Examples of the the word, goddess , in a Sentence Context
The word ( goddess ), is the 7623 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- In several versions. In the one most commonly cited, Zeus lay with Métis,the, goddess ,of crafty thought and wisdom, but he immediately feared the consequences. It
- And patriarchal religions. Other sites of cult Athena also was the patron, goddess ,of several other Greek cities, notably Sparta, where the archaic cult of Athena
- Modesty and ritual mystery. Even beyond recognition, the Athenians allotted the, goddess ,value based on this pureness of virginity as it upheld a rudiment of female
- Meaning" she who shines from the foam ocean ", a by name of the dawn, goddess ,(EOS). J. P. Mallory and D. Q. Adams (1997) have also proposed an etymology
- And culture in the third and second millennia. " Patroness Athena as the, goddess ,of philosophy became an aspect of the cult in Classical Greece during the late
- Against Aphrodite by claiming her daughter is more beautiful than the famed, goddess , Myrrh is punished with a never ending lust for her own father. Cinemas is
- Asia indicated central-western Anatolia. In Greek mythology Asia was a Titan, goddess ,in Lydia. The region became a province of the Roman Empire, with the same name
- Of heroes" or as mythological Walter Friedrich Otto dubbed her the ", goddess ,of nearness" due to her mentoring and motherly probing. It is not until he
- Of her origin, she was considered a daughter of Zeus and Done, the mother, goddess ,whose oracle was at Dodoma. Aphrodite herself was sometimes also referred to as
- Deimos ## Arrested ## Harmonic ## The Erodes ### Eros The Egyptian snake, goddess ,Wad jet was associated with the city known to the Greeks as Aphroditopolis (the
- Washed, and body purified. In Arcadia, she was assimilated with the ancient, goddess ,Area and worshiped as Athena Area. In Classical art Classically, Athena
- Plato (429–347 BC) identified her with the Libyan deity Faith, the war, goddess ,and huntress deity of the Egyptians since the ancient Pre-Dynastic period, who
- Her, and that Gaia gave him to Athena after bearing him. Though Athena was a, goddess ,of war strategy, she disliked fighting without purpose and preferred to use
- That Aprils was originally her month Aprils, from her equivalent Greek, goddess ,name Aphrodite (Afros),or from the Etruscan name Apr. Jacob Grimm suggests
- And swans are sacred to her. The Greeks further identified the Ancient Egyptian, goddess ,Hath or with Aphrodite. Aphrodite also has many other local names, such as
- Dies ", the genitive form case of Zeus, and could be taken to mean simply" the, goddess ," in a generic sense. Aphrodite might then be an equivalent of Rhea, the Earth
- Marriage of Pele us and Thesis (the eventual parents of Achilles). Only Eris, goddess ,of discord, was not invited. She was annoyed at this, so she arrived with a
- Asia" ( Ἀσία) or" Asia" ( Ἀσίη) was the name of a" Nymph or Titan, goddess ,of Lydia. " Herodotus' geographical puzzlement was perhaps only a form of
- These" in poetic terms ", meaning that he used the old mythical language. The, goddess ,Justice (Dike) keeps the cosmic order. This concept of returning to the
- A cleansing ritual within“ the Erecththeum ”, the personal sanctuary of the, goddess , Here Athena's statue was undressed, her clothes washed, and body purified. In
- Without purpose and preferred to use wisdom to settle predicaments. The, goddess ,only encouraged fighting for a reasonable cause or to resolve conflict. As
- Of Ancient Egypt have left a lasting legacy on the world. The cult of the, goddess ,Isis, for example, became popular in the Roman Empire, as obelisks and other
- Already offered to Athena. As punishment for Aglaulus's greed, Athena asks the, goddess ,Envy to make Assaults jealous of Here. When Hermes arrives to seduce Here
- Opposite of Ares in combat, it was also the polar opposite of the serene earth, goddess ,version of the deity, Athena Polkas. Earning the title Athena Parthenon. A
- Possible oriental influences) preserves some aspects of the Indo-European dawn, goddess ,*Houses (properly Greek EOS, Latin Aurora, Sanskrit Us has). Wanda (2010)
- Marriage of Pele us and Thesis (the eventual parents of Achilles). Only the, goddess ,Eris (Discord) was not invited, but she arrived with a golden apple inscribed
- Also proposed an etymology based on the connection with the Indo-European dawn, goddess , from" very" and" to shine ". A number of speculative non-Greek etymologies
- Poetic works of Sappho. Her chief center of worship was at Pathos, where the, goddess ,of desire had been worshiped from the early Iron Age in the form of Ishtar and
- Eyes. The bird which sees well in the night is closely associated with the, goddess ,of, a Mesopotamian terracotta relief of the early second millennium BC. Other
- Referred to as Dallas Athena/Athene (; Παλλὰς Ἀθηνᾶ; Παλλὰς Ἀθήνη),is the, goddess ,of wisdom, courage,inspiration, civilization,warfare, strength,strategy
- God of the sun, and his sister Artemis similarly equated with Selene, Titan, goddess , of the moon. In Latin texts, on the other hand, Joseph Monterrosa declared
- She accepted. Pygmalion spent a lot of time making small clay sculptures of the, goddess , claiming it was needed so he could pick the right pose. As he started making
- Astarte and Arabian Ali lat. Comparison with the Indo-European dawn, goddess ,It has long been accepted in comparative mythology that Aphrodite (regardless
- Perilous of the Engine Sea gives the following details:" It is said that the, goddess ,Thesis raised this island from the sea, for her son Achilles, who dwells there.
- Became sacred to Apollo. It is also stated that Hera kidnapped Militia,the, goddess ,of childbirth, to prevent Let from going into labor. The other gods tricked
- Over Patrols, except that Demon (unlike Hector) was also the son of a, goddess , Many Homeric scholars argued that episode inspired many details in the Iliads
- Colonia. The various Athena subgroups, or cults, all branching from the central, goddess ,herself often proctored various initiation rites of Grecian youth, for example
- Similar attributes. Athena is also a shrewd companion of heroes and the, goddess ,of heroic endeavor. She is the virgin patron of Athens. The Athenians built
- Such as Animalia, Cytherea and Cargo, used in specific areas of Greece. Each, goddess ,demanded a slightly different cult, but Greeks recognized in their overall
- Naval Air Force (in the) Atlantic. " Aphrodite (; Greek) is the Greek, goddess ,of love, beauty,pleasure, and procreation. Her Roman equivalent is the goddess
- Goddess of love, beauty,pleasure, and procreation. Her Roman equivalent is the, goddess , Historically, her cult in Greece was imported from, or influenced by, the cult
- People of Cather. An origin of (or significant influence on) the Greek love, goddess ,from Near Eastern traditions was seen with some skepticism in classical 19th
- Against the SHU feather of truth and justice taken from the headdress of the, goddess ,Ma'at. If the heart was lighter than the feather, they could pass on, but if it
- A staff. In earlier, archaic portraits of Athena in Black-figure pottery,the, goddess ,retains some of her Minoan-Mycenaean character, such as great bird wings
- City. File: Venus Medici. JPG|An engraving of the Venus de' Medici. The, goddess ,is depicted in a fugitive, momentary pose, as if surprised in the act of
- The root of the word Easter. He further states that the month was named after a, goddess ,Ensure whose feast was in that month. St George's day is the twenty-third of
- Major temple on the acropolis. Athena was often equated with Aphaea, a local, goddess ,of the island of Regina, located near Athens, once Regina was under Athenian's
- In return for Hera's release. Hephaestus was overjoyed at being married to the, goddess ,of beauty and forged her beautiful jewelry, including the Cetus, a girdle that
- To the care of three sisters, Herse, Pandrosus, and Assaults of Athens. The, goddess ,does not tell them what the box contains, but warns them not to open it until
- Roman months were named in honor of divinities, and as April was sacred to the, goddess ,Venus, the Festum Generic et Fortune Vigils being held on the first day, it
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