Examples of the the word, repository , in a Sentence Context

The word ( repository ), is the 5610 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A web browser. A web-based file manager can serve as an organization's digital, repository , For example, documents,digital media, publishing layouts, and presentations
  2. FSF) have criticized the Debian Project for providing the non-free, repository , rather than excluding this type of software entirely, an opinion also echoed
  3. Business intelligence tools, tools to extract, transform and load data into the, repository , and tools to manage and retrieve metadata. Benefits of a data warehouse A data
  4. Neuropreservation is motivated by the brain's role as the primary, repository ,of memory and personal identity. (For instance, spinal cord injury victims
  5. To the new Sciences Library, the John Hay Library became exclusively a, repository ,for the library's Special Collections. Hay's New Hampshire estate has been
  6. CPAN's name is based on the CAN),few languages have an exhaustive central, repository ,for libraries. The PHP language has PECL and PEAR, Python has a PyPi (Python
  7. Is also a Perl core module named CAN; it's usually differentiated from the, repository ,itself by calling it CAN. Pm. CAN. Pm is mainly an interactive shell which
  8. Have historically not been required to report their performance to a central, repository ,and restrictions against public offerings and advertisement have led many
  9. Now known as SourcePuller) that interoperated with the Beekeeper source code, repository , This was cited as the reason that Discover revoked a license allowing Linux
  10. Module System, a Java specification" defining a distribution format and a, repository ,for collections of Java code and related resources; it also defines the
  11. Quest sin, uses Query by Example and features a dictionary, knowledge base, repository , reference, and thesaurus. * SNEPS, a simultaneously a logic-based, frame-based
  12. Release but the sources for a future 1.2 release are available from Subversion, repository , Security It was known that early versions of Bitch were vulnerable to a
  13. Found on the city's east side. * Albright-Knox Art Gallery, a world-renowned, repository ,of art, was designed by Edward Godhead Green. The new modern art wing was
  14. Chromosomes are important for the ability of DNA to function as a stable, repository ,for information, as one of the few times chromosomes interact is during
  15. Distribution named unstable (also known as SID),or to the experimental, repository , Software packages uploaded to unstable are normally versions stable enough to
  16. To the home page on a website) was available as an application launcher,a, repository ,for shared scripts, and a facility for setting preferences. Hypercube is not
  17. Plant, the Idaho National Laboratory, proposed Yucca Mountain nuclear waste, repository , the Hanford Site, the Nevada Test Site, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
  18. By X-ray analysis. The Protein Data Bank (PDB) is a freely accessible, repository ,for the structures of proteins and other biological macromolecules. Computer
  19. As the First Temple),went on to play a pivotal role in Jewish history as the, repository ,of the Ark of the Covenant. For more than 400 years, until the Babylonian
  20. Their own repositories. Project status Ohio did an analysis of the source code, repository ,and compared the commit activity for the past two years and concluded that the
  21. A Microsoft Digital Rights Management platform *JANUS clinical trial data, repository , a standard supported by the U. S. Food and Drug Administration as a data
  22. Translated conjugal love) is" the precious jewel of human life and the, repository ,of the Christian religion" because the love shared between a husband and a
  23. Creates an act of depositing knowledge in a student. The student thus becomes a, repository ,of knowledge. Frame explains that this system that lacks creativity and
  24. Period; and the 10th century Shroud of Jesse from Iran. The Louvre has been a, repository ,of sculpted material since its time as a palace; however, only ancient
  25. Gives an overview of all projects within Git repository . Quickest is another, repository ,browser. It shows all the git repositories. Rekeyboard site gives patch review
  26. Itself is the length of three football fields. Its purpose is to provide a main, repository ,for information. Under the roof of the CSIS are the programs for the National
  27. 10, 1910 and had an estimated collection of 300,000 volumes. It is now the, repository ,of Brown University archives, rare books and manuscripts, and special
  28. The subject of data warehousing, has defined a data warehouse as a centralized, repository ,for the entire enterprise. Sample applications Some applications data
  29. Git repository . KDE Projects site gives an overview of all projects within Git, repository , Quickest is another repository browser. It shows all the git repositories.
  30. Directors banded together to secure an advocate at the Federal level and a, repository ,of information on how best to start and manage a corps. Early financial
  31. Emperor and his family. According to the IRA, the tombs are more than a mere, repository ,for historical artifacts; they are sacred religious sites. IRA construes each
  32. The necessary adjustments after reviewing the statistics collected. Meta-data, repository ,Metadata is data describing data. For example, a listing that describes what
  33. Program which helps beginner to get start. Currently, KDE community uses the Git, repository , KDE Projects site gives an overview of all projects within Git repository .
  34. Be found online at The Kafka Project. This site is continuously building the, repository , There is another Kafka Project based at San Diego State University, which
  35. KDE announced that the one millionth commit has been made to its Subversion, repository , On October 11, 2009,Cornelius Schumacher, a main developer within KDE, wrote
  36. Ready yet for the unstable distribution is typically placed in the experimental, repository , After a version of a software package has remained in unstable for a certain
  37. Of hardware and network configurations, typically employing a database as a, repository ,for information. Characteristics ERP systems typically include the following
  38. Was discovered in 1992,The Kuiper belt was initially believed to be the main, repository ,for periodic comets, those with orbits lasting less than 200 years. However
  39. AD. Another theory is that the House of Fire had a religious function as the, repository ,the sacred flame used in sacred ceremonies. Library Structures conventionally
  40. The gods ruling different sections. Inscriptions on monuments The main material, repository ,of Etruscan civilization, from the modern perspective, was its tombs. Public
  41. The now ubiquitous. Com domains. Gatekeeper. Dec. Com was a well-known software, repository ,during the pre-World Wide Web days, and Digital was also the first computer
  42. Is the Matrix, the vast extradimensional computer network which acts as the, repository ,of all Time Lord knowledge as well as containing the memories of dead Time
  43. Virginia. According to the Washington Post, the FBI" is building a vast, repository ,controlled by people who work in a top-secret vault on the fourth floor of the
  44. Racer, a semantic web reasoning system and information, repository , * http://www.stsci.edu/resources/software_hardware/spike/ SPIKE, a scheduling
  45. And rebellion of the previous year, the settlement was first and foremost a, repository ,for political prisoners. The Cellular Jail at Port Blair when completed in 1910
  46. And Someone in 1960. A 1998 study of the Stony Brook University algorithms, repository ,showed that, out of 75 algorithmic problems, the knapsack problem was the 18th
  47. The PHP language has PECL and PEAR, Python has a PyPi (Python Package Index), repository , Ruby has Rutgers, Lua has Rocks, Haskell has Hackage and an associated
  48. Defined as the use of the Esri Arc GIS database as the asset/feature data, repository ,central to computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) as a part of
  49. Chinese as official language of the rebel kingdom. In 1844" The Chinese, repository , Volume 13" was published, including an account of an Englishman who stayed in
  50. Equal or similar stretches in a large collection of strings, such as a document, repository ,or a genomic database. In this case, the input strings are broken into many

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