Examples of the the word, reverence , in a Sentence Context

The word ( reverence ), is the 12163 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. However the meaning is somewhat altered: you originally meant" knock with, reverence ,", whereas KE has the general meaning of" touch upon (a surface) ". In Han
  2. To live and let live, thereby not harming sentient beings,i.e. uncompromising, reverence ,for all life. Jainism considers all living things to be equal. The first
  3. Dreadful day" ( MAL. 3:23),down to the later stories of the Chassidic rabbis, reverence ,and love, expectation and hope, were always connected in the Jewish
  4. Professor of Greek Emeritus at Oxford University) draws attention to Wagner's, reverence ,of Aeschylus. Michael Evans argues in his Wagner and Aeschylus. The Ring and
  5. A letter to the prelates in which he speaks with a strange mixture of freedom, reverence , and charity. In it, he admonishes them to hold synods more frequently, and
  6. Some authors,Schweitzer's thought and specifically his development for, reverence ,for life was influenced by Indian religious thought and in particular Jain
  7. In his music, with little extravagant exhibitionism, partly reflects his, reverence ,for Bach and Mozart. Chopin never indulged in explicit" scene-painting" in
  8. He regarded the republicanism of the Founding Fathers with an almost religious, reverence , Some historians also conclude that when he suffered the death of his son
  9. For rhythmic interpretation because of the use of names without a staff. The, reverence ,for the Virgin Mary reflected in music shows how deeply influenced and inspired
  10. Tennyson's Arthurian to cycle the Idylls of the King. The combination of hushed, reverence , chromatic harmonies and sexualized imagery in Richard Wagner's late opera
  11. Described the culture of FBI as one of intellectual conformity and excessive, reverence ,for Rand, with some describing FBI or the entire Objectives movement as a cult
  12. Opposition to the agrarian Democrats. William C. Harris found that Lincoln's ", reverence ,for the Founding Fathers, the Constitution, the laws under it, and the
  13. Offers some insight into the heart of the Orders' contemplative vocation and, reverence ,for the prophet. Liturgical commemorations Since most Eastern Churches either
  14. His music belie this. His music is modern without being modernist, combining a, reverence ,for the great Austro-German lineage of composers with very personal innovations
  15. Awe to kings; with affection to parliaments; with duty to magistrates; with, reverence ,to priests; and with respect to nobility. Why? Because when such ideas are
  16. Economically conservative as well; this stems from biblical principles such as, reverence ,for private property rights, freedom to contract, and the view that charity
  17. During particular seasons such as Advent and Lent. Others are used to instill, reverence ,to the Holy Bible or to celebrate Christian practices such as the Eucharist or
  18. And others. While juniors are considered in Confucianism to owe their seniors, reverence , seniors also have duties of benevolence and concern toward juniors. This theme
  19. In his prose. Similarly, Updike wrote about America with a certain nostalgia, reverence , and recognition and celebration of America's broad diversity. OZ Packer wrote
  20. Revised symbols were used to instill in the public a new sense of tradition and, reverence ,for the Enlightenment and the Republic. Fasces, likes many other symbols
  21. That the methods and results of science as then practiced were erroneous. His, reverence ,for Aristotle conflicted with his loathing of Aristotelian philosophy, which
  22. A woman's curtsy was similar to the modern one, but a man's honor (or, reverence ,) kept the upper body upright and involved sliding the left leg forward while
  23. Its roots in agriculture:: Bill Myers: But what happened along the way to this, reverence ,that in primitive societies was directed to the Goddess figure, the Great
  24. Image of Carson in 1909:" The name of Kit Carson is to this day held in, reverence ,by all the old members of the Navajo tribe. They say he knew how to be just and
  25. Science. Some schools of Buddhism, on the other hand, rejected an inflexible, reverence ,of accepted doctrine. As the Buddha said, according to the canonical scriptures
  26. Was the Friend to Friend relationship. In all other relationships, high, reverence , was held for elders. The idea of Filial piety influenced the Chinese legal
  27. It buy duly authorized masters in every generation must be accepted with as much, reverence ,as those which were given in previous generations. " This understanding of
  28. He was not without some philosophical training. He mentions even with, reverence ,the name of Maimonides, whose work he possessed and studied; but he was more
  29. The homage of public worship is due to Almighty God. It shall hold His Name in, reverence , and shall respect and honor religion. The article also establishes freedom of
  30. Orthodox consider her the Ark of the New Covenant, and give her the respect and, reverence ,as such. The Theotokos was chosen by God and freely co-operated in that choice
  31. Has a focus on community, placing great emphasis on ethical conduct and, reverence ,towards all sentient beings as central to spiritual maturity. The basic
  32. The Holy Priesthood, after the Order of the Son of God. But out of respect or, reverence ,to the name of the Supreme Being, to avoid the too frequent repetition of his
  33. Music sales in India. The film industry of India supported music by according, reverence ,to classical music while utilizing the western orchestration to support Indian
  34. Causes of his victory over his opponents were his great popularity and the, reverence ,paid to the episcopal character at that period. But it must also be noted that
  35. There are numerous accounts of surrounding nations of Israel showing fear or, reverence ,for the Israelite God despite their continued polytheistic practices. For
  36. Information Before the late modern era, the abbot was treated with the utmost, reverence ,by the brethren of his house. When he appeared either in church or chapter all
  37. And state, the sanctuary, the holy of holes of that ancient law, defended by, reverence , defended by power, a fortress at once and a temple, shall stand inviolate on
  38. It was his habit, wherever he heard the summons, to bow his knee in holy, reverence , Kneeling, he caught his foot in his robe, tumbled down several steps and hit
  39. On the admittance of Gallic senators, in which he addresses the Senate with, reverence ,but also with criticism for their disdain of these men. He also increased the
  40. Things that are above thy strength. But what is commanded thee, think upon with, reverence ,; for it is not needful for thee to see with thine eyes the things that are in
  41. Of Muhammad. In both instances,Jonah's name is spoken of with praise and, reverence ,by Muhammad. According to historical narrations about Muhammad's life, after
  42. Ahimsa was instrumental in the shaping of Albert Schweitzer's principle of ", reverence ,for life ". Schweitzer criticized Indian philosophical and religious traditions
  43. She disagreed with, in particular simony. Hildegard has also become a figure of, reverence ,within the contemporary New Age movement, mostly due to her holistic and
  44. Except he is of the blood of Kings Can. Yea, the Tartars do these beasts great, reverence , nor dare any cross their way, or go before them. According to the directions
  45. Church, the most learned man of the latter ages, always to be named with, reverence , Isidora ". This tribute was endorsed by the Fifteenth Council of Toledo, held
  46. Was never to fully trust his cousin again; although he continued to pay due, reverence ,to the Duke as head of his own family, their relationship would forever remain
  47. It was a" sacred magistracy" ( sanctum magistrates),to which the deepest, reverence ,was due. The high rank and dignity which the censorship obtained was due to the
  48. Apollo in the first lectisternium at Rome ". Diana was regarded with great, reverence ,by lower-class citizens and slaves; slaves could receive asylum in her temples.
  49. Essentially Catholic in his early years, including celebration of the mass and, reverence ,for images and relics of the saints. Both Edward's sisters were attentive to
  50. Updike aspires to" this sense of self-qualification, the kind of timid, reverence ,towards what exists that Cézanne shows when he grapples for the shape and shade

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