Examples of the the word, rings , in a Sentence Context

The word ( rings ), is the 8841 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. But those with five or six are most common. Pass composed only of six-membered, rings ,are called alternate Pass. Certain alternate Pass are called benzene Pass.
  2. By superposition the aromaticity in the outer ring is larger than in the inner, rings , Another relevant Car hydrocarbon is dethrone. Origins of life In January 2004
  3. Callused feet made protection unnecessary. He forged a new knife out of barrel, rings ,left on the beach. Two vessels had arrived and departed before his escape, but
  4. Of differential graded commutative algebras, or of simplicity commutative, rings ,or a similar category with an appropriate variant of a Grothendieck topology.
  5. To the kinetic limitation of their production through addition of successive, rings , In addition, with many more isomers possible for larger Pass, the occurrence
  6. On X, if it satisfies the following four axioms:: Generalizations Ordered, rings ,The definition of absolute value given for real numbers above can easily be
  7. Theory. The development of abstract algebra brought with itself group theory, rings ,and fields, Galois theory. This list could be expanded to include most fields
  8. Is Porch, and the fourth and last ring Wanderer. Its similarity to the Olympic, rings ,caused the International Olympic Committee to sue Audi in International
  9. Font to left-aligned Audi Type, and altering the shading for the overlapping, rings , The logo was designed by Ryan Abdullah. Slogans Audi's corporate tagline is
  10. Form a category which is antiequivalent to the category of commutative unital, rings , extending the duality between the category of affine algebraic varieties over
  11. The rhinoceros. Mail, sometimes called" chain mail ", made of interlocking iron, rings ,is believed to have first appeared some time after 300 BC. Its invention is
  12. An aromatic hydrocarbon with a single, six-membered ring. These can be benzene, rings ,interconnected with each other by single carbon-carbon bonds and with no rings
  13. Higher categorical site of derived affine schemes, by replacing the commutative, rings ,with an infinity category of differential graded commutative algebras, or of
  14. Writing: Inner and outer automorphism In some categories—notably groups, rings , and Lie algebras—it is possible to separate automorphism into two types
  15. As benzene, are not Pass. Pass may contain four-, five-, six- or seven-member, rings , but those with five or six are most common. Pass composed only of six-membered
  16. Cycloalkanes. They are hydrocarbons just like alkanes, but contain one or more, rings , Simple cycloalkanes have a prefix" cycle-" to distinguish them from alkanes.
  17. Various small Pass, the bulk of research on Pass has been of those of up to six, rings , The biological activity and occurrence of the large Pass does appear to be a
  18. Another set of methods is the aromatization of cyclohexanes and other Asiatic, rings ,: reagents are catalysts used in hydrogenation such as platinum, palladium and
  19. She lives nearer/nearest to the deranged axe murderer's house. * In BRE, one, rings , someone on his or her telephone number; in AME, one calls someone at his or her
  20. The language and the tools for geometric treatment of arbitrary commutative, rings ,and, in particular, bridges algebraic geometry with algebraic number theory.
  21. R-algebra is a conoid in R-Mod (the conoidal category of R-modules). From, rings ,Starting with a ring A, we get an unital associative R-algebra by providing a
  22. Of perfluorobenzenes: Hydrogenation of earned create saturated, rings , The compound 1-naphthol is completely reduced to a mixture of decalin-ol
  23. The plot of the novel. " Harold Bloom writes that the" Battle of the Windmill, rings ,a special bell: the repulse of the Duke of Brunswick in 1792,following the
  24. Hydrocarbons, are potent atmospheric pollutants that consist of fused aromatic, rings ,and do not contain hetero atoms or carry substituent. Naphthalene is the
  25. In with the R15 TDI Plus. Marketing Logos The Audi emblem is four overlapping, rings ,that represent the four marques of Auto Union. The Audi emblem symbolizes the
  26. As the cos lice category R/Bring where Bring is the category of commutative, rings , Examples * The square n-by-n matrices with entries from the field K form a
  27. Of Paris can be accommodated by introducing nil potent elements in structure, rings ,; considering spaces of loops and arcs, constructing quotients by group actions
  28. Entirely with gold, and a crown or molding of gold is to be put around it. Four, rings ,of gold are to be attached—two on each side—and through these rings staves of
  29. Can be joined together in straight chains, branched chains, or non-aromatic, rings ,(in which case they are called alicyclic). Asiatic compounds can be
  30. By a company that intended them to be used as stables; inside, numerous metal, rings ,for the tethering of horses can still be seen. Creation of the museum The
  31. Rings interconnected with each other by single carbon-carbon bonds and with no, rings ,remaining that do not contain a complete benzene ring. The set of alternate
  32. C10H8 constituent of mothballs),consisting of two coplanar six-membered, rings ,sharing an edge, is another aromatic hydrocarbon. By formal convention, it is
  33. Observed the most distant planet to have a triple form" ) for discovering the, rings ,of Saturn in 1610. Galileo announced his discovery that Venus had phases like
  34. A double-layered structure consisting of many interlocked ruffled six-membered, rings , Nearest and next-nearest neighbors form a distorted octahedral complex, with
  35. Are often known as" small" Pass, and those containing more than six aromatic, rings ,are called" large" Pass. Due to the availability of samples of the various
  36. Structurally dependent, with isomers (Pass with the same formula and number of, rings ,) varying from being nontoxic to being extremely toxic. Thus, highly
  37. Each other. Thomson theorized that multiple electrons revolved in orbit-like, rings ,within a positively-charged jelly-like substance, and between the electron's
  38. Are phenanthrene and anthracene, which both contain three fused aromatic, rings , Smaller molecules, such as benzene, are not Pass. Pass may contain four-
  39. Structure has just one central sextet. Therefore, in this molecule the outer, rings ,are firmly aromatic while its central ring is less aromatic and therefore more
  40. With leather according to the author of Arab Archery, but also with special, rings ,of various hard materials. Many surviving Turkish and Chinese examples are
  41. Functions on An, there should be a relationship between their coordinate, rings , Specifically, to get a function in KV we took a function in Kan, and we said
  42. Achilles. In this temple are also deposited a great many holy gifts, craters, rings , and precious stones, offered to Achilles in gratitude. One can still read
  43. Regular hexagons of identical size. Pass containing up to six fused aromatic, rings ,are often known as" small" Pass, and those containing more than six aromatic
  44. Passages in which he instructs the Christians of Alexandria on the right use of, rings ,and gems, and the figures which may legitimately be engraved on them (Paid.
  45. It. Four rings of gold are to be attached—two on each side—and through these, rings ,staves of shittim-wood overlaid with gold for carrying the Ark are to be
  46. Value is also defined for the complex numbers, the quatrains, ordered, rings , fields and vector spaces. The absolute value is closely related to the notions
  47. Faced the front. Before World War II, Auto Union used the four interlinked, rings ,that make up the Audi badge today, representing these four brands. This badge
  48. Can be defined simply as a homomorphism \eta\colon R \to A of commutative, rings , Algebra homomorphism A homomorphism between two associative R-algebras is an
  49. It also makes trigonal (η5-C5H5)3Am complexes with three cyclopentadienyl, rings , Formation of the complexes of the type Am (n-C3H7-BTP)3,where BTP stands for
  50. A is determined by the fact that it must send 1 to the identity in A. Therefore, rings ,and Z-algebras are equivalent concepts, in the same way that Abelian groups and

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