Examples of the the word, photographic , in a Sentence Context

The word ( photographic ), is the 7495 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. American national standards *The ASA (as for American Standards Association), photographic , exposure system, originally defined in ASA Z38.2.1 (since 1943) and ASA PH2.5
  2. Observatory, to find minuscule variations of one micrometer in its position on, photographic ,plates consistent with orbital perturbations (wobbles) in the star that would
  3. Used to bleach textiles in 1785. In 1826,silver chloride was used to produce, photographic ,images for the first time. Chloroform was first used as an anesthetic in 1847.
  4. Of Navarro. *1839 – The French government announces that Louis Daguerre's, photographic ,process is a gift" free to the world ". *1848 – California Gold Rush: the New
  5. Non-food uses Ascorbic acid is easily oxidized and so is used as a reluctant in, photographic ,developer solutions (among others) and as a preservative. In fluorescence
  6. To health. Coal tar is also used to manufacture paints, synthetic dyes and, photographic ,materials. Medical Also known as liquor carbons detergent (LCD),and liquor
  7. Creative years. It includes many otherwise unpublished texts, artwork and, photographic ,pieces alongside a detailed study of his fringe theater work, written by Phil
  8. Then it is to red light. Magnitudes obtained from this method are known as, photographic ,magnitudes, and are now considered obsolete. For objects within our Galaxy with
  9. The Boardand a U. S. Bureau of Mines professor joined. After thorough stereo, photographic ,documentation of the CM-012 interior, the board ordered its disassembly using
  10. The details that were seen. Sketching is sometimes used within logs, and, photographic , records of observations have also been used in recent times. The Internet is an
  11. And social gifts... made him a superb leader and administrator. He had a, photographic ,memory that few, if any, of his colleagues could match. Yet he was generous
  12. Must have been faked somehow ". The prints were also examined by another, photographic ,company, Ilford, who reported unequivocally that there was" some evidence of
  13. Century, mostly by use of the filer micrometer. Autographs using astronomical, photographic ,plates sped the process in the early 20th century. Automated plate-measuring
  14. Much of the 20th century, the Lumiere company was a major producer of, photographic ,products in Europe, but the brand name, Lumière, disappeared from the
  15. The new acrobats, and were employed by P. Rudolph in the first anastigmats (, photographic ,objectives). Instead of making DF vanish, a certain value can be assigned to
  16. Images that mimic the color range (gamut) and resolution of prints made from, photographic ,film. Many can be used on a standalone basis without a computer, using a memory
  17. Of Polaroid camera that Polaroid kept in production especially for Warhol. This, photographic ,approach to painting and his snapshot method of taking pictures has had a great
  18. 1980s,Medicine Sans Frontiers, the international medical charity, supplied, photographic , and other documentary evidence of ritualized cannibal feasts among the
  19. First noticed in 1883,when Francis Dalton, cousin of Charles Darwin, overlaid, photographic , composite images of the faces of vegetarians and criminals to see if there was
  20. In the image of the whole microscope. The best telescope objectives, and, photographic , objectives intended for three-color work, are also achromatic, even if they
  21. Month. He was put to work on a detailed analysis of the parallax of 433 Eros on, photographic ,plates that had started in 1900. He developed a new statistical method based on
  22. Field and distortion; errors of the aperture only slightly regarded; examples —, photographic ,the widest angle objectives and oculars.: Between these extreme examples stands the
  23. A United States Air Force U-2 plane on a photoreconnaissance mission captured, photographic ,proof of Soviet missile bases under construction in Cuba. The ensuing crisis
  24. Is used in smokeless gunpowder and as the base material for celluloid used for, photographic ,and movie films until the mid 1930s. Cellulose is used to make water-soluble
  25. An editorial in Le Monde expressed doubt about the authenticity of the CIA's, photographic ,evidence. Two days later, after a visit by a high-ranking CIA agent, they
  26. Image to be created because the light is added over time. Before CDs, photographic ,plates were a common method of observation. Modern astronomers spend relatively
  27. Irrespective of the operating system. The images can also be printed out on, photographic ,paper with a special Kodak machine. This format is not to be confused with
  28. Of star catalogs. In the 1980s,charge-coupled devices (CDs) replaced, photographic ,plates and reduced optical uncertainties to one millisecond. This technology
  29. Etc. * Outer shells of consumer electronics, also cases for equipment e.g., photographic ,equipment. * Electrical transmission lines for power distribution * Super
  30. Is the convolution of the sharp image with the shape of the iris diaphragm. The, photographic ,term for this is both. * Similarly, in digital image processing, convolutional
  31. By money. Gardner and Conan Doyle sought a second expert opinion from the, photographic ,company Kodak. Several of the company's technicians examined the enhanced
  32. Optics, so the terminology can become murky between the conventions of digital, photographic ,technology and physics. Most commonly, quantities called" dynamic range" or "
  33. Histories. The high waters damaged some Wright Brothers' glass plate, photographic ,negatives of their glider flights at Kitty Hawk and power flights over Huffman
  34. The image on the focusing-screen and the correct adjustment of the, photographic ,sensitive plate are not in register; in astronomical photography this
  35. A stream of neon ions through magnetic and electric fields, striking a, photographic ,plate at the other end. He observed two glowing patches on the plate, which
  36. With like. On early 20th century and older orthochromatic (blue-sensitive), photographic , film,the relative brightnesses of the blue supergiant Rigel and the red
  37. From the 1980s and 1990s. Photography *Phenotype, or blueprint, a monochrome, photographic ,printing process that predates the use of the word cyan as a color, yields a
  38. De la Concorde in 1835. Photography and art Bitumen was also used in early, photographic ,technology. It was most notably used by French scientist Joseph Nicéphore
  39. On events in monitoring and evaluation. Evaluation Presentations offer short, photographic ,or PowerPoint displays on evaluation topics. Auditing the Lessons Architecture
  40. Colfax, in that it offered a richer visual interface, with the possibility of, photographic ,images and designed graphics (as opposed to Colfax graphics which were
  41. Of Nos. 681 and 684 Squadrons, flew the Mitchell (primarily Mk II's) on, photographic ,reconnaissance sorties. The RAF was allocated 316 B-25Js as Mitchell III's.
  42. Of the objects. On this account the lines D and G' are united for ordinary, photographic ,objectives; the optical as well as the actinic image is chromatically inferior
  43. Keen amateur photographer, and had set up his own darkroom. The picture on the, photographic ,plate he developed showed Frances behind a bush in the foreground, on which
  44. More text than was practical using vectors, or that required high speed for, photographic ,output) used Character CRTs. These incorporate a perforated metal character
  45. Temperature of 6,500 K (D65 viewing standard) or 5,500 K (daylight-balanced, photographic ,film standard). For colors based on black body theory, blue occurs at higher
  46. Observing a comet. Since the early 20th Century, measures have been made with, photographic ,plates. By 1926,South African astronomer William Stephen Fin sen calculated the
  47. By Elsie, and a nine-page letter from Elsie admitting to the hoax. The glass, photographic ,plates were bought for £6,000 by an unnamed buyer at a London auction held in
  48. Of their outputs (one count for one photon of light),ease of use compared to, photographic ,plates, and a variety of other reasons, CCDs were very rapidly adopted by
  49. Warhol. Warhol designed many album covers for various artists starting with the, photographic ,cover of John Wallowitch's debut album, This Is John Wallow itch!!! (1964).
  50. School in Lyon. Their father, Claude-Antoine Lumiere (1840–1911),ran a, photographic ,firm and both brothers worked for him: Louis as a physicist and August as a

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