Examples of the the word, outward , in a Sentence Context
The word ( outward ), is the 7475 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- A particle of infilling matter) will grow over time, either setting it on an, outward ,trajectory escaping the black hole or on an inward spiral eventually crossing
- Significantly greater cohesion among Anglicans when they turn their attention, outward , Anglicans worldwide are active in many areas of social and environmental
- a billion in 2008 alone, and China increasingly invests abroad, with a total, outward ,FDI of US$52.2 billion in 2008 making it the world's sixth-largest outward
- Any shell or test, and with many pseudopodia supported by AirPods radiating, outward ,from the cell body, which adhere to passing prey and allows it to roll or float
- II had already been planned to use a completely redesigned hatch which opened, outward , and could be opened in less than ten seconds. Concerns of accidental opening
- Where the gospel begins in the center, Jerusalem,and is expanding ever, outward ,to Judea & Samaria, Syria,Asia Minor, Europe,and eventually to Rome. Content
- Around the comet. The comet and its induced magnetic field from an obstacle to, outward ,flowing solar wind particles. As the relative orbital speed of the comet and
- Areas. Inward migration of pensioners from southern England to Cornwall, and, outward , migration of young Cornish people, are persistent concerns. Question of Cornish
- With a cosmological constant is qualitatively different: instead of moving, outward , the cosmological horizon stays put. For any one observer, the distance to the
- Water is incompressible and must remain within the confines of the bucket, this, outward , movement increases the depth of water at the larger radius, increasing the
- Can be verified by taking the gradient of the potential to obtain the radially, outward ,force:: F_ -\franc _ m \Omega^2 r \. The meaning of the potential energy is that
- Franz Joseph I of Austria from his liaison with Anna Wachowski); despite the, outward ,hostility of her family, the two were married on May 3,1911. In 1913,two of
- Primaries are replaced outward , secondaries inward, and the tail from center, outward , Before nesting, the females of most bird species gain a bare brood patch by
- Are highly directional, with most of the sound produced traveling straight, outward ,from the bell. This difference makes it significantly more difficult to record
- By radiating away energy, so the orbits of the planets are steadily expanding, outward ,from the Sun. This has led to calls to abandon the astronomical unit as a unit
- An element of surface water can achieve lower potential energy by moving, outward ,under the influence of the centrifugal force. Because water is incompressible
- Newer buildings. Construction projects initiated by the Mameluke pushed the city, outward ,while also bringing new infrastructure to the center of the city. Meanwhile
- Horizon, observers closer in take its place. This process of falling, outward ,and replacement points closer in are always steadily replacing points further
- As a philosophical touchpoint, concluding that philosophy can save us from our, outward ,ugliness. Brownian motion (named after the botanist Robert Brown) or Genesis
- That Beauty and Aesthetics was" not languid but energetic. By beautifying the, outward ,aspects of life, one would beautify the inner ones. " The English Renaissance
- They find themselves beginning to realize that they are indeed going inward and, outward ,in respect to the center of Earth, which is our Spaceship Earth. And for the
- Scale factor of the Universe. The Big Bang is not an explosion of matter moving, outward ,to fill an empty universe. Instead, space itself expands with time everywhere
- These two orders are further related to the sequence of the planets going, outward ,from the sun (Mercury, Venus,Mars, Jupiter,Saturn, or Water, Metal,Fire
- And hydrogen in the nebulae's core to get caught in stellar winds, and radiate, outward , As they cool, the atoms supposedly bond to each other in various ways and
- Made from thick, polycarbonate plastic and weighs 15–20 grams. From the center, outward , components are: the center spindle hole (15 mm),the first-transition area (
- And coastal geography increasing its popularity as a retirement location, and, outward , migration of younger residents to more economically diverse areas. Inward
- Question, and | A | is the magnitude of the area. If \script style\math bf is an, outward ,pointing in-plane normal, whereas \script style\math bf is the unit-vector
- Defensive fronts: a circumvallation facing inward and a contravallation facing, outward , Adolf Hitler had declared in a public speech (in the Berlin Sportscast) on
- Drivers were opting to use the new roads, traffic bottlenecks were only pushed, outward ,from the city, not reduced or eliminated (although some trips are now faster)
- Outward FDI of US$52.2 billion in 2008 making it the world's sixth-largest, outward ,investor. In 2010,China's inward FDI was $106 billion, marking a 16 %
- Epicurus, are considered living fossils, having not changed significantly in, outward ,form since the Triassic. They are ubiquitous in inland aquatic habitats, but
- The passer's chest to the receiver's chest. A proper chest pass involves an, outward ,snap of the thumbs to add velocity and leaves the defense little time to react.
- Army The Salvation Army does not practice water baptism, or indeed other, outward ,sacraments. William Booth and Catherine Booth, the founders of the Salvation
- Let particles inside \Omega have velocities \math bf. Let \math bf be the unit, outward ,normal to the surface \partial \Omega. Let \rho be the density of matter in the
- Enough to understand its significance. They believe that water baptism is an, outward ,symbol that a person has made an unconditional dedication through Jesus Christ
- H (\math bf, t ) be sources inside the body. Let \math bf (\math bf, t ) be the, outward ,unit normal to the surface \partial \Omega. Let \math bf (\math bf, t ) be the
- Understanding Whittaker's Scheme *physiognomy: The apparent characteristics, outward ,features, or appearance of ecological communities or species. *biome: a
- Contrast to most steel-string guitars, which have machine heads that point, outward , *The overall design of a Classical Guitar is very similar to the slightly
- In the baptism of either children or adults with water, rejecting all forms of, outward ,sacraments in their religious life. Robert Barclay's Apology for the True
- The object. Friction within the disc causes angular momentum to be transported, outward ,allowing matter to fall further inward releasing potential energy and
- Of Jesus. Baptism does not accomplish anything in itself, but is an, outward ,personal sign or testimony that the person's sins have already been washed
- To three forces: the vertical force due to gravity FG, the horizontal, radially, outward , centrifugal force CFG, and the force normal to the surface of the water FN
- Students during Convocation. At the end of the second semester, the gates open, outward ,for the Commencement Day procession. A traditional superstition is that
- Hydrogen atom. For the same reason, the rings of the Pro and Hip must point, outward , These two amino acids help stabilize the triple helix—Hip even more so than
- In 31 BC. After the demise of the Second Triumvirate, Octavian restored the, outward ,facade of the Roman Republic, with governmental power vested in the Roman
- The most conventional functional definition of a sacrament is that it is an, outward ,sign, instituted by Christ, that conveys an inward, spiritual grace through
- Is, it is centripetal – the so called 'centrifugal force' appearing to act, outward ,on a body is really a pseudo force experienced in the frame of reference of the
- Of the Salvation Army, believed that many Christians had come to rely on the, outward ,signs of spiritual grace rather than on grace itself. They believed what was
- Tail. The general pattern seen in passers is that the primaries are replaced, outward , secondaries inward, and the tail from center outward . Before nesting, the
- Quickly and the torso and hips rotate anti-clockwise and the rear heel turns, outward , mimicking the body movement of the cross. The strategic utility of the
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