Examples of the the word, aloud , in a Sentence Context

The word ( aloud ), is the 9121 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Symbols scattered across the page, often making little sense until read, aloud , at which point the meaning and emotion become clear. Cummings, who was also a
  2. John Power. It has been suggested that the poem was intended to be read, aloud , which is probable as this was a common activity at the time. However, it also
  3. For being too good. * The 2008 film The Reader features Ralph Fences reading, aloud ,from Franz Kafka's The Metamorphosis. * In 2002 a Russian version titled
  4. With close or differing senses mean that his poems are best understood if read, aloud , An important element in his work is Hopkins's own concept of" Inkscape "
  5. Hinges not on which of the two is correct, but which of the two spellings read, aloud ,will better approximate the Chinese. The initial of Tao/day 道 is a tennis
  6. In Science and Health as" The Scientific Statement of Being ". It is read, aloud ,in churches and Sunday schools at the end of every Sunday service:: :There is
  7. Is the basis for the Jewish celebration of Purim. Its full text is read, aloud ,twice during the celebration, in the evening and again the following morning.
  8. Became Pride and Prejudice); as with all of her novels, Austen read the work, aloud ,to her family as she was working on it, and it became an" established favorite
  9. That books by classic Roman and Greek authors on military themes be read, aloud ,to him and his troops, for both entertainment and inspiration before battle. El
  10. First version of a novel, The Temptation of Saint Anthony. He read the novel, aloud ,to Louis Built and Maxime Du Camp over the course of four days, not allowing
  11. Two amputated legs (played by Jack Nance's wife, Catherine Colson) reading, aloud ,a letter and having her stumps washed by a doctor (played by Lynch himself).
  12. A blessing. The evening meal begins with the Kiddish, a blessing recited, aloud ,over a cup of wine, and the Mitzi, a blessing recited over the bread. It is
  13. Beget a line of kings. Ban quo remains skeptical after the encounter, wondering, aloud , if evil can ever speak the truth. He warns Macbeth that evil will offer men a
  14. The songs contain thought-process narrative, where characters converse or think, aloud , Sondheim drew on parts of his troubled childhood when writing the show. In
  15. Something-or-other — to stand. I've been sitting here tonight, reading it, aloud , with the tears streaming down my face ..." — Deems Taylor, Letter to Mary
  16. Soul. In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried, aloud , Under the bludgeoning of chance My head is bloody, but unbowed. Beyond this
  17. And every member of a religious order must publicly join in or privately read, aloud ,(i.e. using the lips as well as the eyes—it takes about two hours in this way
  18. Over twenty highly-ornamented biers, as is the custom of the country, crying, aloud , with great grief and many signs of feeling, as if they were escorting to the
  19. Is protocol analysis. In this method the research participant is asked to think, aloud ,while performing a task, such as solving a math problem. In protocol analysis
  20. Group. The digit 0,for example, when a phone or account number is being read, aloud , is nearly always pronounced oh in both language varieties for the sake of
  21. That Hoyle intended this to be pejorative, but the script from which he read, aloud ,shows that he intended the expression to help his listeners. Hoyle explicitly
  22. After a discussion, the proposals which gained sufficient support were dictated, aloud ,to the scribe and passed as binding Recess if the attendees did not object;
  23. Horton. Having broken the seal, he handed the letter to a servant who read it, aloud ,: Uncertain of the letter's meaning, Monteagle promptly rode to Whitehall and
  24. Crown of Scotland; after their acceptance, the Claim and the Articles were read, aloud , leading to an immediate debate over whether an endorsement of these
  25. Julia the Elder. Other historians dispute this due to Augustus' will read, aloud ,to the Senate while he was seriously ill in 23 BC, instead indicating a
  26. Area School District over a statement that the school board required be read, aloud ,in ninth-grade science classes when evolution was taught. The plaintiffs were
  27. And for its depiction of topics familiar to American readers. Reading Endpoint, aloud , the critic Charles McGrath claimed that he found" another, deeper music" in
  28. Use of prior expertise as a Nazi physicist. When General Turgid son wonders, aloud ,what kind of name" Strange love" is, saying to Mr. Stained (Jack Crêpey)
  29. S then wife, but did not dare voice his true feelings about the performance, aloud ,to her. Much of Shaw's music criticism, ranging from short comments to the
  30. To the famous Fireside Poets—so called because their poems would often be read, aloud ,by families in front of their evening fires. In their day, the Fireside
  31. The Spirit shall take from what is mine and declare it to you' ), and wonders, aloud ,whether" to receive from the Son is the same thing as to proceed from the
  32. Of 'Diana' since later in the play when Parolees' letter to Diana is read, aloud ,it reads 'Dan '. The goddess is also referenced indirectly in A Midsummer
  33. Were about to be exhibited; the populace flock together, make a tumult, clamor, aloud , and fight for their places: meantime, I was unable to maintain my place.
  34. Copies, and this was done in public sessions in which the copyist read the copy, aloud ,in the presence of the author, who then certified it as accurate. " With this
  35. Him cry. Hector takes it off, embraces his wife and son, and for her sake prays, aloud ,to Zeus that his son might be chief after him and become more glorious in
  36. Crucifixion, and resurrection. Portions of the gospels are traditionally read, aloud ,during church services as a formal part of the liturgy. The fourth gospel, the
  37. exception to the Minibar tongue, few other alien languages are actually heard, aloud ,on a regular basis. The Gain, pak'ma'Ra, and Orlons do not speak directly in
  38. Sat as Justices of the Common Pleas. The list of traitors' names was read, aloud , beginning with those of the priests: Garnet, Tesimond, and Gerard. The first
  39. To the Scriptures. These readings are the weekly Lesson-Sermon, which is read, aloud ,at all Sunday services in all Christian Science churches worldwide, and is
  40. The Bahá'í Faith and collected in prayer books are held in high esteem. Reading, aloud ,of prayers from prayer books is a typical feature of Bahá'í gatherings. *
  41. Presence of accentual clause, which implies that it was intended to be read, aloud ,; and epistle 1063 of Litanies to a Marcellus of Rome which refers to public
  42. As" pace notes. " During the actual rally, the co-driver reads the pace notes, aloud ,(using an in-helmet intercom system) to the driver, enabling them to complete
  43. Fawkes's and Tresham's testimony regarding the Spanish treason was read, aloud , as well as confessions related specifically to the Gunpowder Plot. The last
  44. His orations, not of a public kind, but of a literary kind that could be read, aloud ,in privacy. Augustine (354–430) applied the title Confessions to his
  45. Revolution had started. It was widely distributed and loaned, and often read, aloud ,in taverns, contributing significantly to spreading the ideas of republicanism
  46. Devices that are unable to do this (such as aural devices that read the text, aloud ,) should do. In the case of both bold and italic, there are other elements that
  47. Agnosticism. In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried, aloud , Under the bludgeoning of chance My head is bloody, but unbowed. The
  48. Or phrase used in place of a religious word or phrase that should not be spoken, aloud ,; etymologically, the supreme is the opposite of to blaspheme (evil-speaking)
  49. To hear J. R. R. Tolkien read some of his early drafts of The Lord of the Rings, aloud ,to the group. In addition to meeting in Lewis’ rooms at Oxford, they also
  50. Displayed on the screen, or they may be printed. Also, they may be read, aloud ,using speech synthesis. Overview File viewers do not edit files, yet it is

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