Examples of the the word, concordance , in a Sentence Context

The word ( concordance ), is the 7498 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Him in Roman Gaul and Britain. Demonstrates the unreliability of any one-to-one, concordance ,in the interpretation Roman – but the available parallels are worth considering
  2. In second-person plural, adjectives in singular),and vote follows the same, concordance ,rules as the Spanish used (verbs in 3rd person). Vote originated from
  3. Vous is widespread even among colleagues. Catalan Los follows the same, concordance ,rules as the French vows (verbs in second-person plural, adjectives in
  4. Jesus the Nazarene" or" Jesus the Azorean. " Even though a standard English, concordance ,(e.g.,Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible) lists" Nazareth "
  5. 70 % chance of a twin developing psoriasis if the other twin has psoriasis. The, concordance ,is around 20 % for dizygotic twins. These findings suggest both a genetic
  6. Studies, performed on increasingly representative samples, showed much lesser, concordance ,among monozygotic (MZ, colloquially " identical" ) twins, although still
  7. Of the critical edition, with an average of 870 pages, and prepared index and, concordance ,works. Selected works The year given is usually that in which the work was
  8. Rates. First-degree relatives prevalence rate is 2–3 % and disease genetic, concordance ,in monozygotic twins is approximately 15–20 %. It is strongly associated with
  9. Ballots cast (to ensure 99 % statistical accuracy),it can also mean the, concordance ,of tallies from a 10 % sample of paper ballots randomly selected from each and
  10. A critical Greek and English, concordance ,of the New Testament (1872) revised by Ezra Abbot *
  11. As well as environmental influence. For bipolar I, the (probandwise), concordance , rates in modern studies have been consistently put at around 40 % in
  12. Other text that he quotes in his works. Modern symmetric studies, which use a, concordance ,of Josephus' works that did not exist before the 20th century, has revealed
  13. Rises to 67 % in monozygotic twins and 19 % in dizygotic. The relatively low, concordance ,between dizygotic twins brought up together suggests that shared family
  14. The materialand wipes away the tracks left by the particles. Altogether,the, concordance ,of age dates of both the earliest terrestrial lead reservoirs and all other
  15. Twin studies: among those, all but two showed MZ twins having much higher, concordance ,of sexual orientation than DZ twins, suggesting a non-negligible genetic
  16. Syncretists, Hénotiques, ou Conciliates. Diderot portrayed syncretism as the, concordance ,of eclectic sources. Fiction *Orange Catholic Bible, Zensunni, and Census, all
  17. Certain environments. Continuous variable or Correlational studies While, concordance ,studies compare traits which are either present or absent in each twin
  18. Which a video editor will stitch together to present to the jury. Finally,a, concordance ,is automatically generated by the stenographic system's software and included
  19. Style. KWC is an acronym for Key Word In Context, the most common format for, concordance ,lines. The term KWC was first coined by Hans Peter Kuhn. The system was based
  20. And systemic sclerosis. Genetic predisposition appears to be limited: genetic, concordance ,is small; still, there often is a familial predisposition for autoimmune
  21. Which endless investigation would tend to bring scientific belief, which, concordance , the abstract statement may possess by virtue of the confession of its
  22. A discussion of the ancient divisions of the text. In 1594, he published a, concordance ,of the New Testament, the preparatory studies for which his father had made.
  23. System, and set in monotonic orthography. Included in the printed edition is a, concordance ,and index. The Orthodox Study Bible was released in early 2008 with a new
  24. one's concepts into practice. Pace defines truth as follows:" Truth is that, concordance ,of an abstract statement with the ideal limit towards which endless
  25. Non-intrinsic characteristics. Esotericists frequently suggest that there is a, concordance ,between different religious traditions: the best example is the belief in Prince
  26. In dizygotic twins. A combination of bipolar I, II and cyclothymic produced, concordance ,rates of 42 % vs 11 %, with a relatively lower ratio for bipolar II that likely
  27. End for j = 1,2,..., n − 2,and the e is for the angle j = n − 1 in, concordance ,with the spherical harmonics. Stereo graphic projection: Just as a two
  28. Very nature is the punishment for sin, and thus in every way good and holy in, concordance ,with the character of God) to all others. Regarding the claim by universalist
  29. Depending on how far up the colon the disease extends: *Identical twin, concordance ,rate of 10 % and dizygotic twin concordance rate of 3 % There are 12 regions of
  30. About Justices joining opinions. The tables conclude with term statistics and, concordance ,data. Other lists *Landmark decisions in the United States (most frequently
  31. Card with postage stamp on the same theme and a cancellation, with a maximum, concordance ,between all three. Tools Philately uses a number of tools, including stamp
  32. Attraction, extol abstention and (in the Qur'an) condemn consummation. In, concordance ,with those creeds, in most Muslim majority states, male desire for male youths
  33. Disease extends: *Identical twin concordance rate of 10 % and dizygotic twin, concordance ,rate of 3 % There are 12 regions of the genome which may be linked to
  34. Essentially creating a system without a sizeable parliamentary opposition (see, concordance ,system),reflecting the powerful position of an opposition in a direct
  35. Detailing the changes made in every edition, first published in 1959,and a, concordance , an exhaustive external index published in 1981. Worldwide commemorations of
  36. Are 3 to 20 times more likely to develop the disease. Twin studies show a, concordance ,of greater than 55 % for Crohn's disease. History Inflammatory bowel diseases
  37. In this example, the verbal prefix an- and the pronominal prefix Wei- are in, concordance ,with the noun prefix m-: they all express class 1 despite their different
  38. Wac holder published 17 documents that had been reconstructed in 1988 from a, concordance ,and had come into the hands of scholars outside the International Team; in
  39. The Heinlein Society, concordance ," If This Goes On —" is a science fiction short novel by Robert A. Heinlein
  40. Theory must fit with all available astronomical observations (known as the, concordance ,model),in particular the CMB. In cosmology the CMB is explained as relic
  41. Overlap with unipolar depression and if this is also counted in the co-twin the, concordance ,with bipolar disorder rises to 67 % in monozygotic twins and 19 % in dizygotic.
  42. Companion — Edited by Martin H. Greenberg — Writings by Clancy along with a, concordance ,of all his fiction novels, detailing characters and military units or equipment
  43. Largely agreed with them and perceived the ideas of Luther and Erasmus to be in, concordance , Because meeting Luther posed certain risks, he asked Remnants to ensure his
  44. Of Agar The quotations paraphrasing the Gospels are actually from the famous, concordance ,of Titian, the Diatessaron, itself compiled in the 2nd century. The legend
  45. Are essential to a proper conception of truth. Although Pace uses words like, concordance ,and correspondence to describe one aspect of the pragmatic sign relation, he is
  46. To as's, behaviors and identity match, scientists usually use the terms, concordance ,or discordance. Thus, a woman who is attracted to other women, but calls
  47. In place of modern mark (מרק) Barbican University has made a computerized, concordance ,of his works in order to study his language. Awards and critical acclaim *
  48. For non-repetitive texts, because the database resources created have value for, concordance ,searches to determine appropriate usage of terms, for quality assurance (no
  49. By questionnaire and bogosity was serologically checked when in doubt. MZ twin, concordance ,for homosexuality was found to be 30 %. A recent study of all adult twins in
  50. By Giorgio Estelle, has led to P numbers appearing in some places. For a full, concordance ,between these three systems, see List of solo keyboard sonatas by Domenico

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