Examples of the the word, imbalance , in a Sentence Context

The word ( imbalance ), is the 7492 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Energy as long wave (infrared) electromagnetic radiation from the earth. Any, imbalance ,results in a change in the average temperature of the earth. The most
  2. Particle meet, they annihilate each other. Because of this, along with an, imbalance ,between the number of matter and antimatter particles, the latter are rare in
  3. Autism the two networks are not negatively correlated in time, suggesting an, imbalance ,in toggling between the two networks, possibly reflecting a disturbance of
  4. Boost effectively means that a minute pressure is exerted on the vane. The, imbalance ,of this effect between the warmer black side and the cooler silver side means
  5. That the electrons are closer to one of the atoms than the other, creating an, imbalance ,of charge. They occur as a bond between two atoms with moderately different
  6. Became Courageous and her sisters Glorious and Furious, and there was a bizarre, imbalance ,between their main guns of 15 inches (or 18 inches in 'Furious' ) and their
  7. And other service providers. Statistical arbitrage is an, imbalance ,in expected nominal values. A casino has a statistical arbitrage in every game
  8. Cardiac and cerebrovascular events with these drugs; this is probably due to an, imbalance ,in blood coagulation. Rofecoxib (marketed as Sioux) was subsequently
  9. Hearing and balance centers in the brain. The triad of tinnitus, episodes of, imbalance ,and progressive deafness is also typical of Ménière's disease. Other
  10. The policy difficult. The government is particularly concerned with the large, imbalance ,in the sex ratio at birth, apparently the result of a combination of
  11. Particles, the latter are rare in the universe. (The first causes of this, imbalance ,are not yet fully understood, although the baryogenesis theories may offer an
  12. Be objectively proven to be a biological disorder resulting from a chemical, imbalance , yet is often presumed to be so. Professor of Psychiatry Thomas Seas argues
  13. Feeble, thready and quick ", which are used to ascribe a specific, imbalance ,in the body. Learning TCM pulse diagnosis can take several years. Specific
  14. Of the diarrhea and vomiting can lead to rapid dehydration and electrolyte, imbalance , Primary treatment is with oral rehydration solution (ORS) and if this is not
  15. System, which relates the chakras with astrology. A result of energetic, imbalance ,among the chakras is an almost continuous feeling of dissatisfaction. When the
  16. Of the electron is not uniform around the whole atom, there is always a charge, imbalance , This small charge will induce a corresponding dipole in a nearby molecule;
  17. Losses when his own gunnery could not be effective: illustrating the, imbalance , Beatty's battlecruisers did not score any hits on the Germans in this phase
  18. Galen advanced this theory, creating a typology of human temperaments. An, imbalance ,of each humor corresponded with a particular human temperament (blood-sanguine
  19. To be a sexually transmitted infection by the CDC. BV is caused by an, imbalance ,of naturally occurring bacterial flora and is often confused with yeast
  20. Field. Aftermath What was left of Villeroy’s army was now broken in spirit; the, imbalance ,of the casualty figures amply demonstrates the extent of the disaster for Louis
  21. As failing to obtain a representative sample in a survey, or having a serious, imbalance ,in a key characteristic between a treatment group and a control group) are
  22. Of coverage of retired pensioners. This has been the main source of fiscal, imbalance , ARENA governments have financed this deficit with the emission of bonds
  23. Contravenes the provisions of the European Human Rights convention, in the, imbalance ,between the power of the prosecution service and the defense. Pakistan Article
  24. In the United States, the top free equality movement seeks to redress this, imbalance , This movement won a decision in 1992 in the New York State Court of
  25. Effect may be viewed as anomalous or a problem only when there is a significant, imbalance ,or overpopulation of one species. In the case of human use, the effects are
  26. Fears - a product of mind and consciousness, rather than a biological, imbalance ,; and a problem which he argues is more effectively treated by psychological or
  27. Investment, drops in consumption, rising inflation, and an increase in trade, imbalance ,due in part to lowered cash crop prices, especially vanilla. Fiscal policy is
  28. Estimates have exaggerated the odds, and suggests that" the most extreme, imbalance ,which is credible is fifteen thousand French troops against 8,100 English: a
  29. Reduction of Lactobacillus, which may be due to the use of antibiotics or pH, imbalance , allows more resistant bacteria to gain a foothold and multiply. Although BV
  30. To either the importing or exporting economy. However, when a national trade, imbalance ,expands beyond prudence (generally thought to be several percents of GDP, for
  31. Carpal tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia,gastrointestinal disorders, kinetic, imbalance , due to occipital strain (KISS) in infants, menstrual cramps, or pelvic and
  32. Variously translated as" energy "," breath ", or " vital energy" '),and, imbalance ,of yin and yang, and the Wu Xing (known as the five phases or elements, earth
  33. As described by eyewitnesses and contemporaries. " Those supporting a greater, imbalance ,have generally put more store by contemporary (and especially eyewitness)
  34. The Brownian motion of a particle in a liquid is thus due to the instantaneous, imbalance ,in the combined forces exerted by collisions of the particle with the much
  35. And nearly balances an inwardly radial pressure gradient. In each case a slight, imbalance ,between the Coriolis force and the pressure gradient accounts for the radially
  36. Taxes for voucher students than for students attending public schools. This, imbalance ,has received considerable criticism, and is the subject of 2007 legislative
  37. To the public as a mass marketing tool, usually phrased as a" chemical, imbalance ,". In 2003 a gene-environment interaction (GTE) was hypothesized to explain
  38. In a chaotic manner, resulting in continuous orogeny and areas of prostatic, imbalance , The theory of plate tectonics explains all this, including the movement of the
  39. Of the knee. An incorrectly fitted saddle may eventually lead to muscle, imbalance , A 25 to 35 degree knee angles is recommended to avoid an overuse injury.
  40. Electricity distribution system was privatized in 2002. Armenia's severe trade, imbalance ,has been offset somewhat by international aid, remittances from Armenians
  41. Access and decrease the number of offspring. Hunting Trophy hunting causes an, imbalance ,between the male and female sexes, since older males are primarily sought to be
  42. In favor of the left; the balloon will move slightly to the left. This type of, imbalance ,exists at all times, and it causes random motion of the balloon. If we look at
  43. Between the phases. Generating Overcoming There are also two cycles of, imbalance , an overacting cycle (Cheng) and an insulting cycle (WU). Japanese elements
  44. A disease due to a disorder of the endocrine system is often called a" hormone, imbalance ,", but is technically known as an endocrinopathy or endocrines. Such disease
  45. Opposing factions, but it is usually short-lived since any perceived or actual, imbalance ,in the treatment of coalition partners, or changes to leadership in the
  46. Life is serious and play is sin. The curse is the psychological and spiritual, imbalance ,that results from these beliefs, both individually and within groups, nations
  47. Where“ keeping on the correct side” is difficult because of a large gender, imbalance , for children’s dances and for groups who want to add a little variety and a
  48. High for Latin America (17 percent in 2006). However, there is a steep, imbalance ,between rural and urban areas, with some regions below 10 percent and the big
  49. Century, researchers theorized that depression was caused by a chemical, imbalance ,in neurotransmitters in the brain, a theory based on observations made in the
  50. Bears, mostly female, from Slovenia were released in spring 2006 to reduce the, imbalance ,and preserve the species' presence in the area, despite protests from French

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