Examples of the the word, proprietary , in a Sentence Context

The word ( proprietary ), is the 4478 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. System, most of which were not nearly as expandable and were universally, proprietary , Even the game port was unusually powerful and could be used for digital and
  2. Source code is not available or has been lost, or cracking copy protection of, proprietary ,software. ** video games (also termed ROM hacking),which is possible via
  3. Undergo strain crystallization. In the construction industry a specialized, proprietary ,adhesive known as Liquid Nails (or liquid nails as the generic),is used.
  4. Not be supported.:; AGX: The Epoxy Advanced Graphics extended (AGX) is also a, proprietary ,variant of the Accelerated Graphics Port (AGP) standard. It shares the same
  5. AIX (Advanced Interactive executive, pronounced " an i ex" ) is a series of, proprietary ,Unix operating systems developed and sold by IBM for several of its computer
  6. Supply is (, ). The system displays video in analog RGB PAL and NTSC using a, proprietary ,DB23M video connector and outputs video at (incompatible with most VGA
  7. Known for its sweet fruity taste, cures sore throats, and there are many modern, proprietary ,medicines which use honey as an ingredient. Etymology The concept of an
  8. Table; instead they use Braille ASCII for 6-dot Braille. Some embossers have, proprietary ,control codes for 8-dot Braille and/or for full graphics mode (where dots may
  9. AutoCAD was derived from a program called Interact, which was written in a, proprietary ,language (SPL) and ran on the Marin chip Systems 9900 computer (Marin chip was
  10. And co-inventor of the rsync algorithm. He is known for his analysis of complex, proprietary ,protocols and algorithms, to allow compatible free and open source software
  11. Bahamian capital during the War of the Spanish Succession. 18th century During, proprietary ,rule, The Bahamas became a haven for pirates, including the infamous Blackbeard
  12. Availability. Trammel emphasized computers over game consoles, but Atari's, proprietary ,computer architecture and operating system fell victim to the success of the
  13. On musical data, for instance on mixing and volumes arrangements. * IVs – A, proprietary ,version with Digital Rights Management developed by 3D Solar UK Ltd for use in
  14. For personal computers. As a side effect,Wozniak's scheme made it easy for, proprietary ,software developers to copy-protect the media on which their software shipped
  15. Safety & Security Center, a bundle of McAfee antivirus, CA anti-spyware, and, proprietary , firewall and phishing protection software. The software was offered free of
  16. Planet system that AOL licensed was the first online service to require use of, proprietary ,software, rather than a standard terminal program; as a result it was able to
  17. More specialized bicycle components may require more complex tools, including, proprietary , tools specific for a given manufacturer. Some bicycle parts, particularly
  18. For personal computers. As a side effect,Wozniak's scheme made it easy for, proprietary ,software developers to copy-protect the media on which their software shipped
  19. The X11+Motif combination failed in the marketplace. However, it was highly, proprietary ,: only Sun and Next supported it in addition to IBM. This, in the face of the
  20. That WAV files can also be encoded with the GSM codec. * Islam – An Islam Media, proprietary ,format, the Islam format is a multi-track digital audio format allowing various
  21. And can be encrypted (as may be required by medical confidentiality laws). A, proprietary ,format of NCH Software. * DSS – Digital Speech Standard files are an Olympus
  22. Mercy in 1950,has a campus near Westchester Square. By contrast, the private, proprietary ,Monroe College, focused on preparation for business and the professions
  23. S first products after PostScript were digital fonts, which they released in a, proprietary ,format called Type 1. Apple subsequently developed a competing standard
  24. Other algorithms. At the time Blow fish was released, many other designs were, proprietary , encumbered by patents or were commercial/government secrets. Schneider has
  25. As well prior versions. http://www.helios.com HELIOS Software GmbH offers a, proprietary ,implementation of the Applejack protocol stack, as part of their HELIOS UB2
  26. Justice of the court, of quarter sessions and of common pleas, a member of the, proprietary ,council, a justice, recorder,and clerk of the orphans' court, and
  27. Founding of GNU, analyzing ways for free software to interact with widespread, proprietary ,systems to allow people to more easily move away from those systems. * In July
  28. To those qualifying devices; thus the protocol, whilst open, may be regarded as, proprietary , Name and logo The word Bluetooth is an anglicized version of the Scandinavian
  29. Set, then it is to be called ASCII, regardless if the character set is, proprietary ,or not. Microsoft Windows does not support the ANSI Standard x3.16. One can
  30. Proprietary format for Memory Stick compressed voice files. * mxp4 – a Musical, proprietary ,format allowing play of different versions (or skins) of the same song. It
  31. Solutions or by adsorption in pressure swing absorbers (PSA) using, proprietary ,solid adsorption media. The final step in producing the hydrogen is to use
  32. Quantities of agate from Brazil, as ship's ballast. Making use of a variety of, proprietary ,chemical processes, they produced colored beads that were sold around the globe
  33. The Messaged 2000/2100 models (as well as the mate 300) have a small, proprietary ,Newton Interconnect port. However, the development of the Newton
  34. Allows. It allows additional data to be held in the file header. * DVD – a Sony, proprietary ,format for compressed voice files; commonly used by Sony dictation recorders. *
  35. Compression of stereo audio at nitrates of 160–180 bit/s. * MTV – a Sony, proprietary ,format for Memory Stick compressed voice files. * mxp4 – a Musical proprietary
  36. While known aspects of synthesis are covered by patents, many details are, proprietary , Two approaches to synthesis are used commercially. In the chemical synthesis
  37. Security Appliance, a network firewall * Adaptive Security Algorithm is a, proprietary ,algorithm that run on Cisco Firewalls (ASA/PIX) * Allied States of America, a
  38. Use of the faster AGP.:; AGI: The AS Rock Graphics Interface (AGI) is a, proprietary ,variant of the Accelerated Graphics Port (AGP) standard. Its purpose is to
  39. Performed by checking for the existence of the DISPLAY variable. Applejack is a, proprietary ,suite of protocols developed by Apple Inc. for networking computers. It was
  40. Part in developing core boot, and open source projects aimed at replacing the, proprietary ,BIOS firmware. * Other AMD open source projects include the AMD Performance
  41. Appears on *Beginner's Guide to Scandinavia 3CD set (2011) Bluetooth is a, proprietary ,open wireless technology standard for exchanging data over short distances (
  42. Defined by the ASCII Standard from 1963 and ASCII compliant character sets with, proprietary ,extended characters (beyond the 128 characters of standard 7-bit ASCII). The
  43. Community leaders were recruited for content design and maintenance using a, proprietary ,language and interface called TRAINMAN, although most content maintenance was
  44. AIM) is an instant messaging and presence computer program which uses the, proprietary ,OSCAR instant messaging protocol and the TOC protocol to allow registered users
  45. To set very quickly, then generate high holding power, these anchors (mostly, proprietary ,inventions still under patent) are finding homes with users of small to medium
  46. Quality loss. List of formats * 3gp - multimedia container format can contain, proprietary ,formats as AMR, AMR-WB or AMR-WB+, but also some open formats * act - ACT is a
  47. Format of NCH Software. * DSS – Digital Speech Standard files are an Olympus, proprietary ,format. It is a fairly old and poor codec. GSM or mp3 are generally preferred
  48. ASCII" uses the extended characters of the 8-bit code page 437,which is a, proprietary ,standard introduced by IBM in 1979 (ANSI Standard x3.16) for the IBM PC and
  49. From their Tron me Music Store and interactive music and video player. * m4p – A, proprietary ,version of AAC in MP4 with Digital Rights Management developed by Apple for use
  50. Does not support the correct signaling voltage may cause damage. There are some, proprietary ,exceptions to this rule. For example, Apple Power Macintosh computers with the

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