Examples of the the word, spice , in a Sentence Context

The word ( spice ), is the 7500 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Preserve their flavor relatively well for a few months. Dill seed is used as a, spice , with a flavor somewhat similar to caraway but also resembling that of fresh or
  2. Intermission. Such movies are called masala films, after the Hindi word for a, spice ,mixture. Like masalas, these movies are a mixture of many things such as action
  3. Of a noble who takes control of the desert planet Arrays which grows the rare, spice ,mélange, the most highly prized commodity in the empire. Lynch however was
  4. In Arabic, dill seed is called ain parade (means cricket eye) used as a, spice ,in cold dishes like fat tosh and pickles. In Lao cuisine and parts of northern
  5. Greasy meat like pork and duck. It is used in stir-fried vegetables and as a, spice ,rub for chicken, duck,pork and seafood. Five spice is used
  6. Spice and silicon that spun crystalline webs harvested by miners as glitterati, spice , an illegal psychoactive narcotic. The spider used the webs to catch bogeys
  7. An organic compound called April. Celery seeds can be used as flavoring or, spice , either as whole seeds or ground and mixed with salt, as celery salt. Celery
  8. Cairo flourished as a center of Islamic scholarship and a crossroads on the, spice ,trade route between Europe and Asia. By 1340,Cairo had a population of close
  9. Respectively. The primary aim of these companies was to tap into the lucrative, spice ,trade, an effort focused mainly on two regions; the East Indies archipelago
  10. Name. They tell him he has come to school. He is forcibly injected with, spice ,essence, and so undergoes the spice trance. Gurney thinks it is on Jessica's
  11. Between the Netherlands and England. A deal between the two nations left the, spice ,trade of the East Indies archipelago to the Netherlands and the textiles
  12. And needs fertile, well-drained soil. Uses Cumin is the second most popular, spice ,in the world after black pepper. Cumin seeds are used as a spice for their
  13. Gifts and letters to Albuquerque and the king of Portugal. Expedition to the ", spice ,islands" ( Maluku Islands),1512 In November, after having secured Malacca
  14. Resource in the universe — the lifespan-enhancing, consciousness-expanding drug, spice ,mélange. As the first book closes, Paul has triumphed. His scheming, evil
  15. While his sister Asia rules the universe as regent. Awoken in the womb by the, spice , the children are the heirs to Paul's prescient vision of the fate of the
  16. Which happened naturally through normal spreading of trade, with the silk and, spice ,trade via the Silk Road being the prime vector. The more modern Soraya Soraya
  17. The added pressure that Asia is pushing him to enter into an overdose-induced, spice ,trance in order to unlock the door to prophetic visions. She feels the need for
  18. After having secured Malacca and learning the location of the then secret ", spice ,islands ", Albuquerque sent an expedition of three ships sailing east to find
  19. Harmonies from the planet Dune and taking control of its valuable export,the, spice , Often considered to be the first" mainstream modern real-time strategy game
  20. Most popular spice in the world after black pepper. Cumin seeds are used as a, spice ,for their distinctive aroma, popular in Nepalese, Indian,Pakistani, North
  21. Gumbo) *Sugarcane, also cane syrup, brown sugar and molasses Blended *"Cajun, spice ," blends such as Tony Chachere's are sometimes used in Acadian kitchens, but
  22. Remained an important economic and cultural center. Although no longer on the, spice ,route, the city facilitated the transportation of Yemeni coffee and Indian
  23. In color, and larger than caraway (Carom carve),another umbelliferous, spice ,with which it is sometimes confused. Many European languages do not distinguish
  24. Then dumped onto large, newspaper-draped tables and in some areas covered in, spice ,blends, such as Zatarain's, Louisiana Fish Fry or Tony Chachere's. Also
  25. Warrick and then Liet-Kynes * Warrick, best friend of Liet-Kynes, killed in the, spice ,agony * Chart the Leaper, captain of the Redskin, leader of the death
  26. Or deceived) by the Dutch to sign a treaty granting the Dutch a monopoly on, spice ,purchases. Even though the Manganese had little understanding of the
  27. Asia has fallen into abomination, and of their speculation that undergoing the, spice ,trance was Alia's fatal mistake. She quickly confirms that Ghana is not
  28. To school. He is forcibly injected with spice essence, and so undergoes the, spice ,trance. Gurney thinks it is on Jessica's instructions but due to Namri's
  29. Expanded Universe is the spice spider of Vessel, a creature made of glitterati, spice ,and silicon that spun crystalline webs harvested by miners as glitterati spice
  30. To a combination of their genes and an in uteri exposure to the quantities of, spice ,in Chani's special pregnancy diet. Scale offers to revive Chain as a folk
  31. But the leaves may be used in salads, and its seeds are those sold as a, spice , With cultivation and blanching, the stalks lose their acidic qualities and
  32. And as a spice rub for chicken, duck,pork and seafood. Five, spice ,is used in recipes for Cantonese roasted duck, as well as beef stew. It is used
  33. Modulated flatulence. Appearing only in the Star Wars Expanded Universe is the, spice ,spider of Vessel, a creature made of glitterati spice and silicon that spun
  34. The sand trout and thus bring to an end the Giant Worms, and inevitably to the, spice ,itself. Let has an additional fear as well: he has started to have dreams
  35. Possible. One example is: a, ma (mother),mac (raincoat, British ), mace (, spice ,), macle (mineral),male (skin spot),macular (plural of macular, variant
  36. Effects and consequences of consciousness-altering chemicals, such as the, spice ,in the Dune saga. * How language shapes thought. More specifically, Frank
  37. Tar meaning wet) and has no implications for the presence or absence of, spice , or whether the dish is Indian or not (e.g. any stew, spicy or not, would be
  38. Da Gama discovered a sea route around the Cape of Good Hope, thereby allowing, spice ,traders to avoid Cairo. For this reason, the history of Cairo during Ottoman
  39. Fish (different varieties) Curry, etc. Curry powder is a, spice ,mixture of widely varying composition developed by the British during the days
  40. Curries * Fiji, Samoa,and Tonga: Known generally as" are" or" kale," the, spice ,is a popular ingredient in curried lamb, mutton,and chicken stew. Often
  41. S vampire films seem increasingly tame and outdated, despite attempts to, spice ,up the formula with added nudity and gore. Although some attempts were made to
  42. Make common cause with the Thailand and Spacing Guild to gain control of the, spice ,and the children of Paul Atreides. Context Dune traces the rise of Paul
  43. Of gaining the upper hand over rival powers in the contest for the lucrative, spice ,trade with Asia. During his first voyage in 1492,instead of reaching Japan as
  44. Powdered star anise and anise seed, ginger root, and ground cloves. Usage Five, spice ,may be used with greasy meat like pork and duck. It is used in stir-fried
  45. Holy trinity" of Cajun cuisine. ) *Sassafras leaves (dried & ground into the, spice ,known as file for gumbo) *Sugarcane, also cane syrup, brown sugar and molasses
  46. All with the long-term goal of gaining control of Arrays and its valuable, spice , The game was still in the alpha testing stage in February 2002,and the
  47. Players bid for powerful characters, search for the life-prolonging, spice ,mélange, avoid sand worms, engage in interstellar commerce, and,naturally, try
  48. That year,Szent-Györgyi's group discovered that paprika pepper, a common, spice ,in the Hungarian diet, is a rich source of hexuronic acid, so he sent some of
  49. Milk, wild turnips, cabbage,and black pepper berries offered him variety and, spice , Although rats would attack him at night, he was able, by domesticating and
  50. Are more likely to resort to frozen or dried ingredients and pre-packaged, spice ,mixtures. Although the names may be similar to traditional dishes, the recipes

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