Examples of the the word, ou , in a Sentence Context
The word ( ou ), is the 12164 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- To: blood, flood. Similar, yet older shortening occurred for some instances of, ou , : c ou ntry, c ou ld. Note that some loanwords, such as s ou fflé and Umlaut, have
- It was first alluded to in print in Fibril Tam sir Niane's book, S ou ndjata, ou , la T ou pee Mandingo. The Kair ou an F ou nd divided the new empire into ruling
- Or consonant s, sh,h, f or w follows. In kanji readings, the diphthongs, ou , and a are today usually pron ou nced (long o) and (long e) respectively. For
- In which some of them engaged. R ou sseau's 800-page novel of sentiment, Julie,of, la novella Heloise, was published in 1761 to immense success. The book's
- Using the French subject string" j'time Allen SUR LE born de l'EAU LES feuds, ou , les h ou rs impairs ": Decompression Generally speaking, the process of
- The s ou nd can be spelled with ‘ OO’ and with u, u-e,UI, ue, o,OE, o-e,o-b, ou , off and EW (food, truth,rude, fruit,blue, to,shoe, move,tomb, gr ou p
- Des positions determines en Ethiopia. Paris,1859 * Geodesic d'Ethiopia, ou , triangulation d'one parties de la Hate Ethiopia. 4 vols. Gauthier-Villars. Paris
- Reading). For example, in French the s ou nd (as in ‘ food’ ), can be spelled ‘, ou ,’, ‘ ou t ’, ‘ ou t’ and ‘ ou t’ ( of, n ou s,t ou t, ch ou x) but the pronunciation
- To adopt Arabic, while Arabic speakers surr ou nded by Berber (as in Sikh, ou , Medd ou r near Tizz Ouzo) tended to adopt Berber. In 1952,André Basset
- A priest (presbyter) lies on hands, but does not ordain. " (charophyte, ou , cheirotonei) At the beginning of the 3rd century, Hippolytus of Rome describes
- Fossiles (1840–1845) * Monographic DES poisons fossils Du Good Grew R ou ge, ou , Systeme Devonian (Old Red Sandstone) DES Miles Britanniques et de Russia (
- La memoir" ( 1969,Philips),collaboration with Gérard Norman *Tu vex, ou , tu vex pas (1970,Barclay) with the hit" Tu vex of TU vex pas ", french
- Where" ) from the article la (" the" fem. Sing. ) and the conjunction, ou , ( " or" ) respectively. Some proposals exist to simplify the existing writing
- Final work, published posthum ou sly, was Essie SUR la philosophies DES sciences, ou , exposition analytic d'one classification naturally de t ou ts LES
- D'Alembert, he subsequently embarked on his greatest project, The Encyclopedia, ou , dictionnaire raise DES sciences, des arts et DES métiers. Encyclopedia André
- S ou nd (as in ‘ food’ ), can be spelled ‘ of ’, ‘ ou t ’, ‘ ou t’ and ‘ ou t’ (, ou , n ou s, t ou t,Ch ou ) but the pronunciation of those grapheme is always the
- Who was jeal ou sly sparing of his praises, addressed to him, in his Julie, ou , la novella Heloise, a fine panegyric; and when a stranger flatteringly told
- Sage) http://books.google.com/books? Id=-bM5AAAAcAAJ Nomenclature critique, ou , synonymie ancient et modern, p ou r server à l'intelligence DES auteurs. (
- Such as tr ou gh (truffle),champion de Paris (mushroom),chanterelle, ou , girolle (chanterelle),pleurae (en quite) (oyster mushrooms),and Ceres
- 1900). Cesare Punk wrote extensively for the harp as well—his ballet Coline, ou , La Dryad included music written for harp to accompany the ballerina's
- Published in 1844–45: Monographic DES poisons fossils Du Good Grew R ou ge, ou , Systeme Devonian (Old Red Sandstone) DES Miles Britanniques et de Russia ("
- Which was published at Rotterdam in 1692,as L'Art de see connote Siamese;, ou , La Recherché DES S ou rces de la Morale, and went thr ou gh many editions and
- Faulting the ending as unconvincing and thematically over familiar. Candide, ou , l'Optimism (; French:) is a French satire first published in 1759 by Voltaire
- Heizei's reign, this apex of the Daijō-kan included: * Darwin, Miwa-no-Oh, ou , Miwa-no-Ohkimi (神王),798-806. Hi: Imperial Princess Sahara (朝原内親王) (
- Cornish even and Breton Leon" smooth" *w (written u in Latin texts and, ou , in Greek) became GW in initial position, w internally, where in Gaelic it is f
- Woman who was considered the third f ou nder. Socialism of Barbaric Socialism, ou , Barbarie (Socialism or Barbarism) was a French-based radical libertarian
- As examples of the idiosyncratic nature of English spelling, the combination, ou , can be pron ou nced in at least f ou r different ways: in fam ou s, in l ou d, in
- Even in very rapid speech in general weakens to become the semi-vowel written ‹, ou , ›. The end result is the word transcribed as local. Most notable or
- Sophie d'H ou setop, which partly inspired his epistolary novel, Julie,of, la novella Heloise (also based on memories of his idyllic y ou thful
- France,there were Lettres persons (1721) by Montesquieu, followed by Julie, ou , la novella Heloise (1761) by Jean-Jacques R ou sseau, and Carlos' Les
- Norman *Tu vex of TU vex pas (1970,Barclay) with the hit" Tu vex, ou , tu vex pas ",French version of the Brazilian" NEM OEM Que Na's TEM" directed
- Halfway between bacterial constituents and antibodies" substances immunogens, ou , antigenes ". He originally believed those substances to be precursors of
- Taxes. P ou r Eyre elected Du tiers eat, il fact avoid 25 ans, être Français, ou , naturalisé, être domicile AU lieu de vote et comprise AU rôle DES impositions.
- Czech; for instance audit, neučit, p ou čit (or). In native Czech words, only,of, exists as a diphthong. Vowel gr ou ps IA, ie, ii,Io, and IU in foreign words are
- Thr ou gh ou t the twentieth century. For a list of these, see Voltaire: Candide, ou , L'Optimism et actress contest (1989) with preface and commentaries by Pierre
- Relation DES Jesuits (1662–1663),the lake bears the legend" Lac Ontario, ou , des Iroquois" with the name" Indiana" in smaller type. A French map produced
- 1430 in Lancashire, North West England.: For ages.: He her of scheme, e near, ou , take,: To bowel night of shall forsake, : On e turbine made, and boiled were,
- Collection) (1957) **" The Renegade or a Confused Spirit" (" Le Repeat, ou , un esprit confuse" ) **" Jonas or the Artist at Work" (" Jonas of l’artiste
- A 1909 silent film by the French director André Cassettes *Héliogabale, ou , L'orgies romaine, a 1911 silent short by the French director L ou is Fusillade
- Le Repeat of un esprit confuse" ) **" Jonas or the Artist at Work" (" Jonas, ou , l’artiste AU travail" ) Non-fiction books * Betwixt and Between (L'enters et
- In the lower right corner of Paul Gauguin's 1902 painting Le Sorrier d'Shiva OA, ou , le Marquise à la cape r ou ge there is a bird which reminds of native
- Letter à d'Alembert SUR LES spectacles) * Julie, or the New Heloise (Julie, ou , la novella Heloise),1761 * The Social Contract, or Principles of Political
- West England.: For ages.: He her of scheme, e near of take, : To bowel night, ou , shalle forsake, : On e turbine made, and boiled were, : Hack all together with
- U-Z and the five word symbols form nine digraphs (ch, gh, sh,TH, wh, ed,er, ou , and ow) and the letter w. Letters and numbers widths" 60px "
- Work was completed in 1723 in Le Triumph de la Providence et de la Religion;, ou , l'Ouverture DES Sept Se aux par LE Film de Dieu, où l'on tr ou vère la premiere
- After Voltaire published Candide, a sequel was published with the name Candide, ou , l'optimism, seconde parties. This work is attributed both to Tho rel de
- Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-519879-4 * Going, Jean-Luc,2000. Hegel, ou , de la Raisin integral, suivi de:« Aimed Denser Morris: Hegel, Nietzsche
- A Chinese-American woman who was considered the third f ou nder. Socialism, ou , Barbarie Socialism of Barbaric (Socialism or Barbarism) was a French-based
- Origin): represented by EU (in words of foreign origin only): represented by, ou , When these gr ou ps come together at morpheme b ou ndaries, they do not form
- Before the subscribers received the final 27 folio volumes of the Encyclopedia, ou , dictionnaire raise DES sciences, des arts et DES métiers since the first
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