Examples of the the word, ab , in a Sentence Context

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  1. The mathematical and/or physical approximations made). The simplest type of, ab ,initio electronic structure calculation is the Hatred–Rock (HF) scheme, an
  2. Rightarrow \, AB: BS \right arrow \, b: BB \right arrow \, bb: Ab \right arrow \, ab ,: AA \right arrow \, aa and start symbol S, defines the language of all words of
  3. 1.5,a = (a' ) '. Equivalently, inverting is an involution. Inverse of, ab ,Theorem 1.7: For all elements a and b in group \, ( a\PERP) ' = b' \PERP a '
  4. Not written simply with digits, it is also written by simple juxtaposition:, ab , In computer programming languages and software packages in which one can only
  5. In the equations must be obtained beforehand from experimental data or, ab ,initio calculations. The dat ab ase of compounds used for parameterization, i. e.
  6. Of two elements a and b of a ring or an associative algebra is defined by: =, ab ,+ BA. The anticommutator is used less often than the commutator, but can be
  7. H and consider the automorphism T (e) e, T (a) b, T (b) a, T ( ab ), ab , Then T (H) is not contained in H. * In the Quaternary group of order 8,each
  8. With the Christian incarnation,e.g. Herod the Great or Moorings.: ... 1, ab , urbe conduit = 753 before Christ :2 AUC = 752 BC :3 AUC = 751 BC ... :750 AU =
  9. Is prob ab ly more often encountered. Pair and tuple A binary operation, ab , depends on the ordered pair (a, b ) and so ( ab )c (where the parentheses
  10. In them. In order of antiquity, they are: # The Archbishop of Canterbury (, ab ,origin) functions as the spiritual head of the Communion. He is the focus of
  11. Any preorder; * Symmetric and transitive: The relation R on N, defined as ARB ↔, ab ,≠ 0. Or any partial equivalence relation; * Reflexive and symmetric: The
  12. By many leaders, including the Welsh kings Hotel DDA, Idwal Feel, and Morgan, ab ,Twain. From Mercia the army went north, stopping at Chester-le-Street, before
  13. Comput ab le then the following real numbers are also comput ab le: a + b, a - b, ab , and a/b if b is nonzero. These operations are actually uniformly comput ab le;
  14. Be generalized to nary operations. Ternary associativity is (ABC)DE a (BCD)e, ab ,(CDE),i.e. the string ab ide with any three adjacent elements bracketed.
  15. Value, of four Hebrew and three Greek words, all written with Greek characters:, ab , Ben, rouach, hakadōs; Siberia APO you (“ Father, Son,Spirit, holy;
  16. In fact the solutions are described by a single congruence relation modulo, ab , As a consequence of the third point, if a and b are cop rime and BR ≡ BS (mod
  17. Such as AT MOL, GAUSSIAN,IBM, and POLYATOMIC, began to be used to speed up, ab ,initio calculations of molecular orbitals. Of these four programs, only
  18. Were naphthalene and Abilene. Abstracts of many earlier developments in, ab ,initio theory have been published by Schaefer. In 1964,Hockey method
  19. An array. In ambiguous usages, the longest possible name was taken, for example, ab ,was not treated as an Atlas Autocode's syntax was influenced by the output
  20. Up characters the way we do with brackets. The simplest example:: S → ASB: S →, ab ,This grammar generates the language \, which is not regular (according to the
  21. By the constitution, that act is null and void, and the nullification is, ab ,initio, that is, from inception, not from the date of the finding. It was never
  22. Diocletian on 20 November 284,or as stated by Dionysus:" used magic elegies, ab ,incarnation Dominic nostril Jesus Christi antrum temporal parentage ..." It is
  23. The first string has a short English-language description, namely ", ab ,32 times ", which consists of 11 characters. The second one has no obvious
  24. Of Roman consuls) that the year 1 AD corresponds to the Roman year DECLINE, ab ,urge conduit, based on Varro's epoch. This however resulted in that year not
  25. Using Gaussian orbitals by Boys and coworkers. By 1971,when a bibliography of, ab ,initio calculations was published, the largest molecules included were
  26. Itself like" June, lass dock die Spruce, die set zen JA die machete Forge, ab , " (" Stop those jokes, or they'll cancel the series! ") or ab out the
  27. Ab IPSA Cracow use ad lumen Odder recite in locum, qui Decatur Lemur, et, ab ,IPSA Lemur use in Terra Mile recite intro Odder et exile decent junta
  28. The 1960s by semi-empirical methods such as CONDO. In the early 1970s,efficient, ab ,initio computer programs such as AT MOL, GAUSSIAN,IBM, and POLYATOMIC, began
  29. CB \right arrow HE # HE \right arrow HC # HC \right arrow BC # ab \right arrow, ab ,# BB \right arrow BB # bC \right arrow bc # cc \right arrow cc The generation
  30. That are required to achieve any solution to them at all. For example, most, ab , initio calculations make the Born–Oppenheimer approximation, which greatly
  31. Of such use in the United Kingdom is given by Smith and Ratcliffe. The first, ab ,initio Hatred–Rock calculations on diatomic molecules were carried out in 1956
  32. Methods Density functional theory (DFT) methods are often considered to be, ab ,initio methods for determining the molecular electronic structure, even though
  33. Consider H and consider the automorphism T (e) e, T (a) b, T (b) a, T (, ab ,) ab . Then T (H) is not contained in H. * In the Quaternary group of order 8
  34. Value depends only on the tuple (a, b,c). *If the operation is commutative, ab ,= BA, then the value depends only on, where braces indicate multisets. *If the
  35. Related molecules, to approximate some elements of the underlying theory. Both, ab ,initio and semi-empirical approaches involve approximations. These range from
  36. In Dallas County looking upstream towards Selma. Alain de Lille (or Ala nus, ab ,Insulin) (c. 1128–1202),French theologian and poet, was born, prob ab ly in
  37. Usque in locum, qui Decatur Russo et fines Russo extended use in Cracow et, ab ,IPSA Cracow use ad lumen Odder recite in locum, qui Decatur Lemur, et ab
  38. Theoretical principles, with no inclusion of experimental data – are called, ab ,initio methods. This does not imply that the solution is an exact one; they are
  39. The problem geometrically by intersecting the pair of plane conic say x2 and XY, ab , The later work, in the 3rd century BC, of Archimedes and Apollonian studied
  40. Pair (a, b ) and then operate on the result of that using the ordered pair ((, ab ,), c )) depends in general on the ordered pair (( a, b ), c ). Thus, for the
  41. Whose members include priests. Monastic history An ab bot (from the Hebrew, ab ," אב" or ab bey" אבא "," a father ", through Latin Abbas (genitive form
  42. Formed only from consecutive letters of the alph ab et are hi and no. Others are, ab ,(short for ab dominal),DE (argu ab ly foreign),def (slang word meaning
  43. Equation by freezing the nuclei in place during the calculation. In principle, ab ,initio methods eventually converge to the exact solution of the underlying
  44. Is a classic example of Latin hexameter:: Area virtue can, Troiae quit Prius, ab ,Boris (dactyl, dactyl,spindle, spondee, dactyl,spindle) As in Greek, lines
  45. This name is presented by 'B. Farahvashi to be derived from the Persian word ", ab ," (water) and the root" PA" ( guard, watch ) thus" coastguard station" ).
  46. Two elements a and b of a ring or an associative algebra is defined by: a, b =, ab ,− BA. It is zero if and only if a and b commute. In linear algebra, if two
  47. Lane thereafter. In 1404 Abergavenny was declared its own nation by Began, ab ,Twain Gender, illegitimate son of Twain Gender. The arrangement lasted
  48. Consular list with its mistakes, and called the year of the first consuls" 245, ab , urbe conduit ", accepting the 244-year interval from Dionysus of Halicarnassus
  49. With greater computational cost. Significant errors can present themselves in, ab ,initio models comprising many electrons, due to the computational expense of
  50. Second halves of which are b's. L is generated by the grammar S\to ASB ~|~, ab , and is accepted by the push down automaton M (\, \,\, \delta, q_0,\) where

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