Examples of the the word, repent , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Excluded from the sacraments and from intercourse with believers unless they, repent , according to and But no force is to be used towards them. * Only some
  2. Ark was stretched over 120 years, deliberately in order to give sinners time to, repent , Rash interprets his father's statement of the naming of Noah (in Hebrew
  3. He that is not condemned, or he that is under no condemnation, cannot, repent , ; and unto such baptism availed nothing — 23. But it is mockery before God
  4. The baptized person is expected to be obedient to God's commandments, to, repent , of any sinful conduct after baptism, and to receive the other saving
  5. This as," Whoever knows that there are sins on his conscience let him, repent ,of them, and we will be pitied before the Lord. " God does not change His mind;
  6. In the 18th century. Their system denied that the call of the gospel to ", repent ,and believe" is directed to every single person and that it is the duty of
  7. Unregenerate takes place and that the eternally damned have no obligation to, repent ,and believe, and on the extreme of Arminianism is Plagiarism, which rejects
  8. Exist. The effect of Henry’s excommunication, and his subsequent reluctance to, repent ,left a turbulence in Central Europe that lasted throughout the Middle Ages. It
  9. God's forthcoming judgment; advocating the Israelites put down their idols and, repent ,in hopes of turning away God's judgment and fulfilling their destiny as his
  10. People. Jeremiah's fellow Israelites refused to heed his warnings and did not, repent , His efforts failed, and he witnessed the destruction of everything he knew, the
  11. A holy person. He emphasizes the importance to have faith in Jesus and to, repent ,in order to become a child of Jesus Christ through His atonement. He also
  12. Visited spirit prison (1 Peter 3:18-20) and opened the gate for those who, repent ,to cross over to Paradise. " --- what Jesus’ immortal spirit did after His
  13. And he therefore delivers them into the hands of their enemies; the people then, repent ,and entreat Yahweh for mercy, which he sends in the form of a judge; the judge
  14. Sins were forgiven because of her penitence, so the faithful are exhorted to, repent ,of their sins. In the same narrative, Jesus says," in that she hath poured
  15. Homicide, perjury,theft, and sexual sin. Hosea declares that unless they, repent ,of these sins, God will allow their nation to be destroyed, and the people will
  16. Generation, which has seen and heard one even greater than Jonah, fails to, repent , Through his typological interpretation of the story of Jonah, Jesus has
  17. Believers of mid-Acts or later. *The baptism of is Peter's call for Israel to, repent ,of complicity in the death of the Messiah; not as a Gospel announcement of
  18. More far-reaching program of reform, and Manasseh is given an opportunity to, repent ,of his sins, apparently to account for his long reign). It is usually assumed
  19. When forced to go, his call is heard loud and clear. The people of Nineveh, repent ,ecstatically," fasting, including the sheep ", and the Jewish scripts are
  20. Penalty" intended to invite the person to change behavior or attitude, to, repent , and return to full communion. It is not an" expiatory penalty ", designed to
  21. Committee. Most of Shostakovich's works were banned, he was forced to publicly, repent , and his family had privileges withdrawn. Yuri Lyubimov says that at this time
  22. Praised for their works, love,service, faith,and patience. #### Admonished to, repent ,for allowing a" prophetess" to promote sexual immorality and to eat things
  23. Amit ai" in Hebrew means truth, ) refuses to ask the people of Nineveh to, repent , He seeks the truth only, and no forgiveness. When forced to go, his call is
  24. The Son of God on His throne. (3:14-22) #### Admonished to be zealous and, repent ,from being" lukewarm "; They are instructed to buy the" gold refined in the
  25. Of mere grace, endeavour that he which given it, have no reasonable cause to, repent ,him of his good will. Breach of this law is called ingratitude. * The fifth Law
  26. And he therefore delivers them into the hands of their enemies; the people then, repent ,and entreat Yahweh for mercy, which he sends in the form of a judge; the judge
  27. After his rescue, Jonah obeys the call to prophesy against Nineveh, and they, repent ,and God forgives them. Jonah is furious, however,and angrily tells God that
  28. To retain a relationship with the Church, as the goal is to encourage them to, repent ,and return to active participation in its life. Excommunicated persons are
  29. To leave offerings to the goddess with a note asking for good luck, or to, repent ,for accidentally breaking any of the college's numerous other traditions.
  30. From the Lord on the matter and is told that excommunicating those who won't, repent ,is the most sever punishment the church can bestow. The secular government will
  31. As the Hatteras at the afternoon inch prayer. Teshuvah - the ability to, repent ,and be forgiven by God - is a prominent idea in Jewish thought. This concept is
  32. Virgin the title Theotokos is Anathema! " Nestorius however, still would not, repent ,and so this led to the convening of the First Ecumenical Council of Ephesus (
  33. And the offending party (either the accuser or the accused) is obliged to, repent ,and reconcile. Refusing to" hear" the church, that is, the church's sentence
  34. The Inquisition punished those who practiced heresy (heretics) to make them, repent , If they could not do so, the penalty was death. During this time many Lords
  35. The" revolutionary cutthroats" in their ranks just as Russian Gentiles must, repent ," for the pogroms, for those merciless arsonist peasants, for ... crazed
  36. Acted quickly to correct this breach with orthodoxy, requesting that Nestorius, repent , When he would not, the Synod of Alexandria met in an emergency session and a
  37. 53. And our father Adam spake unto the Lord, and said: Why is it that men must, repent ,and be baptized in water? And the Lord said unto Adam: Behold I have forgiven
  38. Heretics to the secular arm for execution if they could persuade the heretic to, repent ,: Ecclesial non not sanguine. For example, Bernard GUI, a famous inquisitor
  39. Two blind beggars and inspired a local chief tax-collector named Bacchus to, repent ,of his dishonest practices. The road between Jerusalem and Jericho is the
  40. In Jonah 3:9,the MT reads," Who knows, God may turn and relent lit., repent , " Targum Jonah translates this as," Whoever knows that there are sins on his
  41. Speaks against King Noah and prophecies that he will be killed if he doesn't, repent , Abenaki is arrested and brought before King Noah where he gives what is
  42. Of Yom Kippur due to its story of God's willingness to forgive those who, repent , Narrative As mentioned above, the book of Jonah is not written like the other
  43. Faith" even in the days of Antipas," My faithful martyr ". #### Admonished to, repent ,for having held the doctrine of Balsam, who taught Balk to put a stumbling
  44. Holy Spirit," graciously causes the elect sinner to cooperate, to believe, to, repent , to come freely and willingly to Christ. " *"Perseverance of the saints ":
  45. Schoolroom, where only the sometimes tearful wicked sat over undone sums, or to, repent ,a little crime — the pulling of a girl's hair during geography, the sly shin
  46. Is imputed to the believer: Justification is sold FIDE. When individuals, repent ,and believe in Christ (saving faith),they are regenerated and brought into
  47. Abenaki. He is a holy man, a prophet, and he begins to preach that they must, repent , He speaks against King Noah and prophecies that he will be killed if he does
  48. And possessing patience. #### Admonished to" do the first works" and to, repent ,for having left their" first love ". ###. (2:8-11) #### Praised for being "
  49. Where the Pope was staying in the castle of Countess Matilda. Henry wished to, repent , The pope was suspicious of the king’s motives, and did not believe he was
  50. Deviates significantly by having his hero unable to" burn his books" or, repent ,to a merciful God in order to have his contract annulled at the end of the play

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