Examples of the the word, technologies , in a Sentence Context

The word ( technologies ), is the 4635 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Precursor to Hollerith cards (punch cards,1887),and" telephone switching, technologies ," were the roots of a tree leading to the development of the first computers.
  2. Decoupling. The growth of organic farming has renewed research in alternative, technologies ,such as integrated pest management and selective breeding. Recent mainstream
  3. There are three ways that different groups can have similar cultural forms or, technologies ,:" independent invention, inheritance from ancestors in a distant region
  4. As a result, later Apple II models incorporated some hardware and software, technologies ,of the Apple III. Apple III design The Apple III was designed to be a business
  5. Introduced as a part of the Green Revolution. The Green Revolution exported the, technologies ,(including pesticides and synthetic nitrogen) of the developed world to the
  6. Make the likelihood of terrestrial planets greater than otherwise. As of 2002, technologies , did not allow for terrestrial planets like Earth to be detected around Alpha
  7. The isolated remote area of Antarctica by foot to a more open area due to human, technologies ,enabling more convenient and faster transport, predominantly by air and water
  8. SDI remained a research program and was never deployed. Several post-SDI, technologies ,are used by the present Missile Defense Agency (MDA). Lasers originally
  9. Amount of transport movements can take place and sustainable transportation, technologies ,have to be used to reduce the ecological footprint. The infrastructure of land
  10. That the Earth would not be able to support its growing population, but, technologies , such as the Green Revolution have allowed the world to produce a surplus of
  11. Crops and animals, development of new pesticides, yield-sensing, technologies , simulation models of crop growth, in-vitro cell culture techniques) *
  12. Company named Sonar tech Pty Ltd (now Sonar tech Atlas),which developed sonar, technologies ,for Australian submarines. He worked on passive sonar technology. Between 1989
  13. On American bombers such as the B-29,which had spearheaded research into new, technologies ,such as pressurization. Most offered increased efficiency from both added speed
  14. In agricultural practices have occurred over the past century in response to new, technologies , and the development of world markets. This also led to technological
  15. Agencies and other organizations to ensure that farmers have access to the, technologies ,required to support modern agriculture practices. Farmers are supported by
  16. Prize, given to major contributors to" development of perfusion and bioreactor, technologies ,for organ preservation and growth ". Michael Debate and nine other scientists
  17. Spread spectrum communication system that later became the basis for modern, technologies ,in wireless telephones and Wi-Fi. *1947 – Muhammad Ali Jinnah, founding father
  18. Surpassed by deep-sea fisheries, which derived a great impetus from improved, technologies ,throughout the twentieth Century. Catches have fallen due to overfishing and
  19. Commercial farming became viable in the area once the grain trade had developed, technologies ,to handle the bulk export of grain, especially hopper cars and grain elevators.
  20. Green ". Plot The story unfolds via the introduction video, explanations of new, technologies , videos obtained for completing secret projects, interludes,and cut-scenes.
  21. The Institute of Quantum Optics at the University of Hanover gave details of, technologies ,and benefits of femtokelvin research in space. Thermodynamics near absolute
  22. Since the 1960s,people have been trying to make sense out of the impact of new, technologies ,and social change. Löffler’s writings have been influential beyond the confines
  23. X-ray laser satellites. Later research indicated that some planned, technologies ,such as X-ray lasers were not feasible with then-current technology. As
  24. In North Africa, the Near East, and Europe began making use of agricultural, technologies ,including irrigation systems based on hydraulic and hydrostatic principles
  25. The huge distance between the Sun and Alpha Centauri using current spacecraft, technologies ,would take several millennia, though the possibility of space sail, or Nuclear
  26. Time include security culture, affinity groups and the use of decentralized, technologies ,such as the internet. Other active syndicalist movements include in Sweden the
  27. Unnecessary barriers to hundreds of millions of people. Even the makers of AT, technologies ,will often still argue that universal design is preferable to the need for AT
  28. Into various energy-beam weaponry, brought new interest in the area of ABM, technologies , SDI was an extremely ambitious program to provide a total shield against a
  29. Transport, predominantly by air and water, as well as land. Transportation, technologies ,on a remote area like Antarctica need to be able to deal with extremely low
  30. And speech synthesis software are becoming the cornerstone of assistive, technologies , improving quality of life for those with learning disabilities and visual
  31. Has been driven and defined by greatly different climates, cultures,and, technologies , However, all farming generally relies on techniques to expand and maintain the
  32. Reaction of acetylene is its combustion, the basis of the acetylene welding, technologies , Otherwise, its major applications involve its conversion to acrylic acid
  33. An optional feature. As a result,Arabic-speaking users communicated in these, technologies ,by transliterating the Arabic text using the Latin script, sometimes known as
  34. The disciplines of psychiatry, psychology,neurology and pediatrics. Newer, technologies ,such as fMRI and diffusion tensor imaging can help identify biologically
  35. Systems, IRC,instant messaging and mobile phone text messaging. Most of these, technologies ,originally had the ability to communicate using the Latin script only, and some
  36. Lies in better technology, such as integrated pest management, waste treatment, technologies , landscape architecture, genomics,and agricultural philosophy fields that
  37. See open source, assembly kit, freelance work). This was the notion that new, technologies ,are enabling the radical fusion of the producer and consumer into the prosumer.
  38. Based in Sunnyvale, California,that develops computer processors and related, technologies ,for commercial and consumer markets. Its main products include microprocessors
  39. Of altitude providing range has meant a significant focus on airborne radar, technologies , Radars include Airborne Early Warning (AEW),Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW)
  40. Alien Crossfire features seven new factions (two that are non-human),new, technologies , new facilities, new secret projects, new alien life forms, new unit special
  41. This range has shorter wavelengths which allows better resolution in imaging, technologies , Medical applications such as ultrasonography and cartography rely on the
  42. Gibbs free energy of reaction,29 MJ/kg. ) Reduction line currents for older, technologies ,are typically 100 to 200 kiloamperes; state-of-the-art smelters operate at
  43. Huang he shared many similarities. These civilizations may well have exchanged, technologies ,and ideas such as mathematics and the wheel. Other innovations, such as writing
  44. Of the ethnic Portuguese population, but has begun to reemerge (with updated, technologies ,), partly because of the influx of new Portuguese entrepreneurs. Similar
  45. And employment of armor. Armour drove the development of many important, technologies ,of the Ancient World, including wood lamination, mining,metal refining
  46. Storage device range. Bridge continued his work with network-attached storage, technologies ,when he joined Quantum Corporation as a Senior Engineer in the Storage Systems
  47. Provide a fertile field for deeper understanding in agricultural science. New, technologies , such as biotechnology and computer science (for data processing and storage)
  48. Few decades and especially since the 1990s,Western-invented text communication, technologies ,have become prevalent in the Arab world, such as personal computers, the World
  49. Provide farmers with tools and resources to make farming more sustainable. New, technologies ,have given rise to innovations like conservation tillage, a farming process
  50. Such as artificial intelligence implemented with thermionic valves and other, technologies ,now considered obsolete. Iron Storm is a first-person shooter set in 1964

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