Examples of the the word, holly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( holly ), is the 8848 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Mastered the English language. Music and rhymes *The song" Green growth the, holly ," is said to have been written for her by Henry VIII. * In the children's
  2. Air travel History Uncial may be named for the Spanish word for a hold or, holly ,oak grove. The town was supposed to be the county seat for Uncial County which
  3. Reedling, water rail, and occasionally bittern. The flora includes sea kale, sea, holly , and yellow-horned poppy. The coastline has eroded rapidly over time and the
  4. Including Christmas trees, lights,garlands, mistletoe,nativity scenes, and, holly , In addition, several figures, known as Saint Nicholas, Father Christmas, and
  5. Some of his songs),their name was inspired primarily by the sprigs of, holly ,in evidence around Christmas of 1962. Don McLean's popular 1971 ballad "
  6. Snowmen, and reindeer),objects associated with Christmas such as candles, holly , baubles, and Christmas trees, and Christmastime activities such as shopping
  7. Until after nationalization. The GWR first painted its locomotives a dark, holly ,green, but this was changed to middle chrome or Brunswick green for most of its
  8. On keeping them out of Everglades National Park. Brazilian pepper, or Florida, holly ,(Sinus terebinthifolius),has also wreaked havoc on the Everglades
  9. Death. It forms a deliberate contrast to Harry's wand, which is made of, holly , which she chose because holly is alleged to repel evil. Outward appearance
  10. Are grown as ornamental plants in gardens, and these may also be called" sea, holly ,", though the majority are not associated with littoral (sea-shore) habitats.
  11. And supports Maritime Hammock species, including live oaks, magnolias,American, holly , red cedars and cootie ferns. In many areas, Brazilian pepper trees, an
  12. Leaves of ivy were said to symbolize the coming to earth of Jesus, while, holly , was seen as protection against pagans and witches, its thorns and red berries
  13. Nut. Other sources include yerba maté, guarana berries, guayusa, and the ya upon, holly , In humans, caffeine acts as a central nervous system stimulant, temporarily
  14. Sessile oak, European ash, elm,Norway maple, hazel,black alder, lime,yew, holly ,(southwest coast),wild cherry, ramsons, beech (a late arriver and only
  15. Him at the very start of the race, Taliesin touched its rump with a twig of, holly , When they had all passed, he dropped his hat to the ground. When the king's
  16. For Sim's gold and a deed to an estate. Hands buried the gold and deed under a, holly ,tree along Rose Hill Road. When Hands returned to recover the treasure, he was
  17. Is united with the Aegean Great Goddess, who is represented by Hera, in a ", holly ,wedding" ( hairs games). At some point in their cultural history, the
  18. Has been associated with Christmas. Other popular holiday plants include, holly , mistletoe, red amaryllis, and Christmas cactus. Along with a Christmas tree
  19. Contrast to Harry's wand, which is made of holly , which she chose because, holly ,is alleged to repel evil. Outward appearance After he regained his body in the
  20. Hawthorn, beech,yew, leyland cypress, hemlock,arborvitae, barberry,box, holly , oleander, forsythia and lavender. The idea of open gardens without hedges may
  21. And evergreen plantings; a camellia walk with winter blooming camellias; a, holly ,collection; and a winter garden featuring plants of winter interest, with
  22. Which are then called dioecious. An individual tree of the European, holly ,(Alex aquifolium) produces either 'male' flowers which have only functional
  23. The southwestern coast, with the northern limit near Öresund; some examples are, holly ,and bell heather. Some western species occur north to Haugeland (such as Erica
  24. White Cedar in the southwest. Other native trees include ash, hackberry, and, holly , In the Gulf Region of the state grow various species of palmetto and palm. In
  25. By the Hayworth Traders' Association is" Struggling the Holly" – an annual, holly ,gathering event which has no traditional basis. The name, sometimes claimed to
  26. Coriander, Cuminum coming - cumin, Daucus ca rota - carrot, Eryngium SPP. - sea, holly , Reticulum vulgar - fennel, Ferula asafoetida - asafoetida, Ferula gumbos -
  27. Spelled Yerba mate) or Era mate (, ),Alex paraguariensis, is a species of, holly ,(family Aquifoliaceae) native to subtropical South America in northeastern
  28. Trees and shrubs are often cultivated for their colorful fruits, including, holly , pyracantha, viburnum,skimmed, beautyberry and cotoneaster. Fruits of opium
  29. Railroad vine, dollar weed, coral bean, spanish bayonet, wax myrtle, yaupon, holly , and several grass species. More salt-tolerant and wind-tolerant species, such
  30. Where it was known as" black bean ". The leaves and stems of the ya upon, holly ,(Alex Vitoria) were used by Native Americans to brew a tea called as or
  31. Of Holly Springs grew around fresh water springs, believed to be the original “, holly ,springs,” near the intersection of what is now Event Ferry Road and Class Holt
  32. Times. They were granted on 19 June 1987. The arms show a yellow twig of, holly ,on a red field. The designer was Truly Nygaard. Economy The 4 largest private
  33. The bluebells combine and cause a" consternation" but the hero is the, holly , tinted with green. A warrior fighting alongside Drawn cannot be vanquished
  34. Greatest writers. The son of John Williams, a small farmer at Pantycelyn (", holly ,hollow" ), his mother's name was Dorothy. His father died in 1742. The farm
  35. Osceola is an anglicized form of Asiyahola; ANSI, from a ceremonial ya upon, holly ,tea or" black drink" and Yahoo, the name of a Creek god intoned when the
  36. Ability to maintain their color through winter. Romans used green, holly ,and evergreen as decorations for their winter solstice celebration called
  37. May form mixed forests with yew, rowan (mountain ash),common Hawthorne, holly , and birch. The sunny slopes bring forth sessile oak, English oak, ash,common
  38. Trees have certain words which, in English, are naturally collocated, such as, holly ,and mistletoe, which usually employ the phrase" sprig of" ( as in, a " sprig
  39. e. g., hemlock,blue spruce, red cedar, and white/Scots/jack pine) *live oak, holly , and" ancient" gymnosperms such as cycles *most angiosperms from frost-free
  40. Polypody fern and various species of mosses. The understory is largely of, holly , hazel and mountain ash. At the west end of the Upper Lake lie the ruins of an
  41. As Santa Claus, objects directly associated with Christmas such as candles, holly ,and baubles, or a variety of images associated with the season, such as
  42. Lot to Antwerp. Panels of elaborately scrolling" seaweed" marquetry of box or, holly ,contrasting with walnut appeared on table tops, cabinets,and long-case clocks.
  43. January and February. Description December's flower is the narcissus or, holly , December's birthstones are turquoise, lapis Pauli, zircon,topaz (blue)
  44. Fire to honor the lord Cernunnos or the Horned God; the log is decorated with, holly ,and other symbolic paraphernalia. Also, during the many Wicca Yule rituals, the
  45. In the shade of the forest canopy. Also, some small trees such as dogwood and, holly ,rarely grow tall and are generally understory trees. Forest understories have
  46. And bare, extensive downs covered with thyme, with occasionally the dwarf, holly , the Rosa marina, and lavender, stretch around like wild moorlands… Mr. Williams
  47. Cumin, dill,fennel, hemlock,lavage, Queen Anne's Lace, parsley,parsnip, sea, holly , the now extinct lithium, and other relatives. It is a large family with about
  48. The king's horses came back, right before the finish line, they stopped at the, holly ,twigs Taliesin had laid there, and began to dance. Taliesin's old horse
  49. Holly Hill in memory of his Irish Hollywood home because there were lots of, holly ,in the area and there was a bit of a rise in the terrain. One can easily see
  50. And varieties of nettle. Non-native introduced plants such as foxglove, ivy and, holly ,are also evident. Farther up the island, however,the shorter Oregon-Grape and

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