Examples of the the word, breeder , in a Sentence Context

The word ( breeder ), is the 8842 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Conflict with Crete While visiting in Athens, King Minos' son, Androgeus ", breeder ,of men ", managed to defeat Ages in every contest during the Panathenaic
  2. By converting fertile U-238 to Pu-239,or Th-232 to U-233). Thus, a uranium, breeder ,reactor, once running, can be re-fueled with natural or even depleted uranium
  3. Reactors, whereas a mixture of curium isotopes is only suitable for fast, breeder ,reactors since the even-mass isotopes are not fissile in a thermal reactor and
  4. Lamborghini visited the Seville ranch of Don Eduardo Mira, a renowned, breeder ,of Spanish fighting bulls. Lamborghini, a Taurus himself, was so impressed by
  5. The koi's reproductive process has both advantages and disadvantages for the, breeder , While it requires diligent oversight to narrow down the favorable result that
  6. By the same process to 239Pu; that process is used to manufacture 239Pu in, breeder ,reactors. In-situ plutonium production also contributes to the neutron chain
  7. Story had made a name for their prize-winning Herd wick flock. As a Herd wick, breeder ,she won many prizes at the local agricultural shows and was frequently asked to
  8. Vulpinus group includes * B. b. vulpine (Steppe Buzzard): Eurasia: migrant, breeder ,* B. b. Arizonans (Forest Buzzard): South Africa: resident – traditionally a
  9. Center for Atomic Research (IGC AR). **India is also planning to build fast, breeder ,reactors using the thorium – Uranium-233 fuel cycle. The FBTR (Fast Breeder
  10. Actor and bodybuilder (d. 2006) *1929 – Anne Rogers Clark, American dog, breeder ,and trainer (d. 2006) * 1929 – Bark Karma, Afghani politician (d. 1996)
  11. American jazz guitarist (d. 1998) * 1921 – Dorothy Ruth, American horse, breeder ,; adopted daughter of Babe Ruth (d. 1989) *1922 – Leo Race, Canadian ice
  12. Handled regularly, so make very suitable pets. Buying a hamster directly from a, breeder ,means that there is the opportunity to see the parents and know the dates of
  13. Nuclear fuels in bulk from more abundant isotopes. The better known fast, breeder ,reactor makes 239Pu (a nuclear fuel) from the naturally very abundant 238U (
  14. Running, can be re-fueled with natural or even depleted uranium, and a thorium, breeder ,reactor can be re-fueled with thorium; however, an initial stock of fissile
  15. Is a tricky and tedious job, usually done only by professionals. Although a KOI, breeder ,may carefully select the parents they wish based on their desired
  16. Fuel) from the naturally very abundant 238U (not a nuclear fuel). Thermal, breeder ,reactors previously tested using 232Th to breed the fissile isotope 233U
  17. Botanist and writer (d. 1964) *1899 – George Miles Watson, British racehorse, breeder ,(d. 1968) *1902 – Howie Moreno, Canadian professional ice hockey player (d.
  18. It requires diligent oversight to narrow down the favorable result that the, breeder ,wants, it also makes possible the development of new varieties of KOI within
  19. Any perceived danger they display a fearless nature. Author and Irish wolfhound, breeder , Linda Glover believes the dogs' close affinity with humans makes them acutely
  20. Heads with wide jowls and refined muzzles. There is controversy amongst owners, breeder ,and veterinarians regarding the health effects of the extreme muscle mass that
  21. It slows down the neutron to a thermal speed) and as a coolant. But in a fast, breeder ,reactor, some other kind of coolant is used which will not moderate or slow the
  22. Is often preferred, as it provides a more controlled environment, allowing the, breeder ,to ensure that the mare was covered, and places the handlers in a position to
  23. To produce individuals of a given phenotype, or breed. Alternatively,a, breeder ,could, using individuals of differing phenotypes, create a new breed with
  24. In principle,berkelium-249 can sustain a nuclear chain reaction in a fast, breeder ,reactor. Its critical mass is relatively high at 192 kg; it can be reduced with
  25. Lucky Luciano, American mobster (b. 1897) *1963 – H. S. Lloyd, British dog, breeder ,(b. 1887) *1968 – Merrill C. Mags, American newspaper publisher (b. 1883)
  26. Chinese serial killer (b. 1970) * 2006 – Anne Rogers Clark, American dog, breeder ,and trainer (b. 1929) * 2006 – Piergiorgio Welly, Italian poet and activist (
  27. Black markings called. This variety was first exhibited in 1914 by the KOI, breeder , Gonzo Hired, during the reign of the Ties Emperor. In America, the name is
  28. Sources for scientific, medical,engineering, or other research purposes. *, breeder ,reactors are intended to produce nuclear fuels in bulk from more abundant
  29. Part of the 238U is" burned-up" in all nuclear fuels, especially in fast, breeder ,reactors that operate with higher-energy neutrons. That same fast-fission
  30. They are more easily captured, causing further fission. Others, called fast, breeder ,reactors, use fission energy neutrons directly. Cold neutrons are
  31. Wallace Beery, American actor (d. 1949) *1887 – H. S. Lloyd, British dog, breeder ,(d. 1963) *1889 – K. B. Hedge war, Indian physician and Hindu nationalism
  32. The 19th century, but renamed by Elizabeth Hosting, an early 20th century KOI, breeder , The red and white versions are called and respectively. The word unsure means
  33. b. 1818) *1883 – John" Jack" Russell, English parson, hunter and dog, breeder ,(b. 1795) *1905 – Fitzhugh Lee, American Confederate general (b. 1835)
  34. Israeli poet and writer (b. 1891) *1958 – Adolfo Camarillo, American horse, breeder ,(b. 1864) *1967 – Otis Redding, American soul singer (b. 1941) * 1967 –
  35. So your needs should be outlined clearly to your breeder . An experienced, breeder ,can try to identify that personality which would be happier as an independent
  36. UK showed staff punching and screaming at Beagles. Consort Kennels, a UK-based, breeder ,of Beagles for testing, closed down in 1997 after pressure from animal rights
  37. Naval propulsion units. Construction of prototypes is continuing (see fast, breeder ,or generation IV reactors). *Nuclear fusion. Fusion power is an experimental
  38. Butler, American voice actor (b. 1916) *1989 – Dorothy Ruth, American horse, breeder ,; adopted daughter of Babe Ruth (b. 1921) *1990 – Jill Ireland, English
  39. In Devon and now farms a herd of pedigree South Devon beef cattle. The dog, breeder ,John" Jack" Russell was also from Devon. Jane McGrath, who married Australian
  40. b. 1898) *1920 – William Kiss am Vanderbilt, American businessman and horse, breeder , member of the Vanderbilt family (b. 1849) *1922 – Jericho Thiamine, Japanese
  41. German historian (d. 1886) * 1795 – John Russell, English parson and dog, breeder ,(d. 1883) *1804 – Benjamin Disraeli,1st Earl of Beaconsfield, Prime Minister
  42. Unacceptable offspring are culled at various stages of development based on the, breeder ,'s expert eye and closely guarded trade techniques. Culled fry are usually
  43. Species found throughout Central and South America. The cane toad is a prolific, breeder ,; females lay single-clump spawns with thousands of eggs. Its reproductive
  44. Level can indicate a pregnancy. #Palpation. In this test, the veterinarian or, breeder ,manually feels inside the llama to detect a pregnancy. There are some risks to
  45. A respected local solicitor from Hawks head. Potter was also a prize-winning, breeder ,of Herd wick sheep and a prosperous farmer keenly interested in land
  46. A range of personalities, so your needs should be outlined clearly to your, breeder , An experienced breeder can try to identify that personality which would be
  47. Water reactors which use uranium-235 (0.7 % of all natural uranium),fast, breeder ,reactors use uranium-238 (99.3 % of all natural uranium). It has been
  48. State, where conception took place as the origin of the foal. Similarly, the ", breeder ,", is the person who owned or leased the mare at the time of foaling. That
  49. Documentarian (b. 1913) * 2010 – MacKenzie Miller, American horse trainer and, breeder ,(b. 1921) Holidays and observances *Alfred Nobel Day or Nobeldagen
  50. Is being primarily researched and developed in the US, intended as a fast, breeder ,reactor that is passively safe and could be remotely shut down in case the

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