Examples of the the word, renewal , in a Sentence Context

The word ( renewal ), is the 4474 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To, or characterized by (an experience of) new birth in Christ or spiritual, renewal ,; of a Christian: placing special emphasis on this experience as a basis for all
  2. New York City, Los Angeles, or Miami. In addition to ongoing beautification and, renewal ,projects for the existing parks, a number of new parks have been added in
  3. To nullify federal laws. Strongly against the national bank, he vetoed the, renewal ,of its charter and ensured its collapse. Whigs and moralists denounced his
  4. Out a full four-year term. Velasco's fourth turn in the presidency initiated a, renewal ,of crisis, instability,and military domination and ended conjecture that the
  5. Fourteen years from the time of recording the title thereof," with a right of, renewal ,for another fourteen years if the author survived to the end of the first term.
  6. The product upon which the individual is certified). As a part of a complete, renewal ,of an individual's certification, it is common for the individual to show
  7. Among the Czechs. In 1861,a new elected Bohemian Diet was established. The, renewal ,of the old Bohemian Crown (Kingdom of Bohemia, Margraviate of Moravia, and
  8. Striking since the National Audit Office, in its November 2006 report on the, renewal ,and upgrade of the West Coast main line, said that the capacity of the trains
  9. Transcending mystery and wonder, affirmed in all cultures, which moves us to a, renewal ,of the spirit and an openness to the forces which create and uphold life; *
  10. Again is a term that has been widely associated with the evangelical Christian, renewal ,since the late 1960s,first in the United States and then later around the
  11. About during the 18th century this was also managed by the bank. By the charter, renewal ,in 1781 it was also the bankers' bank – keeping enough gold to pay its notes
  12. Of their faculties, at least implicitly asked for it. A new illness or a, renewal ,or worsening of the first illness enables a person to receive the sacrament a
  13. Earnings disclosure is published publicly, no registration or, renewal ,fees are charged and that the sale of business support materials are prohibited
  14. Large-scale planning efforts and marking a positive shift away from the urban, renewal ,mindset of the time. " During the late 1970s and early 1980s the site hosted
  15. Coined the term" fifth modernization" to refer to democracy, missing element, renewal ,plans of Deng Xiaoping. In late 1980s,dissatisfaction with the authoritarian
  16. Caliper as Governor. This led the Athenians to send him a request for the, renewal ,of Venetian protection and an offer of an annual tribute. He died in 1694 and
  17. The Roman Catholic Church engaged in a substantial process of reform and, renewal , known as the Counter-Reformation or Catholic Reform. The Council of Trent
  18. Clergy and the launch of a new crusade and advising people that repentance and, renewal ,could be done through" the total love for God. " Physical travel was not the
  19. As comprising two discordant halves. In the first, there was a scheme of cosmic, renewal ," great Chaldean sky-spaces" which he quite liked. Then the book hinged around
  20. Grave with the master maintaining a ghostly presence. Its end is death, not the, renewal ,of commitment to the living that typified its outcome in earlier films. "
  21. For $1 million for a one-year option, with another $1 million for each year's, renewal , In August 2007,it was announced that Millennium had acquired the right to the
  22. 450 a year, depending on Advantage frequent flyer program level (and annual, renewal ,membership costs $250–$400); membership can also be purchased with Advantage
  23. Aldermen consists of the following people: *Mary Fears (PDA): housing, urban, renewal , citizen's participation and government through city sections, spatial
  24. The governments of the three Benelux-countries considered that it was time for, renewal , taking into account the new aspects of the Benelux-cooperation – such as
  25. The land with the flames of destruction, however,it is also capable of the, renewal ,of life through the warmth and comfort of those very same flames. The element
  26. Imperium proconsular was renewed in 13 BC, Augustus stayed in Rome during the, renewal ,process and provided veterans with lavish donations to gain their support. In
  27. Go for a swim together. This contact with the ocean is presented as a moment of, renewal , harmony, and peace. It is one of the few lyrical episodes in the novel:" They
  28. Killing up to 1,800 people within a 20-kilometer range. *1991 – Latvia declares, renewal ,of its full independence after the occupation of Soviet Union. * 1991 – Coup
  29. Is appointed by the board for a period of up to five years, but is eligible for, renewal , The authority and guidelines for the appointment of directors is provided for
  30. Not indicate that they had ruled out purchasing the Airbus A350 for their fleet, renewal ,program and" that the airline expects to reach a decision towards the end of
  31. And unashamed in the Garden of Eden, nakedness during baptism was seen as a, renewal ,of that innocence and state of original aimlessness. Other parallels can also
  32. The beginning of the Catholic Revival in the Church of England, there was a, renewal ,of interest in re-establishing religious and monastic orders and communities.
  33. For single terms of fourteen, twenty and twenty-one years, with no right of, renewal , At the Constitutional Convention of 1787 both James Madison of Virginia and
  34. S 40 %, so that a runoff would have been necessary, but never took place. The, renewal ,of civil war immediately after the elections, which were considered as
  35. Were exclusive and usually granted for six years, with the possibility of, renewal , Over time, it was established that the owner of a royal privilege has the sole
  36. Reliability The DHCP protocol provides reliability in several ways: periodic, renewal , rebinding, and failover. DHCP clients are allocated leases that last for some
  37. Find value in prayer as a form of meditation, self-cleansing,and spiritual, renewal , Such prayers are often appreciative (that is," Thank you for ..." ) rather
  38. Established that the owner of a royal privilege has the sole right to obtain a, renewal ,indefinitely. In 1761 the Royal Council awarded a royal privilege to the heirs
  39. Knowledge in the field. A New Theory of Urban Design (1987) coincided with a, renewal ,of interest in urbanism among architects, but stood apart from most other
  40. Of the United Kingdom in recent years. The recession of post-2008 has also seen, renewal ,of interest in home crafts. Retailers such as John Lewis experienced a 17 %
  41. Party. In the House of Commons,161 MPs (88 of them Labor) voted against the, renewal ,of Trident and the Government motion was carried only with the support of
  42. S mission of fervent evangelization. In the second half of 2004,a six-month, renewal ,period was held to help members refocus their priorities. Membership was
  43. Model of the eye tracking disorder among schizophrenics. This led to a, renewal ,of physiology in the 1980s through the application of chaos theory, for example
  44. Course through the urban area was completely covered over. This allowed urban, renewal ,and the construction of modern buildings and boulevards characteristic of
  45. Densities within an ecological community. These disturbances create places of, renewal ,where new directions emerge out of the patchwork of natural experimentation and
  46. Settlement was reached Albert continued his efforts to obtain help in view of a, renewal ,of the war. For this purpose he visited the Diet of Nuremberg in 1522,where he
  47. In the United States. The case was also used to build support for the, renewal ,of the Ku Klux Klan which had been inactive since 1870. In the beginning of
  48. Are not granted to foreigners who are in the Cayman Islands (unless it is a, renewal ,). The Cayman Islands Immigration Department requires foreigners to remain out
  49. Right would only last the specified duration. The royal decrees prohibited the, renewal ,of privileges and once the privilege had expired anyone could obtain a "
  50. Between father and son, and Eugenics remarked that Constantine was a ", renewal , as it were, in his own person, of his father's life and reign ".

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