Examples of the the word, flute , in a Sentence Context

The word ( flute ), is the 8859 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Including a penny whistle from Paddy Molina of The Chieftains, an old Irish, flute ,from Matt Molly of The Chieftains, and a flute from Ian Anderson of Jethro
  2. Of sight (innate – being acted upon),while the capability of playing the, flute ,can be possessed by learning (exercise – acting). Actuality is the
  3. Bandleader; HOL) # Carla Ó Leonard (vocals) # Ever Mayo ck (tin whistle, flute , Lillian pipes) # Martin Russell (keyboards, producing,engineering
  4. Technique The bassoon is held diagonally in front of the player, but unlike the, flute , oboe and clarinet, it cannot be supported by the player's hands alone. Some
  5. And orchestra (1970) by Jean Dawdler *Concerto for Alford No. 2 (with, flute , string orchestra & percussion) (1983) by Dawdler *Dialogue with Nature
  6. 2237 *Francis Col pron, recorder,with Les Breads. (2007). Concertos for, flute , ATM Plastique: ACD2 2521 *Nederland Cameroon, with Harry van der Camp
  7. Second-generation Irish in London, played keyboards, piano,Cochran, and bamboo, flute , Despite the group's modest expectations for its first album, Sound Magic sold
  8. Have composed new pieces which are based upon study and performance of drum and, flute ,music from Japan, and the interpretation of music of contemporary Japanese
  9. The Donegal style and the rest of Ireland. Instruments such as the tin whistle, flute , concertina and accordion were very rare in Donegal until modern times.
  10. This was easy to do. Marshal could not do this as he only knew how to use the, flute ,and could not sing at the same time. Apollo was declared the winner because of
  11. Parton plays the autoharp, banjo,drums, dulcimer,fiddle, guitar,harmonica, flute , penny whistle and piano. She began composing songs at the age of four, her
  12. Occurrence of diatonic tuning is in the 45,000 year-old so-called" Neanderthal, flute ," (Dive Babe flute ) found at Dive Babe. Although there is no consensus that
  13. French horn, tuba,English horn, oboe, flute (sometimes especially the alto, flute ,and occasionally bass flute ),piccolo, timpani and synth strings or a
  14. Certain organ pipes, which create nearly sinusoidal/triangle waves (mostly, flute ,pipes),can be combined in the manner of additive synthesis: it's the
  15. 1894) was a Belgian musical instrument designer and musician who played the, flute ,and clarinet, and is best known for having invented the saxophone. Biography
  16. Made up of a clarinet plus a string quartet. * Wind quintet, consists of, flute , oboe, clarinet,bassoon, and horn. * Trio d'inches, or trio of reeds consists
  17. Outi" ), violin (" violin" ), lute (" layout" ), accordion,Cyprus, flute ,(" pithkiavlin" ) and percussion (including the" toumperleki" ). Composers
  18. Subject. Members; Original line-up * Tony Commit – lead guitar, keyboards, flute , ( 1969–2006) * Ozzy Osbourne – lead vocals, harmonica (1969–1977,1978–1979
  19. Ektara, a one-stringed instrument. Other instruments include the dotard, dhol, flute , and tabla. The region also has an active heritage in North Indian classical
  20. Of keys was named the Böhm System by its designer Hyacinth Close in honor of, flute ,designer Theobald Böhm, but it is not the same as the Böhm System used on
  21. Works include sinfonias, about 90 sonatas, and chamber music. Some sonatas for, flute , published as IL Pastor Fido, have been erroneously attributed to Vivaldi, but
  22. The usage of instruments found in symphony orchestras (piano, violin,cello, flute ,and keyboards),'clean' or operatic vocals and guitars with less distortion.
  23. Tuning is in the 45,000 year-old so-called" Neanderthal flute " ( Dive Babe, flute ,) found at Dive Babe. Although there is no consensus that this is a musical
  24. Trombone, clarinet,flügelhorn, French horn, tuba,English horn, oboe, flute , ( sometimes especially the alto flute and occasionally bass flute ),piccolo
  25. Guitars, synth ), Caxo (drums, indigenous percussion),and Bulldog (vocals, flute ,). Aztlan Underground appeared on television on Culture Clash on Fox in 1993
  26. The lyre) upside down. Marshal could not do this with his instrument (the, flute ,), and so Apollo hung him from a tree and flayed him alive. Cinemas Apollo also
  27. Percussion) (1983) by Dawdler *Dialogue with Nature for Alford, flute ,& orchestra by Dawdler *Beginning (???? ) for 3 alp horns and concert band, by
  28. Passages to create a single descending scale (examples: measure 143 in the, flute , m. 501 in the first violins). 2nd bassoon doubling basses in the finale
  29. Horn, oboe, flute (sometimes especially the alto flute and occasionally bass, flute ,), piccolo,timpani and synth strings or a full-blown string orchestra. Most
  30. Seychelles and Lang "Theobald/NP"> DE">Theobald Böhm, the inventor of the modern, flute , and countertenor Lang "Klaus/NHS"> DE">Klaus Naomi. * Modern musicians lang "
  31. Is also part of the standard wind quintet instrumentation, along with the, flute , oboe, clarinet,and horn; it is also frequently combined in various ways with
  32. Chris Hadfield, and Mick Pet tit (astronaut Don Pettit's wife). Coleman is a, flute ,player and has taken several flute s with her to the ISS, including a
  33. Choir" in their track," Pass the Mic ". The sample used is the six-second, flute ,stab. In short, the Beasties cleared the sample but obtained only the rights to
  34. Last set of songs, the Trios poems de Mallarme (1913),and of the Sonata for, flute , viola and harp (1915),though the sonata and its companions also recapture
  35. Wheels, filled with fire, with the rims pierced by holes like those of a, flute , Consequently, the Sun was the fire that one could see through a hole the same
  36. Two piano concerti, a concerto for organ written in 1773,a concerto for, flute , oboe and orchestra (1774),and a set of twenty-six variations on La follow
  37. Of which 230 are for violin, the others being for bassoon, cello,oboe, flute , viola d'more, recorder,lute, or mandolin. About 40 are for two instruments
  38. Of The Chieftains, an old Irish flute from Matt Molly of The Chieftains, and a, flute ,from Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull. On February 15, 2011,she played one of the
  39. Sofia Gubaidulina: Concerto for Bassoon and low strings (1975) **Concerto for, flute , oboe, clarinet,bassoon, harp and orchestra, **Concertina for bassoon and
  40. Instrument interpretation samples specially meant for the game (guitar, flute , oriental percussion),and electronic instruments also, making difficult the
  41. Music, with the possible exception of providing accompaniment to a soft baroque, flute , recorder, or single singer. J. S. Bach's son Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach was a
  42. Circe appears as a Backspin, and is conquered when an adventurer seizes her, flute ,whose magic music turns men into beasts. The Indian Circe had the habit of
  43. First violin alterations In the first movement, at times the first violins and, flute ,have ascending 7th leaps within mostly descending melodic phrases. Some
  44. An instrument with only one string. Other instruments include the dotard, dhol, flute ,and tabla. Bangladesh also has an active heritage in North Indian classical
  45. Orchestra, and a variety of" classical" solo instruments (for example, flute , piccolo, and so on. ). Disco songs were arranged and composed by experienced
  46. And given the title" The A. B. C., a German air with variations for the, flute ,with an easy accompaniment for the piano forte ". The musical arrangement was
  47. French writer (d. 1824) *1794 – Theobald Böhm, German inventor of the modern, flute ,(d. 1881) *1806 – Sambaed Kingdom Brunei, British engineer (d. 1859) *1821
  48. Gallons with the composer's approval - 1954/2011) **Quadruple Concerto for, flute , oboe, clarinet,bassoon and orchestra (1935) **Advertisement for bassoon
  49. American singer and songwriter (d. 2003) *1930 – Herbie Mann, American jazz, flute ,player (d. 2003) *1937 – George" The Animal" Steele, American professional
  50. Works: a concerto for oboe, violin and cello in D major (1770),and a, flute ,and oboe concerto in C major (1774). These works are among the most

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