Examples of the the word, provincial , in a Sentence Context

The word ( provincial ), is the 4258 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of K–12 education; the difference is that the mill rate is now set by the, provincial ,government, the money is collected by the local municipal authority and
  2. And the district governors are selected by the provincial governors. The, provincial ,governors are representatives of the central government in Kabul and are
  3. Turnout and widespread electoral fraud. The vote, along with elections for 420, provincial , council seats, took place in August 2009,but remained unresolved during a
  4. Sargon, the ANSIs generally retained their positions, but were seen more than, provincial ,governors. The title SAR kiss became recognized as meaning" lord of the
  5. Development planning and to participate in monitoring and appraisal of other, provincial ,governance institutions. According to article 140 of the constitution and the
  6. He had the power to intervene, when he deemed necessary, with the affairs of, provincial ,proconsuls appointed by the Senate. As a proconsul Augustus did not want this
  7. Of Alberta in some form currently active in the province. In the 2008, provincial , election,held on March 3,2008,the Progressive Conservative Party was
  8. The money is collected by the local municipal authority and remitted to the, provincial ,government. The relevant legislation requires that all the money raised by this
  9. Usually elected parish representatives),clergy, and bishops. National, provincial , and diocesan synods maintain different scopes of authority, depending on their
  10. Kandahar, Herat, and Mazar-i-Sharif. Every province of the country has a, provincial ,Chief of Police who is appointed by the Ministry of Interior and is responsible
  11. Time Thomas Aquinas began to study under Albert us. In 1254 Albert us was made, provincial ,of the Dominican Order, and fulfilled the arduous duties of the office with
  12. By the President of Afghanistan and the district governors are selected by the, provincial ,governors. The provincial governors are representatives of the central
  13. This suspicion and speculated that belief in Plagiarism reflected an actively, provincial ,outlook in Britain and that Northern represented the Belgian party, while
  14. Direct and general elections for a period of four years. The functions of, provincial ,councils are to take part in provincial development planning and to participate
  15. Give little profit or even a loss. With concerted effort and support from the, provincial ,government, several high-tech industries have found their birth in Alberta
  16. Moon deity, Nanna, at You’re, in the extreme south of Summer; to install sons as, provincial ,ENSI governors in strategic locations; and to marry their daughters to rulers
  17. Give little profit or even a loss. With concerted effort and support from the, provincial ,government, several high-tech industries have found their birth in Alberta
  18. Alexander ordered the Minister of the Interior to send a circular to the, provincial ,governors of European Russia, containing a copy of the instructions forwarded
  19. AD 14,died without issue Bibliography * And, Clifford,Imperial ideology and, provincial ,loyalty in the Roman Empire, University of California Press,2000. * Bihar, A.
  20. A number of villages. Each district is represented by a district governor. The, provincial ,governors are appointed by the President of Afghanistan and the district
  21. Members of the Legislative Assembly. The City of Edmonton is the seat of the, provincial ,government—the capital of Alberta. Alberta's elections tend to yield results
  22. Numbers: both of them operate according to Saskatchewan law. For many years the, provincial ,government has funded the greater part of the cost of providing K–12 education.
  23. At the Battle of the Granicus, Alexander accepted the surrender of the Persian, provincial ,capital and treasury of Saris and proceeded down the Ionian coast. At
  24. Campaign for autonomy, in 1905 the district of Alberta was enlarged and given, provincial ,status, with the election of Alexander Cameron Rutherford as the first premier.
  25. For a four-year term,130 members by proportional representation,90 members in, provincial ,districts, and 3 members to represent Angolans abroad. The next general
  26. Of a tribe known as the Rectorates, and Augustus upgraded it into a major, provincial ,capital for his empire. Two other Galatians tribal centers, Tavium near Yoga
  27. Nova Scotia, approximately 100 kilometers northwest of Halifax, Nova Scotia the, provincial ,capital. Founded in 1838 by the Baptist Community,Acadia's beginning was the
  28. Governor of Africa and conqueror of the Garments, was the first man of, provincial ,origin to receive this award, as well as the last. Ensuring that his status of
  29. For all administrative and formal issues within their provinces. There are also, provincial ,councils which are elected through direct and general elections for a period of
  30. People in Canada, and Alberta is the only province in Canada without a, provincial ,sales tax (though residents are still subject to the federal sales tax, the
  31. Character by allowing residents to earn $16,161 before becoming subject to, provincial ,taxation in addition to a variety of tax deductions for persons with
  32. Have their own governments which (usually) work in co-operation with the, provincial ,government. Alberta also privatized alcohol distribution. The privatization
  33. The Catholic clergy chose to place its episcopal see of the city in the nearby, provincial ,town of Haarlem. In recent times, religious demographics in Amsterdam have been
  34. Into 34 provinces (wildcats),with each province having its own capital and a, provincial ,administration. The provinces are further divided into about 398 smaller
  35. In each colony. In late 1774 in early 1775,they supervised the elections of, provincial ,conventions, which took over the operation of colonial governments. In response
  36. Schools all follow the Program of Studies and the curriculum approved by the, provincial ,department of education (Alberta Education). Home schoolers may choose to
  37. To emphasize a departure from mainstream German thought and to suggest a, provincial , Aristotelian approach. First wave Carl Merger was closely followed by Eugen
  38. For example, in criminal cases where there is dissent on a point of law in a, provincial ,court of appeal. In tort, equity,or other civil matters either party to a
  39. Crises without leaving Italy once during his reign, but instead dealt with, provincial ,matters of war and peace through their governors or through imperial letters to
  40. Disestablished Church in Wales. The Archbishop of Canterbury has a ceremonial, provincial ,curia, or court, consisting of some senior bishops of his province. The
  41. The Senate. As a proconsul Augustus did not want this authority of overriding, provincial ,governors to be stripped from him, so imperium proconsular mails, or " power
  42. Period of four years. The functions of provincial councils are to take part in, provincial ,development planning and to participate in monitoring and appraisal of other
  43. Wound on the back during a recent exchange of gunfire. 2002 * July 21 - A, provincial ,governor and three others were wounded when fighters of the Abu SAAF ambushed
  44. Tax must go to the support of K–12 education provided by school boards. The, provincial ,government pools the property tax funds from across the province and
  45. Senators to the provinces under his command as his representatives to manage, provincial ,affairs and ensure his orders were carried out. Augustus, from the Latin word
  46. Administration. The provinces are further divided into about 398 smaller, provincial ,districts, each of which normally covers a city or a number of villages. Each
  47. Of the church except the two archbishops—serves as Canterbury's, provincial ,dean, the Bishop of Winchester as chancellor, the Bishop of Lincoln as
  48. Salmon left cemetery portals, city halls and slaughterhouses commissioned by, provincial ,government during the 1930s,designed in a personal style which combined Art Deco
  49. Consists of snippets taken from some of his best speeches. His father was a, provincial ,magistrate (drummer) Apuleius studied with a master at Carthage (where he
  50. By larger and better burials among all social classes. In bursts of creativity, provincial ,artisans adopted and adapted cultural motifs formerly restricted to the royalty

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