: that they
  23. Possibility of" Penchant" tease the gambler to keep feeding the machine. To, tease ,him further, there is a ten (ceiling),a maximum limit on the number of
  24. Behaviour (see U and non-U English) — although this is something she saw as a, tease ,and she certainly never took seriously. However, the media have frequently
  25. For precocious Lucy, she soon surpasses his mental ability. Other children, tease ,her for having a" retard" as a father, and she becomes too embarrassed to
  26. Serious sources of historical study. In this view, historians do their best to, tease ,out later editorial additions (itself a very difficult task) and skeptically
  27. Anecdotes, researchers describe incidents in which wild killer whales playfully, tease ,humans by repeatedly moving objects that the humans are trying to reach, or
  28. Sadistic capriciousness reveals the prick behind the Phallus ... a narcissistic, tease ,who persuades by means of attraction and resistance, not by orderly systematic
  29. Cards, called flick cards, are used to flick the ends of a lock of fiber, or to, tease ,out some strands for spinning off. A pair of cards is used to brush the wool
  30. A crowd of women lined up outside a local club to see a Chippendale's strip, tease ,act. He gets the idea to form his own strip tease group using local men in
  31. The Duchess of Berry, to save a dancer who had come near her to intrigue and, tease ,her, threw the train of her gown over him, and it was soon revealed to her that
  32. Mother nags him into selling the cow, and Cinderella's stepmother and sisters, tease ,her about wanting to attend the King's festival. The Baker's neighbor, an
  33. For years, but let those who chart their lives by Dylan's cockeyed parables, tease ,out the details. I always go for tone, spirit,music. If Time Out of Mind was
  34. Delegation at an important joint workshop with UNT AET on 1 March 2000 to, tease ,out a new strategy, and identify institutional needs. The outcome was an agreed
  35. Lure of" Stock" waiting in the machine, and the possibility of" Penchant ", tease ,the gambler to keep feeding the machine. To tease him further, there is a ten
  36. A fantastic opportunity to shock everybody in England she’d discovered the best, tease ,of all. In a letter to her father Mitford wrote:" It was the most wonderful
  37. These studies tend to suffer from representative issues, and an inability to, tease ,out causal associations in the face of other (possibly unknown) intervening
  38. Mode, although for some verbs the stem forms differ (in the example" to play, tease ," above, the imperfection and the operative stems are the same). The
  39. Of the Grand Opera House, which was burnt to the ground in 1923 during a strip, tease ,performance by Blossom Seemed. After vaudeville's popularity waned, the
  40. Each of the nine subsequent story arcs. However, Gaiman attempted to entice and, tease ,readers by rationing out the number of appearances from Dream’s family, so
  41. Two different versions of Maggie. Hans Seller argued that it is impossible to, tease ,apart the changes Crane made for literary reasons and those made at the
  42. The mechanism of this operation, which plays upon the BDSM practice known as ", tease ,and denial ". Other common signifying footwear of the dominatrix are thigh-high
  43. Have five distinct verbs stem forms. For example, the verb meaning" to play, tease ," has the following five stem forms for the seven modes: The progressive and
  44. Is the guardian of the vines that form the pathway into the sky. The brothers, tease ,her by snatching them away, one by one, and upsetting her count. Eventually
  45. Imaginary friends, or " brownies ", to keep him company. Thorne’s brother would, tease ,him, telling him he had the power to kill off his brownies. Thorne would have
  46. Serious sources of historical study. In this view, historians do their best to, tease ,out later editorial additions (itself a very difficult task) and skeptically
  47. Against daylight;: an awkward clash; a delay; coquette: a flirtatious girl; a, tease ,; cordon sanitaire: a policy of containment directed against a hostile entity or
  48. When Lou served him jelly one night Harold suddenly remembered how Lou used to, tease ,him at school by calling him" Jelly Belly" and, presto,his memory was
  49. Elgar's lifetime. Possible musical themes Various musicians have tried to, tease ,out the hidden theme in the belief that it is a derivation of some well-known
  50. To see a Chippendale's strip tease act. He gets the idea to form his own strip, tease ,group using local men in hopes of making enough money to pay off his child

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