Examples of the the word, chord , in a Sentence Context

The word ( chord ), is the 7504 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Folk rock, and related styles, the bass often plays the roots and fifth of each, chord ,in alternation. In Chicago blues, the electric bass often performs a walking
  2. And wicked gallows humor. "" 'Po Boy ', scored for banjo with lounge, chord ,jazz patterns,'almost sounds as if it could have been recorded around 1920,"
  3. Key feature for which Damian sought the patent was the sounding of an entire, chord ,by depressing one key. His instrument also could sound two different chord s
  4. Predominantly homophonic, its composition governed mainly by considerations of, chord ,and harmony; but, while general tendencies can often be fairly strong one way
  5. Are usually improvised or otherwise invented by the performers themselves using, chord ,symbols or a lead sheet as a guide. (Rhythm section instruments usually
  6. Of fifths but in reverse order. This system has 3 rows of basses,3 rows of, chord ,buttons allowing easier fingering for playing melodies, combined chord s, better
  7. On the right-hand manual, and the accompaniment, consisting of bass and pre-set, chord ,buttons, on the left-hand manual. The accordion is often used in folk music in
  8. He sought the one; and so, in his landscape, he subordinated the composite, chord ,into one single basic note ". For example, in The Abbey in the Oak wood, the
  9. Tuning of a six-string guitar, but one octave lower allowing the use of guitar, chord ,fingerings. Rarer tuning such as EAD GCF and F#BEADS provide a lower or higher
  10. Bisector: ** A perpendicular line from the center of a circle bisects the, chord , ** The line segment (circular segment) through the center bisecting a chord
  11. Is characterized by specific chord progressions, of which the twelve-bar blues, chord ,progression is the most common. The blue notes that, for expressive purposes
  12. Line that touches the circle at a single point, while a secant is an extended, chord ,: a straight line cutting the circle at two points. An arc of a circle is any
  13. Can now attempt to define“ the blues” narrowly in terms of certain, chord ,structures and lyric strategies thought to have originated in West Africa
  14. You Love? ") often have no chord changes; that is, the musicians play the same, chord ,throughout the piece, so that the rhythms create the excitement, rather than
  15. The 20th century, blues music was not clearly defined in terms of a particular, chord ,progression. With the popularity of early performers, such as Bessie Smith, use
  16. Capacity to transcend the limits of its chosen medium to strike some universal, chord ,by the rarity of the skill of the artist or in its accurate reflection in what
  17. Of Maurice Ravel, especially his Valses' nobles et sentiment ales (whose opening, chord ,is" borrowed" for the opening chord of the song" Liaisons" ); part of this
  18. An ostinato or riff and shifts of level in the left hand, elaborating each, chord ,and trills and decorations in the right hand. Boogie-woogie was pioneered by
  19. Key of C, C is the tonic chord (I) and F is the subdominant (IV). The last, chord ,is the dominant (V) turnaround, marking the transition to the beginning of
  20. If a central angle and an inscribed angle of a circle are subtended by the same, chord ,and on the same side of the chord , then the central angle is twice the
  21. Fretting hand string is held over more than one string, that is called a barre, chord , The notation for a barre is the Latin numeral for the fret in question.
  22. In jazz, rhythm and blues, and rock and roll is characterized by specific, chord ,progressions, of which the twelve-bar blues chord progression is the most
  23. And a segment is a region bounded by a chord and an arc lying between the, chord ,'s endpoints. History The word" circle" derives from the Greek, kirkos" a
  24. Were very popular. Before the blues gained its formal definition in terms of, chord ,progressions, it was defined as the secular counterpart of the spirituals. It
  25. Of the progression. For instance, for a blues in the key of C, C is the tonic, chord ,(I) and F is the subdominant (IV). The last chord is the dominant (V)
  26. And an arc lying between the radii, and a segment is a region bounded by a, chord ,and an arc lying between the chord 's endpoints. History The word" circle "
  27. Angle of a circle are subtended by the same chord and on the same side of the, chord , then the central angle is twice the inscribed angle. * If two angles are
  28. It is often approximated by a minor seventh interval or a dominant seventh, chord , In melody, blues is distinguished by the use of the flattened third, fifth and
  29. Nobles et sentiment ales (whose opening chord is" borrowed" for the opening, chord ,of the song" Liaisons" ); part of this effect stems from the style of
  30. May add to that stepwise quarter note motion from the fifth to the sixth of the, chord ,and back. An example is provided by the following guitar entablature for the
  31. For example," Hey BO Diddle" and" Who Do You Love? ") often have no, chord ,changes; that is, the musicians play the same chord throughout the piece, so
  32. Interweaving contrapuntal lines, to simultaneously play a baseline and a simple, chord , or play chord s and arpeggios. Bassist John Entitle of The Who tapped
  33. If and only if they are equal in length. * The perpendicular bisector of a, chord ,passes through the center of a circle; equivalent statements stemming from the
  34. First known instance of using a sponge-headed mallet on a cymbal is the final, chord ,of Hector Berlioz' Symphonic Fantastic. Composers sometimes specifically
  35. Such as the equal tempered twelve tone aggregate, octatonic scale (and alpha, chord ,), the diatonic and catatonia second seven-note scales, and less often the
  36. Also press down several notes at one time with their fretting hand to perform a, chord , While chord s are used less often by bassists than by electric guitarists, a
  37. Banjo player community up until his passing in 1965. His single string and ", chord ,melody" technique and ability arguably set the" high mark" that many
  38. Is a line segment whose endpoints lie on the circle. A diameter is the longest, chord ,in a circle. A tangent to a circle is a straight line that touches the circle
  39. Chord. ** The line segment (circular segment) through the center bisecting a, chord ,is perpendicular to the chord . * If a central angle and an inscribed angle of a
  40. Blues spread across the music industry during the 1920s and 30s. Other, chord ,progressions, such as 8-bar forms, are still considered blues; examples include
  41. Primarily on signature riffing, electronic effects and processing, unorthodox, chord , structures,and a copious arsenal of equipment used over the years. Despite his
  42. Use the bass guitar as a member of the rhythm section, which provides the, chord ,sequence or" progression" and sets out the" beat" for the song. The rhythm
  43. The circumference is the distance around the outside of a circle. A, chord ,is a line segment whose endpoints lie on the circle. A diameter is the longest
  44. Fast tremolo picking and dissonance. Guitarists often use scales, intervals and, chord ,progressions that yield the most fear-inducing and foreboding sounds. Guitar
  45. Role: anchoring the harmonic framework (often by emphasizing the roots of the, chord ,progression) and laying down the beat (in collaboration with the drummer).
  46. F" ( on the third fret of the" D" string),underneath an F major, chord ,being played by a piano player, a bassist might hold down the" C" and low" F
  47. For single string melody playing (as in Irish traditional music),in ", chord ,melody" style (a succession of chord s are played in which the highest notes
  48. Is popularly called the" blues seven ". Blues seven chord s add to the harmonic, chord ,a note with a frequency in a 7:4 ratio to the fundamental note. At a 7:4 ratio
  49. Circular segment) through the center bisecting a chord is perpendicular to the, chord , * If a central angle and an inscribed angle of a circle are subtended by the
  50. As it shows signs of a heart, arteries,gill filaments, a tail, a neural, chord ,with a brain at the front end, and possibly eyes — although it also had short

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