Examples of the the word, eventual , in a Sentence Context

The word ( eventual ), is the 7621 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Unimpeded access for international humanitarian relief efforts, and the, eventual ,deployment of a peacekeeping force in the region. Fighting continued, however
  2. As his autobiographical works, Gide exposes to public view the conflict and, eventual ,reconciliation between the two sides of his personality, split apart by a
  3. S dreams to ensure that the princess rescues Odysseus and plays a role in his, eventual ,escort to Ithaca. Athena appears in disguise to Odysseus upon his arrival
  4. Parker and Watson's relationship, laying the foundation for the character's, eventual ,wedding. Notably, in #257 (Oct. 1984),Watson tells Parker that she knows he
  5. It Asia's first airline route. Bachrach's death in 1937 paved the way for its, eventual ,merger with Philippine Airlines in March 1941 and made it Asia's oldest
  6. The deeds of Achilles during the Trojan War, including his defeat of Hector and, eventual ,death when an arrow shot by Paris and guided by Apollo punctures his heel.
  7. India would adversely impact the climate in those countries and lead to their, eventual ,impoverishment due to soil erosion. In Island Life, Wallace again talked about
  8. In shadow or mixed with other colors to render a darker tone resulted in the, eventual ,deterioration of a good many paintings, those of Delacroix being just one
  9. Led not only to the explosion of black talent on the field, but to the, eventual ,entry of blacks into scouting, coordinating,and ultimately head coaching
  10. Signal the beginning of the end of the British monarchy. It would portend the, eventual ,surrender of everything that has made us, and keeps us still, a nation. In the
  11. Charles Wesley, with whom Newton was familiar. Wesley's brother John,the, eventual ,founder of the Methodist Church, had encouraged Newton to go into the clergy.
  12. Grammatical consistency. The Civil War was a significant force in the, eventual ,dominance of the singular usage by the end of the nineteenth century. In recent
  13. Leaves. In 1937,Hitler appointed Speer as in 1939 led to the postponement, and, eventual , abandonment,of these plans. Part of the land for the boulevard was to be
  14. And Liz Allen dated and became engaged, J. Jonah Jameson was introduced to his, eventual ,second wife, Marla Madison, and Aunt May suffered a heart attack. Wein's last
  15. Chiefly in larger cities like New York and Philadelphia. Consequently, fears of, eventual ,emancipation were much greater in the South than in the North.
  16. Before finally declaring for David Davis. She expressed reservations over the, eventual ,winner David Cameron, feeling that he did not, like the other candidates, have
  17. Issue to individual states. He argued before and during his election that the, eventual ,extinction of slavery would result from preventing its expansion into new U. S.
  18. Sydney and Brisbane clubs continued to struggle both on and off-field before an, eventual ,bailout by the league, which granted significant draft concessions and
  19. Abstention from disillusioned Algerian voters by the turn of events. Fearing an, eventual ,win by the Islamists, the army cancelled the election process, setting off a
  20. The desired scope,e.g. 8:1 if the eventual scope should be 4:1,10:1 if the, eventual ,scope should be 5:1,etc.) to lower a stern anchor. By taking up on the bow
  21. Altruism by means of successive reincarnations. This succession leads toward an, eventual ,liberation. One consequence of the Hindu and Spiritist beliefs is that our
  22. Starting with the" call to adventure ", followed by a hazardous journey, and, eventual , triumph. The adventure novel exhibits these" protagonist on adventurous
  23. Animals for clothing and meat similarly. Through hardships and, eventual ,establishment of trade with Britain, the West Indies and other regions, the
  24. And then Wimbledon. He was defeated in the third round by World No. 2 (and, eventual ,runner-up) Rafael Nadal 7–6 (5),6–2,6–4. Against conventions, Agassi,the
  25. Championships at Surprise, Arizona,where he reached the final before bowing to, eventual ,champion Todd Martin. On the way to the final, Agassi beat Mikael Perform in
  26. Social unrest led to the reforms of Solon. These would pave the way for the, eventual ,introduction of democracy by Cleisthenes in 508 BC. Athens had by this time
  27. To AFL greats like Hank Steam, Lou Satan, Sid Gillman and Al Davis were, eventual ,hall of fame coaches such as Bill Walsh, a protege of Davis with the AFL
  28. Signed the multilateral Chemical Weapons Convention, which calls for the, eventual ,elimination of chemical weapons. Armenia acceded to the nuclear
  29. Port of call ". Speculative fiction about interstellar travel often predicts, eventual ,human exploration, and even the discovery and colonization of planetary systems
  30. Such as wholesale labor market deregulation (e.g. Workhouses),the, eventual ,GST, the privatization of Telstra and welfare reform including" work for the
  31. And career development across the sector. * DCMS to take full account of the, eventual ,findings of the current Commons Select Committee inquiry into Care of
  32. Well as various mortals were invited to the marriage of Pele us and Thesis (the, eventual ,parents of Achilles). Only Eris, goddess of discord, was not invited. She was
  33. Would go on to lose in the wild-card round of the 2008 NFL playoffs to the, eventual ,NFC champion Arizona Cardinals,30–24. The Atlanta Falcons hold the record
  34. Unimpeded access for international humanitarian relief efforts, and the, eventual ,deployment of a peacekeeping force in the region. Fighting continued, however
  35. Of Kasparov and Karol was the 1994 Linear chess tournament. The field, in, eventual , finishing order, was Karol, Kasparov,Shirt, Bareev, Kramnik, Lautier, Anand
  36. Rendered efficient service to the Union cause and significantly assisted in the, eventual ,victory. Carnegie later joked that he was" the first casualty of the war "
  37. Suspected of bringing down Pan Am flight 103 in 1988 are handed over for, eventual ,trial in the Netherlands. *2007 – Georgia establishes a Provisional
  38. Who leaves an AA meeting and relapses. The film cuts back and forth between his, eventual ,relapse and the other meeting attendants. *"Desperate Housewives"* (Staring
  39. Across most of West Asia and North Africa, resulting in their acculturation and, eventual ,denomination as Arabs. Arabization, a culturo-linguistic shift, was often
  40. Apple III design The Apple III was designed to be a business computer and an, eventual ,successor for the Apple II. While the Apple II contributed to the inspirations
  41. She also partnered with Marisa Neil and in women's doubles, and they lost to, eventual ,champions Hinges and Miranda Lucia in the second round. The Race raised funds
  42. Well as various mortals were invited to the marriage of Pele us and Thesis (the, eventual ,parents of Achilles). Only the goddess Eris (Discord) was not invited, but
  43. Capture the town of Donostia (now San Sebastián),resulting in a rampage and, eventual ,destruction of the town. Elsewhere, Spanish troops repel a French attack in the
  44. Overall seed in the NFC playoffs; however, the Falcons were overpowered by the, eventual ,Super Bowl XLV champion Green Bay Packers in the NFC Divisional Playoffs 48–21.
  45. Came up with the conceptual design for the artwork but has left most of the, eventual ,creation of many works to employed artisans. Hirst's celebrity is founded
  46. The limit of the bow cable (or to double the desired scope,e.g. 8:1 if the, eventual ,scope should be 4:1,10:1 if the eventual scope should be 5:1,etc.) to lower
  47. Began shipping Adobe InDesign as a direct competitor to QuarkXPress and as an, eventual ,replacement for Pacemaker. In May 2003,Adobe acquired Syn trillium Software
  48. The launch point) prominent. The Moon is seen in the distance, symbolic of the, eventual ,program goal. A yellow border carries the mission and astronaut names with
  49. Hegemony' in Spain" by the rendering of homage for Zaragoza by Alfonso's, eventual ,heir, Ramon Banger IV of Barcelona. Pseudo-Alfonso the Battler Sometime
  50. Of Jerusalem, after whom there was no king able to save Jerusalem from its, eventual ,collapse. Within a few years, Emperor Manuel died as well, and Saladin remained

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