Examples of the the word, visionary , in a Sentence Context
The word ( visionary ), is the 8852 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- In 1917. Contemporary opinions saw Rasputin variously as a saintly mystic, visionary , healer and prophet or, on the contrary, as a debauched religious charlatan.
- Charlemagne's family after the dissensions war (840–43) as the basis for a, visionary ,tale of Charles' meeting with a prophetic specter in a dream. Charlemagne
- Beyond all reckoning in the dream, of the remote in time and space – that, visionary ,presence of a vague and gorgeous and mysterious Past which brooded, as
- Ralph Hoffman, professor of psychology at Yale University, argues that, visionary ,and creative states including" hearing voices" are not necessarily signs of
- b. 1805) *1879 – Bernadette Dubious, Saint of the Roman Catholic Church and, visionary ,of Lourdes, France during 1858 (b. 1844) *1888 – Segment Florent Wróblewski
- Life, without drawings, but for the most part he was hailed as a great artistic, visionary ,:" The painters then in Rome were greatly taken by this novelty, and the young
- And an inspirational force who could also be a real prick ... Bianca was a, visionary , incendiary performer. " After the Dead Kennedy's disbanded,Biafra's new songs
- For the soaring flight and the evocative images of his poetry, which,in a, visionary ,fashion, reflects the conditions of our time. Guadeloupe has always had a rich
- Posit cross-time travel from one universe to another as anything more than a, visionary ,experience) is H. G. Wells' Men Like Gods (1923) in which several
- Died in Jackson, Mississippi,on February 4,2010,and was eulogized as a, visionary ,leader who lifted his people out of poverty with business and casinos built on
- Practice and Jewish background. He considered himself to have inherited the, visionary ,poetic mantle handed down from the English poet and artist William Blake, and
- Baseball player (b. 1943) * 2005 – Lucia Santos, Carmelite nun and Fatima, visionary ,(b. 1907) * 2005 – Maurice Indignant, French race car driver (b. 1917) *
- Conflating the personage of Ambrosia with the Welsh tradition of Merlin the, visionary , known for oracular utterances that foretold the coming victories of the native
- Allow deep sleep to occur, although it does lower brain patterns into a dreamy, visionary ,mode, known in magic as an astral plane experience. Mandrake root causes
- That asserts itself with a happy power and authenticity too often absent from, visionary ,poems set within the Christian tradition. " Humphrey House, in 1953,praised
- Disibodenberg in the Palatinate Forest in what is now Germany. Junta was also a, visionary ,and thus attracted many followers who came to visit her at the enclosure.
- S first elevated electrified railway. Liverpool inventor Frank Horny was a, visionary ,in toy development and manufacture and produced three of the most popular lines
- Of whose paintings were deeply invested in the solidity of natural forms. The, visionary ,landscape, a motive largely dependent on the ambiguity of the nocturne, found
- Riesencodex was copied in the century after Hildegard's death. Hildegard's, visionary ,writings maintain that virginity is the highest level of the spiritual life;
- Revolution. The capital of printing in Europe shifted to Venice, where, visionary , printers like ALUs Mantis ensured widespread availability of the major Greek
- Strasbourg, American baseball player Deaths *1351 – Margaret ha Abner, German, visionary , ( b. 1291) *1387 – Robert IV of Artist, Count of Eu (b. 1356) *1398 – Roger
- Environmental and technical operations of the corporation. The CEO is also a, visionary , often leaving day-to-day operations to the President, COO or division heads.
- In the time of early Christianity, who viewed Mary as a goddess, the medieval, visionary ,Julian of Norwich, the Judaic Seeking and the Gnostic Sophia traditions.
- At the Children's Television Workshop asked Henson to work on Sesame Street,a, visionary ,children's program for public television. Part of the show was set aside for a
- Kemp early in his campaign. Political pundits recognized him, however,as a, visionary ,idea man. In addition, he was quickly perceived as a verbose speaker who
- His introduction to The Fractal Geometry of Nature Mandelbrot has been called a, visionary ,and a maverick. His informal and passionate style of writing and his emphasis
- That followed; in particular, she engaged in correspondence with another nearby, visionary , Elisabeth of Scholar. Contributing to Christian European rhetorical traditions
- Mysticism" that was, in her words," rooted in humanism and in a romantic and, visionary ,ideal of harmony among men. " Ginsberg's political activism was consistent
- Attainment for this type of mysticism is union with God, it is not necessarily, visionary , nor does it hope only for ecstatic experiences; instead, mystical life is
- Ever to have its roots in small-town American life. " She called it" shocking, visionary , rapturously controlled. " Looking back in his Guardian/Observer review, critic
- Continuing his traditional neoclassical design practice Main began to develop, visionary ,projects that, though mostly inbuilt, rocketed him to fame as an architect
- Upon the few references to daemons in the New Testament, especially the, visionary ,poetry of the Apocalypse of John, Christian writers of apocrypha from the 2nd
- Gabriel Heinz, Argentinian footballer * 1978 – Amanda Sage,American-born, visionary ,artist * 1979 – Matthew Pace, American entrepreneur * 1981 – Martin Halt
- Artifacts she was finding as older than 100,000 years. Mary did not share his, visionary ,view. She was increasingly disrespectful, viewing him as incompetent, from 1963
- United Artists. The financial disaster of Heaven's Gate marking the end of the, visionary ," auteur" directors of the" New Hollywood ", who had unrestrained creative
- Rebuilding the city of Rome, but he managed to realize only a fragment of his, visionary ,plans. Through his book, Alberti opened up his theories and ideals of the
- A writer, composer,philosopher, Christian mystic, German Benedictine abbess, visionary , and polymath. Elected a, is an early example of liturgical drama. She wrote
- Nation. Maoists further promote his role as a theorist, statesman,poet, and, visionary , while anti-revisionists continue to defend most of his policies. Mao remains a
- Retorted that he was not as bad as most politicians; and that he was a" moral, visionary ," who deftly advanced the abolitionist cause, as fast as politically possible.
- Group of students were the original X-Men. Xavier's students consider him a, visionary ,and often refer to their mission as" Xavier's dream ". He is highly regarded
- Focused upon daily operations compared to the CEO which is supposed to be the, visionary , If the corporate President is not the COO (such as Richard Parsons of Time
- His simple and straightforward responses to popular concerns are praised as, visionary ,despite no one really understanding what he is really saying. Many questions
- German chemist and physicist (d. 1870) *1806 – Catherine Labor, French, visionary , and saint (d. 1876) *1808 – Emma Wedgwood, English naturalist, wife of
- 1949) ) and Ramsay Mac Mullen (Constantine (1969) ) gave portraits of a less, visionary , and more impulsive, Constantine. These later accounts were more willing to
- Banquet (Dúfnaveislan,1966) was the most successful. He published the ", visionary ,novel" Kristnihald under Joke (Under the Glacier / Christianity at the
- Ezekiel, with his blending of ceremony and vision, heavily influenced the, visionary ,works of Zechariah 1-8. Zechariah is specific about dating his writing (
- Literary features, particularly prediction of future events and accounts of, visionary ,experiences or journeys to heaven, often involving vivid symbolism. " The Book
- Alexis Kiwi, Finnish author (b. 1834) *1876 – Catherine Labor, French, visionary , and saint (b. 1806) *1877 – Gustave Courbet, French painter (b. 1819) *1888
- Scholar Gerard McBirney, opinion is divided on whether his music is" of, visionary ,power and originality, as some maintain, or,as others think, derivative
- German biochemist, Nobel Laureate (b. 1911) *1985 – Forbes Burnham, Guyanese, visionary , 3rd President and 1st Prime Minister of Guyana (b. 1923) *1986 – Emilio
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