Examples of the the word, registrant , in a Sentence Context

The word ( registrant ), is the 12902 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Agency of the country of which he is a subject verifying his exempt status. **A, registrant , lawfully admitted for permanent residence, as defined in Paragraph (2) of
  2. Is not a citizen of the United States. They are defined in four classes. **A, registrant ,who has resided in the United States for less than one year. When two or more
  3. And the characters 1000 in the prefix identify the registrant ; in this case the, registrant ,is the International DOI Foundation itself. 182 is the suffix, or item ID
  4. On IP or on PSTN terminations) – the so-called access information – which the, registrant ,(the called party) has specified by writing his/her choice at the ‘ NAP TR
  5. Identifies the DOI registry, and the characters 1000 in the prefix identify the, registrant ,; in this case the registrant is the International DOI Foundation itself. 182 is
  6. Registration offers several advantages. In the Principal Register,a, registrant ,gains nationwide constructive use and constructive notice, which prevent others
  7. Registrar and name servers, etc.) data. One can find the detailed WHOPS (, registrant , name servers, expiry dates, etc.) at the registrars. Some domain name
  8. Consequently, in ENIM once the operator number holder assigns a number to a, registrant , the number belongs to that registrant during his/her entire life.: Hence, if
  9. Dropped" name—when the domain name's registration expires, either because the, registrant ,does not want the domain anymore or because the registrant did not renew the
  10. Of the registry and the costs and quality of the service. In addition, every, registrant ,must receive equal and open access.; The government or the regulator: Usually a
  11. Of return and his current address to the Selective Service Area Office. **A, registrant ,who registered at a time required by Selective Service law and thereafter
  12. TLD registries, and uses an authorization code issued exclusively to the domain, registrant ,as a security measure to prevent unauthorized transfers. Biochemistry is the
  13. Such as name of record, postal address, and contact information of the official, registrant ,of the domain and the obligation to conform to the requirements of the domain
  14. Transit the calls.: But ENIM is a personal number, meant to be valid for the, registrant ,life. Consequently, in ENIM once the operator number holder assigns a number to
  15. Interest in ENIM Various parties are involved with ENIM. These include:; The, registrant ,or subscriber: The registrant is the person or subscriber that makes his access
  16. Two or more name servers as part of the registration service. However,a, registrant ,may specify its own authoritative name servers to host a domain's resource
  17. Resolution and policymaking of DOI names) are available to any DOI, registrant , It also prevents third parties from imposing additional licensing requirements
  18. Bodies that arbitrate domain name disputes. According to ICANN policy, a domain, registrant ,must agree to be bound by the UDP — they cannot get a domain name without
  19. A prefix and a suffix – separated by a forward slash. The prefix identifies the, registrant ,of the name, and the suffix is chosen by the registrant and identifies the
  20. Registered domain name is transferred without the permission of its original, registrant , generally by exploiting a vulnerability in the domain name registration system
  21. Are elected in the direct primary election, with any Peace and Freedom, registrant ,eligible to run. Local County Central Committees and the State Central
  22. Class only during the period of his exempt status. To support this claim,the, registrant ,must submit documentation from the diplomatic agency of the country of which he
  23. The losing registrar to provide an authorization code on instruction from the, registrant ,(also known as EPP code) was introduced by Version to reduce the incidence
  24. Key pieces of information connected with a domain: * Administrative contact. A, registrant ,usually designates an administrative contact to manage the domain name. The
  25. And unreliable – requiring a notary public to verify the identity of the, registrant ,requesting a domain transfer. In October 2006,a new procedure, requiring the
  26. Time. The country must be one that allows its citizens Dual-Citizenship and the, registrant ,must be able to obtain and produce the proper papers to affirm this status.
  27. Is much more difficult to reclaim, and it is more likely that the original, registrant ,will discover the change in that period and alert the registrar. Extensible
  28. That specifically holds the domain name registrar responsible for allowing the, registrant ,information to be modified without the permission of the original registrant .
  29. Number belongs to that registrant during his/her entire life.: Hence, if the, registrant ,wishes to change his initial number holder operator (that might also coincide
  30. Often this transaction is termed a sale or lease of the domain name, and the, registrant ,may sometimes be called an" owner ", but no such legal relationship is
  31. VoIP service can dial the registrant 's existing number and be connected to the, registrant ,'s VoIP telephone over the Internet instead of using the PSTN. When they call
  32. That resulted in the suspension of Goats. cx's domain name. And the current, registrant ,tried to auction the right to use the domain. An early attempt to offer the
  33. Either because the registrant does not want the domain anymore or because the, registrant ,did not renew the registration on time. Registrar rankings Several
  34. Prefix identifies the registrant of the name, and the suffix is chosen by the, registrant ,and identifies the specific object associated with that DOI. Most legal Unicode
  35. Are involved with ENIM. These include:; The registrant or subscriber: The, registrant ,is the person or subscriber that makes his access information available to
  36. Registrant’s trade dress (without contesting the registration). Further,a, registrant ,in the Principal Register gains incontestable status after five years, which
  37. Their registration. For example, registrations to. Fami. Ly are offered by the, registrant ,of fame. Ly and not by GPTC, the registry for Libya (. Ly). Sid Vicious (born
  38. A VoIP service package. People using an Enumerable VoIP service can dial the, registrant ,'s existing number and be connected to the registrant 's VoIP telephone over
  39. That makes his access information available to others through ENIM. The, registrant ,or subscriber is thus the person whose information has been included in ENIM
  40. With the comment to requiring registration, wherein the identity of the, registrant ,is visible to other readers of the comment. These" known" identities allow
  41. Zone can be used as a key for multiple WHOPS queries; this would reveal, registrant ,data which many registries are under strict legal obligations to protect under
  42. Number holder assigns a number to a registrant , the number belongs to that, registrant ,during his/her entire life.: Hence, if the registrant wishes to change his
  43. Or more periods, he must furnish documentation for each period of residence. A, registrant ,who receives this classification will be exempt from military training and
  44. More periods of U. S. residency are involved which total one year or more,the, registrant ,will be deemed to have resided in the United States for one year and will be
  45. Currently, the U. S. Selective Service System states," Beliefs which qualify a, registrant ,for conscientious objector status may be religious in nature, but don't have
  46. The registration. Registration under the Supplemental Register allows the, registrant ,to protect its trade dress in foreign countries, although the protections are
  47. Despite the large number of laboratory and field studies produced by the, registrant ,of imidacloprid, there is no sufficient valid data to indicate if this
  48. Will become liable for service following his cumulative one-year residence. **A, registrant ,who left the United States before his Order to Report for Induction was issued
  49. To him as a result of his occupational status. To support this claim,the, registrant ,must submit documentation from the diplomatic agency of the country of which he
  50. Registrant information to be modified without the permission of the original, registrant , In some cases there may be recourse under trademark law, but not all domain

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