Examples of the the word, repression , in a Sentence Context

The word ( repression ), is the 8274 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Spiral of violence as an attempt to fully destabilize Spain, increase Franco's, repression ,against Basque nationalism and subsequently put the average citizen in the
  2. In the 1950s. He vigorously opposed militarism, materialism and sexual, repression , Ginsberg is best known for his epic poem" Howl ", in which he celebrated his
  3. With each passing year, in a manner that paralleled the increasing cultural, repression ,of the Stalinist regime. Feature film projects would drag out for months or
  4. Such as the bourgeoisie, and members of the clergy; the first organized mass, repression ,began against the libertarians and Socialists of Petrograd in April 1918.
  5. Against similar methods in Poland (protests in Poznań) and the Soviet, repression ,of the Hungarian revolution in October. Camus maintained his pacifism and
  6. Wars and various forms of economic and cultural exploitation;, repression ,of workers and trade unionists; social alienation; economic inequality;
  7. Of Scotland. William Wallace (Mel Gibson) grows up in this atmosphere of, repression ,and fear and survives the death of his father and brother. Wallace is taken
  8. Superstition ". As she and Bergman traveled around the country, they found, repression , mismanagement, and corruption instead of the equality and worker empowerment
  9. Dictatorship with the promulgation of the Fifth Institutional Act in 1968. The, repression ,of the dictatorship's opponents, including urban guerrillas, was harsh, but
  10. Miracle ", the regime reached its highest level of popularity in the years of, repression , General Ernesto Gases became president in 1974 and began his project of
  11. Also sought refuge in Bayonne in the 20th century during Francisco Franco's, repression , with Petite Bayonne still a center of Basque nationalism. By the mid-19th
  12. And shot without trial. However, within a month the Cheney had extended its, repression ,to all political opponents of the communist government, including anarchists
  13. Of the Central Party School, argues that gradual political reform as well as, repression ,of those pushing for overly rapid change over the next thirty years will be
  14. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1986 for speaking out against violence, repression , and racism. He has received many other prizes and honors for his work
  15. That lasted the fifteen years until the end of her reign. During this time, repression ,of Catholics intensified, and Elizabeth authorized commissions in 1591 to
  16. The population suffered considerable hardship due to ethnic cleansing policies, repression ,and starvation, to which the population reacted by creating a mass resistance
  17. Sent to assassinate Making were caught and executed. Many victims of Cheney, repression ,were 'bourgeois hostages' rounded up and held in readiness for summary
  18. German leftist community. Communists despised her outspokenness about Soviet, repression ,; liberals derided her radicalism. While Bergman remained in Berlin helping
  19. Village in today's Ibarra born in the late 1600s. Despite the early, repression ,and discrimination of the native people by the Spanish, Jacinto learned to read
  20. Of the economy and greater attention to public opinion. However, KGB, repression , of Soviet dissidents also increased. Although Chernenko had called for renewed
  21. National Front system itself eventually began to be seen as a form of political, repression ,by dissidents and even many mainstream voters, especially after what was
  22. When he did not restore democratic rule and occasionally engaged in open, repression , however, he was overthrown by the military in 1957 with the backing of both
  23. On La Camera. Though there was never a proper war in the islands, the post-war, repression ,on the Canaries was most severe. During the Second World War, Winston Churchill
  24. 0.2 %) and no seats were won, nor deposits were saved. Legal issues Claims of, repression ,of free speech The BNP says that NUN guidelines on reporting 'far right '
  25. Algerians, and the French Army who, on the other, carried out a bloody, repression ,including the quasi-systematic use of torture on protesters of the colonial
  26. Resistance, the Cheney orchestrated a massive retaliatory campaign of, repression , executions, and arrests against all opponents of the Bolshevik government in
  27. Natives of the otherwise unknown village of Lippi, near Ankara, and suffered, repression ,under the emperor Trajan (98-117). In the 280s AD we hear of Philumenos, a
  28. Her earlier belief that revolutionary ends justified violent means. The, repression ,and authoritarian control of the Soviet Union caused a radical shift in her
  29. To the abandonment of these kinds of tactics, although reciprocally state, repression , in the first place, may have played a role in these isolated acts. The
  30. Bloody Sunday (1887),a demonstration in London, England against British, repression ,in Ireland * Bloody Sunday (1900),a day of high casualties in the Second
  31. Of apoptosis by a molecule is termed positive induction, whereas the active, repression ,or inhibition of apoptosis by a molecule is termed negative induction. ) A cell
  32. The requested information. The commission was allowed to apply such measures of, repression ,as 'confiscation, deprivation of ration cards, publication of lists of enemies
  33. One answer will emerge. If a lack of persecution, defined as active and violent, repression , is the criterion, the question gets a different answer. Discrimination against
  34. Norms and political structures constrain elite decisions about the use of, repression ,against their citizens whereas autocratic elites are not so constrained. Once
  35. Opinion in regard to class inequalities. He often depicted the exploitation and, repression ,of the poor and condemned the public officials and institutions that not only
  36. To COINTELPRO are unfounded, the issue of ongoing government surveillance and, repression ,is nonetheless real. A cruise missile is a guided missile that carries an
  37. Called the People's Republic of Benin existed, ushering in a period of, repression ,which ultimately led to an economic collapse. Formation of the Republic of
  38. Abdelkader Al-Jazair. The Algerian population was then four million. French, repression ,cost us two million lives. It was genocide. We survived as a people. Barbaric
  39. The lesser evil in the form of ETA's reaction against Franco's unleashed, repression , During the transition After Franco's death, during the Spanish transition to
  40. Right to send representatives to the Spanish parliament, and Madrid stepped up, repression , Nonetheless, Spain had long been under pressure to end the slave trade. In
  41. 1966 to 1978,the exodus continued, fueled by high unemployment and political, repression , Communities established by the first wave of immigrants to the U. S. created a
  42. Swept the board. As Gorbachev had weakened the system of internal political, repression , the ability of the USSR's central Moscow government to impose its will on the
  43. Restrictions on freedom of speech, one-party control of public TV and radio, repression ,of independent media, unfair electoral regulations, a judiciary that is not
  44. 56 % against 44 %). After the coup, Chileans witnessed a large-scale, repression , which started as soon as October 1973,with at least 70 persons murdered by
  45. Poor simply became poorer. Forever, the poor were commonly the target of state, repression , and their socioeconomic claims were labeled 'communist' and dealt with
  46. That anarchism could do very well without" the individual dynamiter. " State, repression ,(including the infamous 1894 French Lois celebrates) of the anarchist and
  47. Centralized control of economic activity is always accompanied by political, repression , In his view, transactions in a market economy are voluntary, and the wide
  48. Bolsheviks and Mensheviks weakened by splits within their ranks and by Tsarist, repression , they were tempted to try to re-unite the party. In January 1910,Leninists
  49. Remained in power as president for 12 years. His tenure was a period of, repression ,of human rights and civil liberties, ostensibly to keep pro-Castro or
  50. Being a part of a dysfunctional family, or from social problems, or political, repression , A notorious recent example is Fragments (1995) by 'Benjamin Wilkomirski' (

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