Examples of the the word, continent , in a Sentence Context

The word ( continent ), is the 4260 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And actions to be motivated by antisemitism. " France is home to the, continent ,'s the largest Jewish community (about 600,000). Jewish leaders decry an
  2. Twin lanthanide element europium; it was thus by analogy named after another, continent , America:" The name americium (after the Americas) and the symbol Am are
  3. The use of this term illustrates a past trend towards referring to the whole, continent ,of Africa by the name Ethiopia. The modern nation of Ethiopia, in northeast
  4. The lanthanide element europium, and thus by analogy was named after another, continent , America. Americium was first produced in 1944 by the group of Glenn T. Seaborg
  5. Developed being the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. Asia is the largest, continent ,in the world by a considerable margin, and it is rich in natural resources
  6. Populations from others in the rest of eastern Asia and most of the American, continent , This gradient appears as the third most important genetic movement (in other
  7. States by area. It is situated in the northwest extremity of the North American, continent , with Canada to the east, the Arctic Ocean to the north, and the Pacific Ocean
  8. In 1004,Sorry Thorfinnsson was the first European born on the American, continent , *In 1419 and 1427,Portuguese navigators reached Madeira and Azores
  9. Drawn west of 180° to keep the whole state, and thus the entire North American, continent , within the same legal day. However, because some of these islands fall in the
  10. America" ( America) on the other hand is used almost exclusively for the, continent ,as the U. S. A. are called" Estates UNIDO" ( United States) or" Estates
  11. Between them. Geographically, Asia is the major eastern constituent of the, continent ,of Eurasia with Europe being a northwestern peninsula of the landmass – or of
  12. Counted on them as a part of their daily lives. The political divisions of the, continent ,is considerably altered, with two large English colonies book ending a smaller "
  13. With 10 known eruptions and 1 suspected eruption. On the opposite side of the, continent , Deception Island (62°57'S.,60°38'W. ), a volcanic caldera with 10 knowns and
  14. The name for the continent of America is Guizhou, from me plus Zhou ", continent ,". Thus, a měizhōurén is an American in the generic sense, and a Meighen is an
  15. Operating organization is required for landing (1999 est. ) Flights to the, continent ,in the permanent darkness of the winter are normally only undertaken in an
  16. To be active. West Antarctica is the smaller part of the, continent , divided into: Areas Seas Ice shelves Larger ice shelves are: For all ice shelves
  17. Constitution. The Latter-day Saints' Articles of Faith refer to the American, continent ,as where they are to build Zion. The Old Catholic Encyclopedia's usage of
  18. Separating Libya (which was the name for the part of the then-known African, continent ,) from Asia. Noon The Sudan relates that Anaximander explained some basic
  19. Their tattoos were completed. Thus were they qualified for marriage. American, continent ,connection theory In the late 20th century, speculation arose that people of
  20. Islands. East Antarctica is the larger part of the, continent , both the South Magnetic Pole and geographic South Pole are situated here.
  21. Fictional adventurers Asia is the world's largest and most populous, continent , located primarily in the eastern and northern hemispheres. It covers 8.7 % of
  22. 16th century, maize and manioc have replaced traditional African crops as the, continent ,'s the most important staple food crops. By the early 19th century, agricultural
  23. The Sandwich Islands) formed in mid-ocean and had never been part of any large, continent , Such islands were characterized by a complete lack of terrestrial mammals and
  24. And Canadian provinces in the Pacific Northwest which is actively undergoing, continent ,building. One of the world's the largest tides occurs in Turn again Arm, just south
  25. 48. The capital city, Juneau,is situated on the mainland of the North American, continent , but is not connected by road to the rest of the North American highway system.
  26. Degraded. In Africa, if current trends of soil degradation continue,the, continent ,might be able to feed just 25 % of its population by 2025,according to UNU's
  27. Oceans. With an area of more than 14 million km², it is the fifth-largest, continent ,and is about 1.3 times larger than Europe. Some 98 % of Antarctica is covered
  28. 2010. The Moon-Regan Trans Antarctic Expedition this time traversed the entire, continent ,twice, using 2 six-wheel drive vehicles and a Concept Ice Vehicle designed by
  29. Inhabitants thereof. Likewise, the Esperanto word Amerigo refers only to the, continent , For the country there is the term USNO, cognate with the English word Sonia
  30. Occur during spells of easterly or northeasterly winds from the inner European, continent , Even then, because Amsterdam is surrounded on three sides by large bodies of
  31. For Yàměilìjiā" America" and go is" country ". The name for the, continent ,of America is Guizhou, from me plus Zhou" continent ". Thus, a měizhōurén is
  32. And rises populate the ice sheet on the periphery. Only about 2 % of the, continent ,is not covered by ice. Regions Physically, Antarctica is divided in two by
  33. Pacific Ocean, and so he became the first white man to cross the North American, continent ,north of Mexico. The extreme southernmost portion of Alberta was part of the
  34. American) is used to address both that which pertains to the American, continent ,and, in current speech, that which pertains to the U. S. A. (the particular
  35. The Andes range is the world's the highest mountain range outside the, continent ,of Asia. The highest peak, Mt. Aconcagua, rises to an elevation of about above
  36. Of combining in one general system the various sentiments and interests of a, continent ,divided into so many sovereign and independent communities, under a conviction
  37. Days. Forty days was not long enough for a campaign, especially one on the, continent , Thus, the stage was introduced, whereby most Englishmen paid to escape their
  38. Ago, when the continent s that formed from the breakup of the ancestral super, continent ,Pangaea were drifting apart from seafloor spreading. The Atlantic has been
  39. French; Ital. Abate),as commonly used in the Catholic Church on the European, continent , is the equivalent of the English" Father" ( parallel etymology),being
  40. Is dominated by its south polar location and, thus,by ice. The Antarctic, continent , located in the Earth's Southern Hemisphere, is centered asymmetrically around
  41. An ability to perform seemingly supernatural feats) to the North American, continent , Thus, the early American colonists embraced as perfectly ordinary these gifts
  42. Sport back 2.0 TDI with S ironic transmission) travelling across the American, continent ,from New York to Los Angeles, passing major cities like Chicago, Dallas and Las
  43. Families of North America, Alaska has been described as the crossroads of the, continent , providing evidence for the recent settlement of North America by way of the
  44. Into two separate classes depending on whether they had recently been part of a, continent ,(like Britain) or much less recently (like Madagascar) and discussed how
  45. Andrew Miles. The expedition successfully showed that wheeled transport on the, continent ,is not only possible but also often more practical. The expedition also hoped
  46. Time he marched west, was to extend his kingdom – already the strongest on the, continent ,– across Gaul to the Atlantic Ocean. On April 7,he captured Metz. Other cities
  47. Usually made from glass balls. Some glass balls came from trade with the Asian, continent , The Ainu also obtained glass balls secretly made by the Satsuma Clan. Housing
  48. Are U. S. nationals, whereas the international form America refers to the, continent , and America are the inhabitants thereof. Likewise, the Esperanto word
  49. Down with a will. Upon the conclusion of Bell's funeral," every phone on the, continent ,of North America was silenced in honor of the man who had given to mankind the
  50. Figures are seen in a much different light: Ben Franklin is revered as the, continent ,'s finest" maker ", George Washington was executed at the hands of an English

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