Examples of the the word, imaginative , in a Sentence Context

The word ( imaginative ), is the 8844 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of character - the dragon has become St. George ... It's wildly preposterous, imaginative ,and funny (often intentionally). It demonstrates the rewards of friendship
  2. The basic linguistic and social aspects of Esperanto. He argues strongly for, imaginative ,use of the basic Esperanto morpheme inventory and word-formation techniques
  3. Archaic period. In classical Greece the emphasis is not given to the illusive, imaginative ,reality represented by the ideal forms, but to the analogies and the
  4. Or apocalypse of any kind). The CDC challenges contestants to upload, imaginative ,videos to YouTube showing preparation to survive any emergency situation, be it
  5. S Spambot, and countless others. Joe Reynoso had used it variably. In the, imaginative ,7-piece orchestration for the long-running TV show Sesame Street, and has
  6. Society established the Poly Prize for" outstanding creativity in, imaginative ,exposition of, or distinguished contribution to, mathematics within the United
  7. Sandalwood. He wrote little fiction in this period except some, imaginative ,vignettes or prose poems. Smith was poor for most of his life and often did
  8. Of the previous decade grew up, and the replacement audience for films of an, imaginative ,nature were being captured instead by the explosion of science-fiction and
  9. Even lose its fun factor. Dubbed versions do have the advantage to use a proper, imaginative ,translated counterpart of a word or a phrase and enriches so the comprehension
  10. Personalities tend to be emotional, deep,nurturing, sympathetic,empathetic, imaginative ,and intuitive, however,they can also be sentimental, sensitive,escapist and
  11. Rob Zombie observes," Most of the kids who come to my shows seem like really, imaginative ,kids with a lot of creative energy they don't know what to do with" and that
  12. Is" a major detraction," but added that it's" not only one of the most, imaginative ,films in the series, but also the most enjoyable to watch. " Japan Hero said,"
  13. Named after the 16th-century theologian John Calvin, is an impulsive, creative, imaginative , energetic, curious,intelligent, hypocritical,selfish, rude,and ill-tempered
  14. Clive Barnes of the New York Post called it a" defining Carousel—hard-nosed, imaginative , and exciting. " Hammerstein's grandson, Oscar Andrew Hammerstein, in his book
  15. Also became more powerful. Although Frederick was one of the most energetic, imaginative , and capable rulers of the time, he was not concerned with drawing the
  16. Works was both a commentator on and chronicler of his era. The subversive and, imaginative ,element in his art, as well as his bold handling of paint, provided a model for
  17. The depiction of tentacled creatures and sometimes monsters (fictional, imaginative ,or otherwise, also includes alien-like creatures) engaging in sex or rape with
  18. Motion in the early 1st century CE was already combining the two in the, imaginative ,duo of weeping and laughing philosophers:" Among the wise, instead of anger
  19. Is the only Latin novel that has survived in its entirety. It is an, imaginative , irreverent, and amusing work that relates the ludicrous adventures of one
  20. Impurities. Hypnosis is a mental state (according to" state theory" ) or, imaginative ,role-enactment (according to" non-state theory" ). It is usually induced by
  21. An outrageous image and stage show to ultimately create music as ambitious and, imaginative ,as P-Funk. Prince formed The Time, originally conceived as an opening act for
  22. Author, illustrator,natural scientist and conservationist best known for her, imaginative ,children’s books featuring animals such as those in The Tale of Peter Rabbit
  23. Real accomplishment of the film lies in the amazing physical realization of an, imaginative ,universe. Where Burton's ideas end and those of his collaborators begin is
  24. From artist-technicians William Mesa, Tony Gardner and others) are incredibly, imaginative ,". However, Entertainment Weekly gave the film a" C+" rating and wrote,"
  25. By some reviewers-—it retained the drawing style, verse rhythms, and all the, imaginative ,power of Geisel's earlier works, but because of its simplified vocabulary
  26. San Francisco.... The avowed intention of Bokanalia is simply to keep the great, imaginative ,art of Hannes BOK from slipping into oblivion, and to make new (better than
  27. Of the text appeals more to the right side of the brain, the artistic and, imaginative ,side, rather than the logical left side of the brain. By triggering the brain’s
  28. Stone. He published 46 children's books, which were often characterized by, imaginative ,characters, rhyme,and frequent use of disyllabic meter. His most celebrated
  29. iTunes traffic, and " illegal downloads ". It has been recognized for its, imaginative ,stories, creative low-budget special effects during its original run, and
  30. Further requirements. Constraints may include available resources, physical, imaginative , or technical limitations, flexibility for future modifications and additions
  31. During and after the Second World War. The films were personal, poetic, imaginative , in their use of sound and narration, and featured ordinary working-class people
  32. Diplomatic, business,etc.) to trivial (romance, games ) can be any kind of, imaginative ,encoding: flowers, game cards, clothes,fans, hats,melodies, birds,etc., in
  33. Interest in home crafts, particularly in the United States, with many new and, imaginative ,crochet designs published for colorful doilies, potholders,and other home
  34. And Again, Dangerous Visions. Ellison has won numerous awards – more awards for, imaginative ,literature than any other living author – including multiple Hugo's, Nebulas and
  35. Abner What began as a hillbilly burlesque soon evolved into one of the most, imaginative , popular and well-drawn strips of the 20th century. Featuring vividly
  36. For Significance. At its best moments—and there are many—it is the most, imaginative ,and original new musical that Broadway has seen in years. " Frank Rich, in
  37. Dancing during the newly introduced music and movement classes was strikingly, imaginative ,: teachers called his interpretations" vividly artistic" and his poise "
  38. Social interaction, language as used in social communication, or symbolic or, imaginative ,play. The disturbance must not be better accounted for by Rest syndrome or
  39. Early 20th century artists whose works emphasized painterly qualities, and the, imaginative ,use of deep color over the representational values. Fauvists made the subject
  40. Critics have identified one of the earliest works of Cerberus as" the most, imaginative ," that being a Laotian vase created around 560 BC in which Cerberus is shown
  41. The ability to possess and control the living humans. The novel starts with an, imaginative ,description of the evolution of this superintelligence through exponentially
  42. Of underlying beings of a soul-spiritual nature. * By transcending such, imaginative ,pictures, the median can become conscious of the meditative activity itself
  43. Students. This metaphysical theology and exegesis, offered an esoteric, imaginative , spiritual alternative to mainstream Rabbinic Judaism and Jewish philosophy.
  44. As is shown by his verses and sometimes by his prose, his mind was highly, imaginative ,; the poet Coleridge declared that if he“ had not been the first chemist, he
  45. Nature of her stories, the depiction of the rural countryside, and the, imaginative ,qualities she lent to her animal characters. Potter was also a canny
  46. Into beauty, of alienation into empathy and connection, of the unspeakable into, imaginative ,literature. " Myers interviewed Collins, Cash,opera singer Jesse Norman
  47. Called him" the most discriminating, philosophical,and fearless critic upon, imaginative ,works who have written in America ", though he questioned if he occasionally
  48. Stripped ", and its accompanying album Black Celebration. Retaining their often, imaginative ,sampling and jettisoning the" industrial-pop" sound that had characterized
  49. The study of esotericism, and in particular mysticism, requires some degree of, imaginative ,participation in what one is studying. ”
  50. Portraits) * A Jew Today (Random House 1978) ISBN 0-935613-15-3 (Essays and, imaginative ,works on Jewish identity) * Four Hasidic Masters-and their struggle against

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