Examples of the the word, recur , in a Sentence Context

The word ( recur ), is the 7491 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The film begins with a duel where Barry's father is shot dead, and duels, recur ,throughout the film. Also, in Thackeray's novel, the Chevalier de Balibari (
  2. Of human sexuality, psychology,sociology, mathematics,science, and technology, recur ,throughout Pynchon's works. One of his earliest short stories," Low-lands" (
  3. Begins. These alarms sound even when the unit is switched off. Appointments can, recur ,in a specified number of days, weeks,months or years and can contain notes.
  4. Sure that another run on banks, such as the one that occurred in 1995,does not, recur , The Superintendence de Bancos regulates the banking system, monitoring the
  5. The condition of trade which, however unfortunate and lamentable they may be, recur ,from time to time. Undoubtedly I think that questions of this kind, whatever be
  6. Can be expressed exactly as 0.125,0.05 and 0.002 respectively. And, however, recur , ( 0.333 ... and 0.142857142857 ...). In the duodecimal (= 2×2×3) system, is
  7. Century, the Anglia invaded Great Britain, after which time their name does not, recur ,on the continent except in the title of Sue vi Angle. The province of Schleswig
  8. The Soviet system on it, though he hoped that the purges of the 1930s would not, recur , As Ukraine was recovered, conscription was imposed, and 750,000 men aged
  9. More common form of the name appears in 1422 as LE Sterne-chamere. Both forms, recur ,throughout the fifteenth century, with Starred Chamber last attested as
  10. Marshall pointed out that it is the prime or variable costs, which constantly, recur , that influence the sale price most in this period. In a still longer period
  11. Lee Falk's comic strip hero The Phantom. Many features of superhero costume, recur ,frequently, including the following: *Superheroes who maintain a secret
  12. Specifications are incompatible, as leap years defined by the equinox do not, recur ,on a regular four-year schedule. Thus, the years III, VII,and XI were observed
  13. Is' average is / sum, tally average Arr | 7. Computing Factorial fact is, recur ,0 =,1 first, pass,product,-1 + fact 4 | 24 Reversing an array rev is reshape
  14. The interests of the particular person, whether the circumstance is likely to, recur , etc. In actual practice, the U. S. federal courts have been uneven in their
  15. Value is a multiple or fraction of a specified time unit, but the accents do not, recur ,regularly within the cycle. Free rhythm is where there is neither (Cooper 1973
  16. Of eternal return, because in an infinite universe, everything is guaranteed to, recur ,infinitely. In 1988,American director Philip Kaufman released a film version
  17. As" coldness, pressure,darkness, crisis,failure, collapse,loss of control ", recur ,in his songs. Musicologist Robert Palmer wrote in Musician that the writings of
  18. Used for telangiectasias (spider veins) and varicose veins that persist or, recur ,after vein stripping. Chemotherapy can also be performed using foamed
  19. An exigency is realized. Miller also points towards the theory that genres, recur , based on Jamieson's observation that antecedent genres finding their way into
  20. Phaedra," and" Ariadne. " Tsvetaeva's beloved, ill-starred heroines, recur ,in two verse plays, Theseus-Ariadne (Tezei-Ariadna,1927) and Phaedra (Fedora
  21. Which correspond to one another, and find that these same sound correspondences, recur ,regularly in most, or in many, of the comparable words of the languages, then
  22. In Dubious Battle (1936) and The Grapes of Wrath (1939). Ecological themes, recur ,in Steinbeck's novels of the period. Steinbeck's close relations with
  23. The embodiment of an opposition to Claudius's tyranny—a treatment that would, recur ,in Eastern European versions into the 20th century. In the years following
  24. At the secessionist exhibition in Berlin in 1902. " The Frieze of Life" themes, recur ,throughout Munch's work but find their strongest outpouring in the mid-1890s.
  25. Apparent examples of the law. Some of Pournelle's standard themes that, recur ,in the stories are: Welfare States become self-perpetuating, building a
  26. Representing the flame of youthful idealism that was extinguished by the war), recur , often in his films, the very characteristic of Wajda's symbolism is film Lorna
  27. That such economically devastating events as the mad cow disease epidemic could, recur , either deliberately (as an act of bioterrorism) or by accident due to
  28. Theocracies Depictions of a fictional society dominated by a theocracy, recur ,in science fiction, speculative fiction and fantasy. Such depictions are mostly
  29. Pace has remained steady at one story per issue. While some styles and themes, recur ,more often than others in New Yorker fiction, the magazine's stories are
  30. Can all be seen as groups endowed with additional operations and axioms. Groups, recur ,throughout mathematics, and the methods of group theory have strongly
  31. To a state of automatism. They constitute a state of mind which is prone to, recur , They lack the feature of novelty or accident, which is the basis of the
  32. Case. Often they are much more complex, although certain elements frequently, recur , For instance, if a criminal defendant chooses not to testify, the jury will be
  33. And events in the book, and is an early example of characterizations which, recur ,throughout Miyazaki's later work: a girl who is in touch with nature, a
  34. Algorithmic derivations, logical deductions, and statistical calculations that, recur ,perennially in general business environments, rather than in the more expansive
  35. And 0.142857142857 ...). In the duodecimal (= 2×2×3) system, is exact; and, recur ,because they include 5 as a factor; is exact; and recur s, just as it does in
  36. Adventures. To further the realism and continuity, characters would, recur ,throughout the series. It has been speculated that the occupation of Belgium
  37. Musically the brutality of pagan Russia, which inspired the violent motifs that, recur ,throughout the work. If Stravinsky's stated intention was" to send them all
  38. That causes little to no damage, but there is a theory that earthquakes can, recur ,in a regular pattern. Aftershocks An aftershock is an earthquake that occurs
  39. They typically disappear after a few months but can last for years and can, recur , Types A range of types of wart have been identified, varying in shape and site
  40. Occultation of knowledge and ideas as had depressed the Middle Ages would never, recur , that not an idea would be lost ". Print was
  41. As" clover sickness ". When crop rotations are managed so that clover does not, recur ,at intervals shorter than eight years, it grows with much of its pristine vigor
  42. Fraction that contains any of these other factors in its denominator will, recur ,in either base). Also, the prime factor 2 appears twice in the factorization
  43. Victim of typhus endures stress, malnutrition or another infection, typhus can, recur ,as Brill-Zinsser. Austen continued to work in spite of her illness. She became
  44. Intravenous administration is not contraindicated unless the reactions, recur ,or worsen. " Due to growing prevalence of antibiotic resistance to the
  45. From an adversarial perspective. Security concepts Certain concepts, recur ,throughout different fields of security: * Assurance - assurance is the level
  46. Seizures or post-traumatic epilepsy, in which the seizures chronically, recur , * intoxication with drugs, for example aminophylline or local anesthetics *
  47. And Boötes were both visible at sunset 29 days before. Since these events, recur ,at different intervals, this particular sequence should be unique: the doctors
  48. Are of continuous joint pains, stiffness and swelling. The disease does, recur ,with periods of remission, but there is no cure for the disorder. A small
  49. Considered a contraindication for the procedure, since the heart damage could, recur ,as the parasite was expected to seize the opportunity provided by the
  50. At bedtime that they wish this alternate outcome should the nightmare, recur , Research has found that this technique not only reduces the occurrence of

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