Examples of the the word, rabbi , in a Sentence Context

The word ( rabbi ), is the 6715 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of John, Chapter 3 (), verse 3,used by Jesus while speaking to Nicodemus,a, rabbi ,of the Jewish sect known as the Pharisees, who is referred to as" a ruler of
  2. Between December 9–11, 2009 by the invitation of Rabbi Slo-mo Moves, executive, rabbi , of the Unified Hungarian Jewish Congregation and the Hungarian branch of the
  3. Give it until the entire city had asked for forgiveness for the rabbi and the, rabbi ,had promised to mend his ways. Lilith Elijah was always seen as deeply pious
  4. Jews to the camp. Starting with a plea from the Slovakian, rabbi ,Weissmann in May 1944,there was a growing campaign to persuade the Allies to
  5. CE 40. Today, the authoritative application of Jewish law is left to the local, rabbi , and the local rabbi nical courts, with only local applicability. In branches of
  6. German field marshal (d. 1953) *1886 – Shekel Abram sky, Russian-born, rabbi , head of the London Beth Din for 17 years (d. 1976) *1887 – Dubai Blake
  7. With a few rule-proving counterexamples, including the 18th century Orthodox, rabbi ,Ismael halogen of Modena, who decreed that a child should have the word "
  8. You cannot show a pregnant woman on television ". Area consulted a priest,a, rabbi , and a minister, all of whom told him that there would be nothing wrong with
  9. Mathematician (d. 1967) *1875 – Neruda Lab Mammon, Bassarabian-born Israeli, rabbi ,and government minister (d. 1962) *1880 – Frank Tarrant, Australian cricketer
  10. Groups of young Muslim immigrants reside. On January 1,2006,Britain's chief, rabbi , Lord Jonathan Sacks, warned that what he called a" tsunami of antisemitism "
  11. Vélez de Guevara, Spanish writer (d. 1644) *1626 – Sabbath Devi, Montenegrin, rabbi , kabbalist, and founder of the Jewish Sabbath movement (d. 1676) *1630 –
  12. Herschel (January 11, 1907 – December 23, 1972) was a Polish-born American, rabbi ,and one of the leading Jewish theologians and Jewish philosophers of the 20th
  13. Record producer (b. 1948) *1993 – Joseph B. Soloveitchik, American Orthodox, rabbi , Talmudist and modern Jewish philosopher (b. 1903) *1996 – Richard London
  14. Codes of Jewish law are known as Mishnah Torah and the Shulchan Arch. No, rabbi ,has the right to change Jewish law unless they clearly understand how it
  15. Force during Indo-Pakistani War of 1971 (d. 1971) *1959 – Aryeh Devi, Israeli, rabbi , and politician * 1959 – Neil Lorax, American football player *1962 – Samuel
  16. RayBan al-Bīrūnī, Persian mathematician (b. 973) *1204 – Maimonides, Spanish, rabbi , and philosopher (b. 1135) *1250 – Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor (b. 1194
  17. All of its Christmas trees in the middle of the night rather than allow a, rabbi ,to put up a menorah near the largest tree display. Officials feared that one
  18. Levi. The rabbi , a friend of Elijah’s, was asked what favor he might wish. The, rabbi ,answered only that he be able to join Elijah in his wanderings. Elijah granted
  19. Conservative rabbi s and will require a Jew who was converted by a Conservative, rabbi ,to undergo a second, Orthodox conversion to be regarded as a Jew for marriage
  20. Of Tanya was offered by Abraham Yeah Khan, a prominent Ukrainian Chased, rabbi , who supported anarchist communism and considered Peter Kropotkin a great
  21. Suite à CE Que j'ai VU. 1890 Abbey Mari Ben Moses Ben Joseph, was a Provençal, rabbi , born at Line, near Montpellier, towards the end of the 13th century. He is
  22. School of the Academy for Jewish Religion in California is led by Conservative, rabbi ,Mel Gottlieb. The faculties of the Academy for Jewish Religion in New York and
  23. Rule of Rudolf II, the Holy Roman Emperor. To protect the Jewish community,the, rabbi ,constructed the Golem out of clay from the banks of the Lava river, and
  24. Then-honey and nilavu-moon. Rabbi Harold Samuel Kushner is a prominent American, rabbi ,aligned with the progressive wing of Conservative Judaism, and a popular author
  25. And man of letters (b. 1718) *1812 – Shear Kalman of Lead, Lithuanian, rabbi , and founder of Chased Hasidim (b. 1745) * 1812 – Joanna Southport, an
  26. With a note on his death. The ID card was handed over to the chaplain or the, rabbi , In 1928,a new type of dog tag was proposed by gen. Bryg. Stanislav Rupert
  27. And times of mourning. Philosophical approach Maimonides, a twelfth century, rabbi , discusses Job in his work The Guide for the Perplexed. According to Maimonides
  28. Jealousy Offering),to Solomon Ben Are of Barcelona, the most influential, rabbi ,of the time, to use his powerful authority to check the source of evil by
  29. Kempenfelt, Royal Navy Admiral (b. 1718) *1793 – Rechecked Landau, Polish, rabbi , ( b. 1713) * 1793 – John Mitchell, British scientist (b. 1724) *1798 –
  30. Wavered Huddle, Dutch mathematician (d. 1704) *1720 – Villa Gain, Lithuanian, rabbi , ( d. 1797) *1725 – Saint Gerard Mayella, Catholic saint (d. 1755) *1746 –
  31. At the Canadian Yeshiva & Rabbinical School in Toronto is a Conservative, rabbi , Roy Tenenbaum. The rabbi nical school of the Academy for Jewish Religion in
  32. And sports team owner (b. 1927) * 2006 – Moshe Feigenbaum, Hassidic, rabbi ,(b. 1914) * 2006 – Brian Lab one, English footballer (b. 1940) *2009 – John
  33. Was said to be doubled compared to 2008. In 2010,Raphaël Every, an orthodox, rabbi ,in Amsterdam, told the Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten that Jews can no longer
  34. Italian film and opera director and designer * 1923 – Channel Lesser, Orthodox, rabbi , ( d. 2010) *1925 – Sir Anthony Berry, British politician (d. 1984) *1926 –
  35. You should tell the Master Architect how ugly is this, His construction. ” The, rabbi ,realized his wrong and asked for pardon. But Elijah would not give it until the
  36. Would not give it until the entire city had asked for forgiveness for the, rabbi ,and the rabbi had promised to mend his ways. Lilith Elijah was always seen as
  37. Loose that not attending synagogue may lead them to drop it altogether, their, rabbi , may give them a dispensation to drive there and back; and more recently in its
  38. Golem narrative involves Judah Low Ben Befall, the late 16th century chief, rabbi ,of Prague, also known as the Sahara, who reportedly created a golem to defend
  39. Of the law in any given situation, the proviso is:" consult your local, rabbi ,or pose. " Modern critics, however,have charged that with the rise of
  40. Orthodox Judaism have numerous complications, and authorities recommend that a, rabbi ,be consulted well in advance. In Conservative Judaism, the Milan l'She four
  41. Nature of God’s justice. One such story is that of Rabbi Joshua Ben Levi. The, rabbi , a friend of Elijah’s, was asked what favor he might wish. The rabbi answered
  42. Golem narrative involves Judah Low Ben Befall, the late 16th century chief, rabbi ,of Prague. History Etymology The word golem occurs once in the Bible in Psalm
  43. Of Helm became enormous and uncooperative. In one version of this story,the, rabbi ,had to resort to trickery to deactivate it, whereupon it crumbled upon its
  44. The title Min hat Knot, i. e.," Jealousy Offering" ) called upon the famous, rabbi ,Solomon Ben Are of Barcelona to come to the aid of orthodoxy. Ben Are, with
  45. Permit judicial discretion and deviation (Ben-Menahem). Generally speaking,a, rabbi ,in any one period will not overrule specific laws from an earlier era, unless
  46. And teacher * Sober, Adolf (3 September 1870 - 30 December 1958),Jewish, rabbi ,and medievalist * Krupp, Uwe (born 24 June 1965),professional (ice) hockey
  47. Courbet, French painter (b. 1819) *1888 – Samson Raphael Hirsch, German, rabbi , ( b. 1808) *1890 – Patch Carrasco, Costa Rican war heroine (b. 1826) *1891
  48. Greenberg did considerable soul-searching, and discussed the matter with his, rabbi ,; finally he relented and agreed to play on Rosh Hashanah, but stuck with his
  49. Peace be with thee, Rabbi. ” Instead of returning the greeting,the, rabbi ,could not resist an insult,“ How ugly you are! Is there anyone as ugly as you
  50. 1949 – Rosalinda Gall, Italian voice actress *1950 – Julia Berger, British, rabbi , and politician *1951 – Lee At water, American political figure (d. 1991) *

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