Examples of the the word, grateful , in a Sentence Context

The word ( grateful ), is the 4636 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Such as temples built by Hadrian and the statue of the emperor built by the, grateful ,citizens of Epicurus in thanks to their" restorer ". He was especially
  2. The offer. In 1926 Heidegger dedicated his book San UND Wait to him" in, grateful ,respect and friendship. " Husserl remained in his professorship at Freiburg
  3. Days and the rebellion was quickly put down. Perhaps because the government was, grateful ,for this service, they subsequently re-organized the CPR's debt and provided a
  4. Transgressions, willingness to sacrifice all of one's possessions, and being, grateful ,to the Lord despite adversity (tract ate Berachoth 9:5). Rabbinic literature
  5. For your benefit, to guard you from each other's violence: will ye then be, grateful , (Yusuf Ali's translation). From the Middle East mail was quickly adopted in
  6. Europe from Charlemagne's, a new Roman Emperor was crowned in Rome by a, grateful ,pope. This emperor, Otto the Great, brought the title into the hands of the
  7. States that the band was smoking the psychedelic DMT at the time. The term ", grateful ,dead" appears in folktales of a variety of cultures. In the summer of '69
  8. Took and lived with after the death of Reptilia Faustino, his wife. Marcus was, grateful ,that he did not have to live with her longer than he did. Marcus was taught at
  9. Of military men unearthed the honors from the depths of Edinburgh Castle. A, grateful ,Prince Regent granted Scott the title of baronet. Later, after George's
  10. To all that the likes of Simon Cowell stand for. And for that we should all be, grateful , This tour will be a celebration of all things rock 'n' roll ..... pity the
  11. Is that the Gorgonize was added to the Aegis, a votive gift from a, grateful ,Perseus. There also is the origin myth that represents the ægis as a
  12. Name was also part of the extraordinary honor when the house was given by a, grateful ,nation to a great general. (Along with several royal and episcopal palaces in
  13. Palace of 1,300 years ago. This structure was gifted to Dr. Thiamine in, grateful ,recognition of his efforts to further friendly relations between Japan and the
  14. Taken as my thanks cannot be lacking for the same, but yield them to you in, grateful ,sort ". In historian J. E. Neale's view, Elizabeth may not have declared her
  15. Serves the direction of her career as an actress and recording artist, she is, grateful ,and appreciative to everyone at Sony for all that they accomplished together. "
  16. Man, not a philosopher, and he did not have providence. He was unwise, simply, grateful , for what he had. God, according to Elite, did not single out Job for punishment
  17. Some programmers disliked the" near" orthogonality, while others were, grateful ,for the attempt. At the bit level, the person writing the assembler would
  18. Comparative grammar may truly be said to date from his earliest publication. In, grateful ,recognition of that fact, on the fiftieth anniversary (May 16, 1866) of the
  19. Killing herself, Bobby realized what she meant with" kill or cure" and was, grateful , Divided We Stand Iceman arrives in San Francisco, where he was set to meet
  20. Spoke against the Prime Minister:" He brought home peace, why can't they be, grateful , " The Commons discussed the Munich Agreement on 3 October; though Cooper
  21. Is denied when God causes a tree to grow over him, giving him shade. Initially, grateful , Jonah's anger returns the next day, when God sends a worm to eat the plant
  22. For exhibition, he rescued them and promised to return them to their homes. The, grateful ,pygmies fed Johnston's curiosity about the animal mentioned in Stanley's book
  23. Uħibbuka (أُحِبُّكَ):: said to a female – uħibbuki (أُحِبُّكِ):" I am very, grateful ," in Portuguese::: said by a male – moot brigade:: said by a female – moot
  24. The relative economic success of this period created a considerable group of, grateful ,citizens, who found the increase in everyday standard of living more
  25. People through their example and educational works. We may all be happy and, grateful ,that destiny gifted us with such an enlightened contemporary, a role model for
  26. And Elisabeth Barnes, daughter of the Duke of Parma. The influence of the, grateful ,new queen being actively exerted on Alberoni's behalf — the princess DES
  27. Of Douglass wrote of Grant that African Americans" will ever cherish a, grateful ,remembrance of his name, fame and great services. " In 1872,Douglass became
  28. Rift between major urban centers and the countryside. Rural voters, who were, grateful ,for the restoration of most agricultural land to farmers but fearful of change
  29. And flattery in the papal court, but above all of papal tyranny, its least, grateful ,passages. Paul's successor Paul IV, once a member on the commission, in 1539
  30. The plain soldier from the agricultural counties. ' He remained profoundly, grateful ,for the lesson. For a long time, he had been imprisoned in a tower, not of
  31. The same would have been expected, even if no will existed. Claudius remained, grateful ,to the guard, however,issuing coins with tributes to the Praetorian's in the
  32. Us defeat people who slaughtered our own people September 11, 2001. And I'm, grateful ,for that. And I'm not about to label them in these pejorative terms as
  33. 26 (4):239-57,there is a footnote regarding the pronunciation:" We are most, grateful ,to Professor James Cormack of the Department of Greek, University of Aberdeen
  34. In the Indian Empire were accordingly announced from the pulpits of Baghdad in, grateful ,and glowing terms. The global Muslim population had climbed to about 4 per cent
  35. In his letters, Marcus makes frequent and affectionate reference to her; he was, grateful ,that," although she was fated to die young, yet she spent her last years with
  36. Of Kentucky, which states," We, the people of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, grateful ,to Almighty God for the civil, political and religious liberties we enjoy, and
  37. S production company JML produced Cool Hand Luke in 1967. Paul Newman was, grateful ,to Lemon for his support and offered him the role later made famous by Robert
  38. Praised the storyline, and its director Joyce Epstein explained," We are very, grateful ,to Fasteners for their accurate depiction of the devastating effect that the
  39. Baltimore, a close friend of Chief Rabbi Herzog of Jerusalem, told Pius how, grateful ,Jews were for all he had done for them. " My only regret ", the pope replied,"
  40. And promised a sum of £240,000 to build a suitable house as a gift from a, grateful ,crown in recognition of his victory – a victory which British historian Sir
  41. Hampered Britain's war effort. Lloyd-George, then minister for munitions, was, grateful , to Weizmann and so supported his Zionist aspirations. In his War Memoirs
  42. He will by no means do harm to Allah in the least and Allah will reward the, grateful , " (3.144) 'Umar said," By Allah, when I heard Abu Bakr reciting it, my legs
  43. Was instrumental in saving them from further persecution, and James was, grateful ,enough to allow pardons for those recants who sued for them, as well as
  44. Greatest Rossini interpreters in history, remained,throughout her life, deeply, grateful , and absolutely devoted to her ancient“ maestro ”, nearly a second father to
  45. Honesty and integrity in his dealings with the inhabitants. As a result,the, grateful ,Sicilians asked Cicero to prosecute Gains Verses, a governor of Sicily, who had
  46. From the elector's vengeance, Werth found a refuge in Austria. The emperor was, grateful ,for his conduct in this affair, ordered the elector to rescind his ban, and
  47. Vessel and rescuing thirty-five crewmen from a disabled Klingon ship. A, grateful ,Bartok would later invite Work (who had earlier been stripped of his family
  48. As American Catholics we do not know of anyone who more deserves our, grateful ,remembrance than the great and noble man – the pious, zealous,faithful
  49. Ship back to a safe port and in reward for this impressive feat, the vessel’s, grateful ,Scottish owners made him master of the ship and its crew, giving him 10 percent
  50. Of online magazine Whosoever, responded to the findings: All in all,I'm, grateful ,for Barney even wandering into the subject of gay and lesbian religious belief.

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