Examples of the the word, depict , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Anal sex between older men and boys, let alone with adult men. Most such works, depict ,fondling or intramural sex, which was not condemned for violating and
  2. Code were tightened to make ownership of" objects or demonstrations ... which, depict ,sexual acts with violent content" a punishable offense. This law amounts to a
  3. Changed in 2003. The logo was redesigned with red and silver accents to, depict ,a more powerful, aggressive falcon, which now more closely resembles the
  4. Large. In his later works, Altdorfer moved more towards mannerism and began to, depict ,the human form to the conformity of the Italian model, as well as dominate the
  5. As it attempts to depict one's immersion with the world, thus tries to, depict ,the essence/pure ideas of the world. Music, for Schopenhauer, was the purest
  6. The 12th century temple that was originally dedicated to Vishnu. Bas-reliefs, depict ,Vishnu battling with against aura opponents, or riding on the shoulders of his
  7. May or may not apply, can be compared pairwise. Cladograms can be used to, depict ,the hypothetical descent relationships within groups of items in many
  8. Without their evil and sin. ' Cartoons appearing in the daily al-Walid in 2003, depict , Jews as Satanic figures with hooked noses and equates them with Nazis. In an
  9. Royal palaces where foreigners were received by the king. Other stone reliefs, depict ,the king with different deities and conducting religious ceremonies. Many stone
  10. Were unearthed from a peat bog at Break in Schleswig, Germany. The figures, depict ,a nude male and a nude female. Hilda Ellis Davidson comments that these figures
  11. By post-production effects and camera tricks, have used other methods to, depict ,the ghost. In the late 19th century, elaborate productions of the play staged
  12. Suggest that shipping played an important role. Thousands of rock carvings, depict ,ships, most probably representing sewn plank built canoes for warfare, fishing
  13. Macedonia, within a Hellenistic diadem symbolizing royalty (many of the coins, depict ,a small knot with two ends on top of the diadem),seem to be the most probable
  14. The story from present-day Western culture. They are commonly used as filler to, depict ,background activities in an atmosphere like a bar or rec room, but sometimes
  15. Myths also differ whether Artemis was born first, or Apollo. Most stories, depict ,Artemis as born first, becoming her mother's mid-wife upon the birth of her
  16. 1937) used arresting cubist techniques and stark monochromatic oils, to, depict , the harrowing consequences of a contemporary bombing of a small, ancient Basque
  17. Pedals in the 1980s. ) Life son and his bandmates share a desire to accurately, depict ,songs from their albums when playing live performances. Toward this goal
  18. Human body, and development of a systematic method of graphical perspective to, depict ,recession in a three-dimensional picture space. In the east, Islamic art's
  19. J. M. W. Turner (1775–1851) and John Constable (1776–1837) sought to, depict ,nature as a" divine creation, to be set against the artifice of human
  20. Churches as well as traditional dogmas. Textbooks and encyclopedias often, depict ,Spinoza as a solitary soul who eked out a living as a lens grinder; in reality
  21. And, because of the tools with which the rocks were carved and the scenes they, depict , may represent the oldest evidence in the Sahara of Neolithic industries. Many
  22. Welles tried to adapt Heart of Darkness, but there was concern over the idea to, depict ,it entirely with point of view shots. Welles considered adapting Cecil
  23. Devised his own simpler symbols, based on circles, which were to be used to, depict ,molecules. The current system of chemical notation was invented by Berzelius.
  24. In his former lives. The Jataka's, which are the stories of his lives, depict ,the various attempts of the Bodhisattva to embrace qualities like
  25. Part of Botswana. The oldest paintings from both Botswana and South Africa, depict ,hunting, animal and human figures, and were made by the Khoisan (! King
  26. whether some actual events ever happened, but the stone etchings clearly, depict ,how Ashoka wanted to be thought of and remembered. Ashoka's own words as known
  27. Championship with the 1986 New York Mets, and wanted his induction plaque to, depict ,him wearing a Mets cap, even though he had spent twelve years (1974–84, 1992)
  28. The first Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG) to, depict ,the adventure with graphics instead of text (1991). * The first chat
  29. Even be older than billions of years. These views are based on the Vedas which, depict ,an extreme antiquity of the universe and history of the earth. Islam Islamic
  30. The Cantinas de Santa Maria, compiled in Castile in the mid-13th century, depict ,several types of bagpipes. Though evidence of bagpipes in the British Isles
  31. Practical consequence of this brief aesthetic contemplation as it attempts to, depict ,one's immersion with the world, thus tries to depict the essence/pure ideas of
  32. Circular layout, with the long store exiting off to one side. (Later drawings, depict ,a regularized grid layout. ) Like the central processing unit (CPU) in a
  33. Be beaded in peyote stitch technique. Peyote stitch patterns are very easy to, depict ,diagrammatically because they are typically stitched flat and then later
  34. The LXX and MT has been used to argue that the context of the MT truly does, depict ,a historical Jeremiah. Sections of the Book can be divided into
  35. For the purpose of hunting weapons. Other times the carvings were created to, depict ,commonly seen animals, such as: seals, whales,and even humans. The Aleuts use
  36. Tale. Cultural aspects Symbolism In Christian iconography, some works of art, depict ,women with their breasts in their hands or on a platter, signifying that they
  37. Drown. Thesis buries him when the corpse washes up on Mykonos. Other versions, depict ,a different death for Ajax, showing him to die when on his voyage home. In
  38. Or more scaled feet, particularly chicken feet, and feathered wings. Some even, depict ,it as a horned, dragon-like creature with a serpent-headed tail and small
  39. Appeared too xenophobic even for the Russian authorities, as it was to, depict ,a vanquished Pole, Jew,and a Catholic priest under the hoofs of the horse. A
  40. Compared to the work of God; thus, it is believed by many that to attempt to, depict ,in a realistic form any animal or person is insolence to God. This tendency has
  41. Hair cut in locks grazing the neck, were developed in the 3rd century BCE to, depict ,Alexander the Great (Bieber 1964,Louis 1980). Some time after this mosaic
  42. Of wool, wood and imported Central European bronze and gold. Many rock carvings, depict ,ship, and the large stone burial monuments known as stone ships suggest that
  43. And even a kind of artistic sensationalism ". Baroque art did not really, depict ,the lifestyle of the people at that time; however," closely tied to the
  44. Arash were all archers. Earlier Greek representations of Heracles normally, depict ,him as an archer. The Nymph Hyperbola (Νύμφαι Ὑπερβόρειοι) were
  45. Be a draftsman of superior quality. Light-drenched washes of golden brown ink, depict ,a distant view of the city of Dordrecht or Utrecht. A Cup drawing may look
  46. Star η Boo is of the third magnitude. Modern diagrammatic visualizations often, depict ,Boötes as looking as a kite. Equivalents In Chinese astronomy, the stars of
  47. Sculptures considered to be masterpieces of both Buddhist religious art (which, depict ,the Jataka tales) and frescoes which are reminiscent of the Nigeria
  48. Lights and glowing colors sometimes verging on the expressionistic. They often, depict ,moments of intimacy between Christ and his mother, or various saints. His
  49. On the ceilings and walls of this porch have been widely published. They, depict ,the Jataka tales that are stories of the Buddha's life in former existences as
  50. Culture is made up of meanings between consumers and marketers. These meanings, depict ,sign and symbols that are encoded in everyday objects. Semiotics is the study

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