Examples of the the word, multitude , in a Sentence Context
The word ( multitude ), is the 7502 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- II, son of Hear II),who think that the number of the sand is infinite in, multitude ,; and I mean by the sand not only that which exists about Syracuse and the rest
- Are sealed as servants of God on their foreheads. (7:1-8) ####A great, multitude ,stand before the Throne of God, who come out of the Great Tribulation, clothed
- The key role it has played as a regional center for centuries. Copenhagen has a, multitude ,of districts, each representing its time and with its own distinctive character
- Available for any other organism, and the information has been used to enable a, multitude ,of studies that would not have been possible without it. *The sea slug Aphasia
- Act III: God's Kingdom reigns ##The Marriage Supper of the Lamb ###A great, multitude ,praises God. (19:1-6) ###The marriage supper of the Lamb. (19:7-10) ##The
- BC. Azerbaijani carpets can be categorized under several large groups and a, multitude ,of subgroups. The true scientific research of the Azerbaijani carpet is
- Bay and the submerged area between North America and Greenland. Geology The, multitude ,of rivers and lakes in the entire region is caused by the watersheds of the
- Owned and managed by the U. S. federal government as public lands, including a, multitude ,of national forests, national parks, and national wildlife refuges. Of these
- He Goethe ", shall stand with Him on Mt. Zion, and bring in" a great, multitude , which no man could number ", and there" receive the forces of the Gentiles. "
- Apoptotic pathways The many types of apoptotic pathways contain a, multitude ,of different biochemical components, many of them not yet understood. As a
- Mind),as an ordering force. He regarded material substance as an infinite, multitude ,of imperishable primary elements, referring all generation and disappearance to
- Combined to establish the annual Three Choirs Festival, the precursor for the, multitude ,of summer music festivals since. By the 20th century, the choral tradition had
- Trees or vines, as if it were a wooden stock, because it contains in itself a, multitude ,of books, as it were of branches. " Middle Ages Manuscripts The fall of the
- Ankara Theatre Festival) Universities Ankara is noted, within Turkey, for the, multitude ,of universities it is home to. These include the following, several of them
- Every line of written text is a mere reflection of references from any of a, multitude ,of traditions, or,as Barthes puts it," the text is a tissue of quotations
- And general utility along with the licensing terms have led to its use in a, multitude ,of free and open source software. Those who do not wish to abide by the terms
- Takes place, there is a great celebration in heaven which involves a" great, multitude , " Rev 19:6 Armageddon The Book of Revelation states:" I saw heaven opened
- Devoured the holocaust, and the fat that was upon the altar: which when the, multitude ,saw, they praised the Lord, falling on their faces" ( Leviticus 9:23-24). In
- Admitted into a building and shed light on its shadowy places. You will see a, multitude ,of tiny particles mingling in a multitude of ways ... their dancing is an
- The" fundamental equations of Gibbs" can be derived. From these four,a, multitude ,of equations, relating the thermodynamic properties of the thermodynamic system
- Within any lapse of time has room for—any Clef number (any infinite, multitude ,as he called it) of instants. In 1908 Pace wrote that he found that a true
- Babylonian planet names took a, multitude ,of deity forms, most drawn from one basic deity association; for example, the
- Outnumber the front-line combat troops. Battles are, on the whole, made up of a, multitude ,of individual combats, skirmishes and small engagements within the context of
- Escorting to the grave some distinguished defunct. From afar Aurangzeb saw this, multitude ,and heard their great weeping and lamentation, and,wondering, sent to know the
- By-roads can be treacherous even in summer. Many passes are closed in winter. A, multitude ,of airports around the Alps (and some within),as well as long-distance rail
- To the world before Christ comes in the clouds of heaven to take the great, multitude ,of living and resurrected saints with him for 1000 years, during which time the
- As the Z80-card – that permitted the Apple to use the Z80 processor and run a, multitude ,of programs developed under the CP/M operating system,
- In their books (Empire & Multitude) expanded on this idea of a disunified, multitude ,: humans coming together for shared causes, but lacking the complete sameness of
- His idea that in every continuum there is room for whatever collection of any, multitude , From now on, there are different kinds of continua, which have different
- The time and space costs associated with different approaches to solving a, multitude ,of computational problems. The famous" P=NP? " Problem, one of the Millennium
- Bosworth Field, a useful source to ascertain certain details of the battle. The, multitude ,of different accounts, mostly based on second- or third-hand information, has
- Temperatures of or below, Bose–Einstein condensates had been obtained for a, multitude ,of isotopes, mainly of alkaline and alkaline earth atoms (7Li,23Na,39K,41K
- Until excavation at the site of the Artemision in 1987-88 identified the, multitude ,of tear-shaped amber beads that had adorned her ancient wooden canon. In Acts
- That are currently in existence? Chance, one would say, produced an innumerable, multitude ,of individuals; a small number found themselves constructed in such a manner
- On its shadowy places. You will see a multitude of tiny particles mingling in a, multitude ,of ways ... their dancing is an actual indication of underlying movements of
- Another, to find their greatest common measure ". He defines" A number to be a, multitude ,composed of units ": a counting number, a positive integer not including 0. And
- Important in brain function, although it is involved in the regulation of a, multitude ,of other cellular processes. DNA and RNA synthesis In all known organisms, the
- Dimensions. The anthropic idea that fundamental parameters is selected from a, multitude ,of different possibilities (each actual in some universe or other) contrasts
- Propagation called salvation. The declination of axons is what causes the, multitude ,of neurological symptoms found in the disease Multiple Sclerosis. The axons of
- Be derived. Other recent formations are" republic" ( lit. " Public-ness" < ", multitude , public" ), and the Qaddafi-specific variation" people's republic "
- Components, for which in a chemical compound can be structurally arranged in a, multitude ,of different combinations and permutations. The simplest isomer of an alkane is
- With ";" university ", based on" to gather, unite ";" republic ", based on ", multitude ,"). An earlier tendency was to re-purpose older words that had fallen into
- In Amazon Basin destroys the habitat and endangers the existence of a, multitude ,of plant and animal species indigenous to the area; air and water pollution in
- The evolutionary processes responsible for the divergence of two genomes. A, multitude ,of evolutionary events acting at various organizational levels shape genome
- And the former was a lulu and the latter was a cake;: So upon that stricken, multitude ,grim melancholy sat, : For there seemed, but little chance of Casey's getting to
- If the form of the name is singular. The difference occurs for all nouns of, multitude , both general terms such as team and company and proper nouns (for example
- Forth and blessed the people. And the glory of the Lord appeared to all the, multitude ,: And behold a fire, coming forth from the Lord, devoured the holocaust, and the
- As real world economic data are inherently ambiguous and subject to a, multitude ,of influences which cannot be separated or quantified, one cause or correlation
- Of approximately. Between its walls it contained a dense grid of streets and a, multitude ,of buildings, ranging from spacious headquarters and large officers' houses to
- Show. ) Nancy Pulp had died in 1991 and was little referred to beyond the, multitude ,of film clips that dotted the special (which curiously failed to include a
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