Examples of the the word, wounded , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Korea. * 1919 – Jallianwala Bag massacre: British troops, India. At least 1200, wounded , * 1919 – Eugene V. Debs enters prison at the Atlanta Federal Penitentiary in
  2. Korzybski served as an intelligence officer in the Russian Army. After being, wounded ,in a leg and suffering other injuries, he came to North America in 1916 (first
  3. Had 2,037 casualties: 291 dead (including three senior generals),1,262, wounded , and 484 captured or missing. The Americans had 71 casualties: 13 dead,39
  4. Disciples, Caelestius and Julian of Claim, They refused to agree that libido, wounded ,human will and mind, insisting that the human nature was given the power to act
  5. Was half-lying, half-sitting,leaning on his right arm. Thinking he was merely, wounded ,heavily, I tried to lift him, but the czar's legs were shattered, and the blood
  6. Invulnerability. To the contrary, in the Iliad Homer mentions Achilles being, wounded ,: in Book 21 the Persian hero Asteropaeus, son of Pentagon, challenged Achilles
  7. Helene, daughter of Citrus. She fought Achilles and died after he seriously, wounded ,her. * Hippo, an Amazon who took part in the introduction of religious rites in
  8. Made of seven cow-hides with a layer of bronze. Most notably, Ajax is not, wounded ,in any of the battles described in the Iliad, and he is the only principal
  9. Washington orders the creation of the Badge of Military Merit to honor soldiers, wounded ,in battle. It is later renamed to the more poetic Purple Heart. *1789 – The
  10. And 484 captured or missing. The Americans had 71 casualties: 13 dead,39, wounded , and 19 missing. Jackson became a national hero for his actions in this battle
  11. The troops of the enemy. He gave water to both friends and foes who were, wounded ,on the battlefield. Some enemy began to fight again and some Sikh
  12. Were defeated by Carleton in a battle that ended with Montgomery dead, Arnold, wounded , and over 400 Americans taken prisoner. The remaining Americans held on outside
  13. The Roman Republic. He reports there that as Alexander of Virus lay mortally, wounded ,on the battlefield at Pandora he compared his fortunes to those of his famous
  14. So close to his heart that it could never be safely removed. Jackson had been, wounded ,so frequently in duels that it was said he" rattled like a bag of marbles. "
  15. The Communist St Nadella Church assault in Sofia,150 are killed and 500 are, wounded , *1941 – World War II: The Italian convoy Duisburg, directed to Tunisia, is
  16. Ramoth-Gilead. During this battle Ahab disguised himself, but was mortally, wounded ,by a randomly shot arrow (ch. 22). The Hebrew Bible says that dogs licked his
  17. Sown into their senses" the root of evil" ( radix Mali). Their nature was, wounded ,by concupiscence or libido, which affected human intelligence and will, as well
  18. Dzerzhinsky was later to write:" I was deafened by the new explosion, burned, wounded , and thrown to the ground. Suddenly, amid the smoke and snowy fog, I heard His
  19. When they first met and then falling on the pyre. Anna reproached the mortally, wounded ,Dido. Meanwhile, Juno,looking down on the tragedy and moved by Dido's plight
  20. Animals win the battle, they do so at great cost, as many, including Boxer, are, wounded , Boxer continues working harder and harder, until he collapses while working on
  21. To be superseded. He returned to the Sahara, where,in 1087,having been, wounded ,with a poisoned arrow, he died. Yusuf in Ashwin had in the meantime brought
  22. Him to radicals. On April 14, 1865,Abraham Lincoln was shot and mortally, wounded ,by John Wilkes Booth, a Confederate sympathizer, while the president was
  23. Apparently a misunderstanding. Augustine teaches that human sexuality has been, wounded , together with the whole of human nature, and requires redemption of Christ.
  24. Protocol was to check bodies for intelligence, take prisoners, and 'treat' any, wounded ,enemy. Once this was accomplished, the ambush patrol would then exfiltrate the
  25. That would not heal; Telefax consulted an oracle, who stated that" he that, wounded ,shall heal ". Guided by the oracle, he arrived at Argos, where Achilles healed
  26. Field doctor in the Waffen-SS before transferring to Auschwitz after being, wounded ,in combat. Internal camp order was under the authority of another SS group
  27. What were you doing, and why? " Asked the Guru. " I was giving water to the, wounded ,because I saw your face in all of them," replied Thai Kannada. The Guru
  28. Down the line. At about 2:30 p. m., while leading one of those charges, he was, wounded , taking a bullet behind his right knee. He did not think the wound serious at
  29. Wound serious at the time, and sent his personal physician to attend to some, wounded ,captured Union soldiers instead. It is possible that Johnston's duel in 1837
  30. Who murdered him and sent his head to Ptolemy Kilometer, who had been mortally, wounded ,in the engagement. Alexander (Greek:) was Tagus or despot of Pherae in
  31. This abominable monstrosity, engendering the wrath of Ares, whom the hero, wounded , List of Ares' consorts and children
  32. Rome. A fierce contest ensued with the Abrasion in which Alexander himself was, wounded ,in the shoulder by a dart but eventually the Abrasion lost the fight. Alexander
  33. And 31 drivers. Throughout the length of the deployment, there was one Armenian, wounded ,and no deaths. The Armenian government extended the small troop presence in
  34. Julius Brutus Albinos in Mutiny, defeats the forces of the consul Pans, who is, wounded , * 69 – Vilnius, commander of the Rhine armies, defeats Emperor Tho in the
  35. His saddle and his face turning deathly pale, Harris asked:" General, are you, wounded , " Johnston glanced down at his leg wound and replied with his last words: "
  36. 1838 under 21-year-old Henry Unman. The first Sheriff, Mr Samuel Smart, was, wounded , during the robbery, and on 2 May 1838 one of the offenders, Michael McGee
  37. Harbor. When D-Day arrived, they had made enough penicillin to treat all the, wounded ,Allied forces. Purification and stabilization Ernst Boris Chain and Edward
  38. Army; Johnston refused to fire on Huston and lost the position after he was, wounded ,in the pelvis. The second president of the Republic of Texas, Mirabeau B. Lamar
  39. Of the train's garrison were captured, though many others escaped, including, wounded , placed on the train's engine. Armored fighting vehicles Towards the end of
  40. By the following day, August 30,he took command of the division when Hatch was, wounded , and he led his men to cover the retreat of the Union Army. At Fredericksburg
  41. For dinner, the tsar was unharmed; although 11 other people were killed and 30, wounded , Assassination After the last assassination attempt in February 1880,Count
  42. c) the way of preparing them for the hunt; and d) the cures for sick and, wounded ,falcons. His scholarly legacy justifies his contemporaries' bestowing upon him
  43. In Homer, Aphrodite,venturing into battle to protect her son, Aeneas,is, wounded ,by Diomedes and returns to her mother, to sink down at her knee and be
  44. In this fallen state, the free will of man towards the true good is not only, wounded , infirm, bent,and weakened; but it is also imprisoned, destroyed,and lost.
  45. Battle. He took the field himself, and performed many heroic deeds until he was, wounded ,and forced to withdraw to his tent. His chief fault was his overwhelming
  46. On December 13, 1862,when over 12,000 Union soldiers were killed or, wounded ,during repeated futile frontal assaults against Marye's Heights. After the
  47. Released from the hospital later the same day. Warhol however, was seriously, wounded ,by the attack and barely survived (surgeons opened his chest and massaged his
  48. Damage the troops' morale with the sight of the dead general. Johnston and his, wounded ,horse, Fire Eater, were taken to his field headquarters on the Corinth road
  49. Forge in the winter of 1777-78 alone. The number of Revolutionaries seriously, wounded ,or disabled by the war has been estimated from 8,500 to 25,000. The total
  50. In London during a small demonstration outside the embassy. Ten others are, wounded , The events lead to an 11-day siege of the building. *1986 – The Three A Hundred

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