Examples of the the word, elaborate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( elaborate ), is the 4632 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. By its detailed ornamentation most noticeably the pointed archways and, elaborate ,rib vaulting. First developed in France, Gothic was intended as a
  2. Style) scene ASCII art. More complicated routines in JavaScript generate more, elaborate ,Aspirations showing effects like Morphing effects, star field emulations
  3. The simple offering of food or shedding of blood at the grave develops into an, elaborate ,system of sacrifice. Even where ancestor worship is not found, the desire to
  4. During the 1940s,Huxley went to the first of five meetings' session to, elaborate ,the script of Alice in Wonderland but never came again. For author John Grant
  5. Minnelli, featured many tunes of Gershwin, and concluded with an extensive, elaborate ,dance sequence built around the American in Paris symphonic poem (arranged
  6. Centuries are impressive. Four basilicas adorned with rich mosaic floors and, elaborate ,architectural sculptures (such as the ram-headed column capitals - see picture
  7. In acoustics as mathematicians applied the new techniques of calculus to, elaborate ,theories of sound wave propagation. In the nineteenth century the major figures
  8. On the project; The capstone, which was set in place on December 6,1884,in an, elaborate ,dedication ceremony, was the largest single piece of aluminum cast at the time
  9. Creating a narrative of events in 5th century Britain with various degrees of, elaborate ,detail. Yet a simpler alternative interpretation of the conflict between these
  10. Of staircases and halls. Its softness enables it to be carved readily into, elaborate ,forms, but its solubility in water renders it unsuitable for outdoor work. If
  11. In the 18th century, Baroque Art was replaced by the more elegant and, elaborate ,Rococo style. Representative artists: Caravaggio, Annibale
  12. Of the 19th century and the developers of systems such as Boolean algebra made, elaborate ,efforts to derive them from traditional arithmetic. Galois showed just before
  13. Distinction to Sophocles. Aeschylus is also said to have made the costumes more, elaborate ,and dramatic, and having his actors wear platform boots (churn) to make
  14. Deal with minor offenses at local level. Alexander's bureaucracy instituted an, elaborate ,scheme of local self-government (Zest) for the rural districts (1864)
  15. At this stage often produced extensive, fantastically detailed notes to, elaborate ,his vision. For example, for Seven Samurai, he created six notebooks in which
  16. Wealth of the pharaohs during the early dynastic period was reflected in their, elaborate ,Masada tombs and mortuary cult structures at Abyss, which were used to
  17. Inquiry. " Physics In mechanics, Ibn Sing, in The Book of Healing, developed an, elaborate ,theory of motion, in which he made a distinction between the inclination (
  18. Although by Agathon's time, such clothing, especially the κεκρύφαλος (an, elaborate ,covering for the hair) had long fallen out of fashion for men. According to
  19. Usually begins during November or December of the previous year. This is an, elaborate ,extravaganza, with the invited guests walking up the red carpet in the
  20. A book on conic sections, which was excellent preparation for designing the, elaborate ,vaulting of Hagia Sophia. He compiled a survey of mirror configurations in his
  21. Glasses, he would quite often use a magnifying lens. " Laura Huxley proceeds to, elaborate ,a few nuances of inconsistency peculiar to Huxley's vision. Her account, in
  22. Judged and awarded places relative to the works of other comic dramatists. An, elaborate ,series of lotteries, designed to prevent prejudice and corruption, reduced the
  23. Peasants lived in simple homes, while the palaces of the elite were more, elaborate ,structures. A few surviving New Kingdom palaces, such as those in Malta and
  24. Between mortals and gods. Vedic rituals all involve Agni, for example the, elaborate ,Agnicayana, that is, the piling of the fire altar, the Agnihotra, viz.
  25. Van Angel and DeVos::" ... accomplished their success through the use of an, elaborate ,pyramid-like distribution system in which independent distributors of Amway
  26. As" the ", but its spatial mode of expression has enabled it to develop an, elaborate ,system of grammatical aspect that is absent from English. ASL grammar was
  27. Stowage aboard large ships led to almost universal adoption. In contrast to the, elaborate ,stowage procedures for earlier anchors, stockless anchors are simply hauled up
  28. War. * 1898 – The Hawaiian flag is lowered from Island Palace in an, elaborate ,annexation ceremony and replaced with the flag of the United States to signify
  29. Joseph F. Smith of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints presents an, elaborate ,vision of the Afterlife. It is revealed as the scene of an extensive missionary
  30. Words requires the author or speaker to clarify their context, and sometimes, elaborate ,on their specific intended meaning (in which case, a less ambiguous term
  31. The 6th Section and the Annals relocated to the FMSH building. FMSH set up, elaborate ,international networks to spread the Annals gospel across Europe and the world
  32. Customer service policies. The investigation revealed that the company had an, elaborate ,scheme for rewarding employees who purported to retain or" save" subscribers
  33. In churches influenced by these principles tends to be significantly less, elaborate , with greater emphasis on the Liturgy of the Word (the reading of the
  34. To the ravages of time and the violence of man. But we have preserved to us an, elaborate ,plan of the great Swiss monastery of St Gall, erected about AD 820,which puts
  35. The principal motif in Rococo. The society women competed for the best and most, elaborate ,decorations for their houses. Hence, the Rococo style was highly dominated by
  36. The latter, it merely executed the wishes of the assembly. Courts Athens had an, elaborate ,legal system centered on full citizen rights (see atomic). The age limit, the
  37. And king of the sea creatures in Norse mythology. He is also known for hosting, elaborate ,parties for the gods. Ægir's servants are Imaging (killed by Loki) and
  38. Swinburne, published in 1866. It is in adapted Ottawa RIMA and is full of, elaborate ,use of literary devices, particularly alliteration. The theme, which purports
  39. Rivals viewed the transfer to Athens as usurping monetary resources to fund, elaborate ,building projects. Athens also switched from accepting ships, men and weapons
  40. Of Christ ". In the late 15th century, the enigmatic Hypnerotomachia, with its, elaborate ,woodcut illustrations, shows the influence of themed pageants and masques on
  41. The philosopher's stone was introduced to Western alchemy. Jair developed an, elaborate ,numerology whereby the root letters of a substance's name in Arabic, when
  42. Not - rather it is an example of what he referred to as applicability. Art Some, elaborate ,and successful specimens of allegory are to be found in the following works
  43. Above). Poetry The poetic works of Antaeus were collected into ten books, with, elaborate , commentaries,by the Alexandrian scholars Aristophanes of Byzantium and
  44. His commentary, De mineralizes, he refers to the power of stones, but does not, elaborate ,on what these powers might be. A wide range of Pseudo-Albertine works dealing
  45. On earth in spiritual form. Burial customs The ancient Egyptians maintained an, elaborate ,set of burial customs that they believed were necessary to ensure immortality
  46. Ensured the cooperation and unity of the Egyptian people in the context of an, elaborate ,system of religious beliefs. The many achievements of the ancient Egyptians
  47. Of food, shelter,and fertility and wards off malevolent spirits. In more, elaborate ,animistic religions, such as Shinto, there is a greater sense of a special
  48. More people begin to use planes as their primary method of transportation, more, elaborate , methods of controlling aircraft safely in these high restrictive airspace have
  49. Of liturgical freedom is permitted, and worship styles range from the simple to, elaborate , Unique to Anglicanism is the Book of Common Prayer (BCP),the collection of
  50. Is again subject to some force external to God. Friedrich Nietzsche suggests, elaborate ,explanations of how initially amoral social practices became artificially

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