Examples of the the word, fairness , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fairness ), is the 6031 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To negotiate and complete a plan. Upon meeting certain requirements (e.g., fairness ,among creditors, priority of certain creditors) creditors are permitted to
  2. Development, narrowing inequalities (to pursue 'equality of opportunity and, fairness ,of outcome' ), renewing Brutishness, restoring trust in politics, and winning
  3. Justice. Since these times, Libra has been represented intrinsically with law, fairness ,and civility, as the scales were commonplace in the livelihood of the people
  4. Absence of bias. This account is considered further below, under ‘ Justice as, fairness ,’. Justice as a subordinate value According to utilitarian thinkers including
  5. The insured and the insurer are bound by a good faith bond of honesty and, fairness , Material facts must be disclosed. # Contribution – insurers which have similar
  6. In various courts. Amnesty International has expressed concern about the, fairness ,of the proceedings. Numerous lawsuits have been filed on Peltier's behalf, but
  7. The sense that the fairness of the original position of choice guarantees the, fairness ,of the principles chosen in that position. There are many others normative
  8. British values the rest of us share, such as democracy and decency, freedom and, fairness , tolerance and equality. " Conservative Party leader David Cameron, Liberal
  9. Their potential. " For Labor," government has a critical role in ensuring, fairness ,by: ensuring equal opportunity; removing unjustifiable discrimination; and
  10. Institutions of the Venetian state in a manner designed to emphasize harmony, fairness ,and serenity. Historians have demonstrated that this text represents Contains
  11. S famous 'difference principle '. Justice is fairness , in the sense that the, fairness ,of the original position of choice guarantees the fairness of the principles
  12. In regard to equity theory, researchers have found that certain forms of, fairness ,or justice are able to better predict OCS than others. For example, Jex &
  13. Later the wife of Nazi Lineup Dorset),who noted his" sense of utter, fairness ,in the minutest details ". In April 1926 he moved to Mountain, where his
  14. Last round of matches of each group is scheduled at the same time to preserve, fairness ,among all four teams. The top two teams from each group advance to the knockout
  15. Entertainment and media Game balance, a concept in game design describing, fairness ,or balance of power in a game between multiple players or strategic options.
  16. To show that justice, and especially distributive justice, is a form of, fairness ,: an impartial distribution of goods. Rails asks us to imagine ourselves behind
  17. Television stations allocated to a new Channel 1 in the 44-50 MHz range. In, fairness ,to the FCC, the 42-50 MHz band was plagued by frequent tropospheric and E-layer
  18. Of equality of an individual's outcomes # Procedural justice, or the, fairness ,of the procedures used to determine one's outcomes # Interactional justice, or
  19. Of its form of government. However, international observers have questioned the, fairness ,of Armenia's parliamentary and presidential elections and constitutional
  20. From his parent's ideas, making him a progressive businessman. He believed in, fairness ,in business, saying,“ Deal with the seller so justly that he will want to sell
  21. The poorest. This is Rawls's famous 'difference principle '. Justice is, fairness , in the sense that the fairness of the original position of choice guarantees
  22. Martini-Henry rifles, but 7-pounder artillery and Gatling guns. In, fairness , the Zulu commanders could not conjure regiments out of thin air at the optimum
  23. Followed. Elections since 1998 have represented an improvement in terms of both, fairness ,and efficiency, although they are still considered to have fallen short of
  24. Of moral rightness based on ethics, rationality,law, natural law, religion, fairness , or equity, along with the punishment of the breach of said ethics; justice is
  25. Is this principle adhered to that no question is allowed to be raised as to the, fairness ,or un fairness of the contract entered into ..." ( emphasis added) However, in
  26. Etc., respect for consumer privacy and autonomy, advertising truthfulness and, fairness ,in pricing & distribution. According to Bergeron, and Schroeder (2008)
  27. Keeshonden may not be for the inexperienced trainer. Consistency and, fairness ,are needed; and, while most dogs need a structured environment, it is
  28. Wymer's Dictionary of Literary Biography (1981) gives a possible reason: In, fairness , Gunn's and Patrouch's respective studies of Asimov both take the stand that
  29. Trojan mortal, would judge their cases, for he had recently shown his exemplary, fairness ,in a contest in which Ares in bull form had bested Paris's own prize bull, and
  30. In western societies. Studies at UCLA in 2008 have indicated that reactions to, fairness ,are" wired" into the brain and that," Fairness is activating the same part
  31. Ivy League universities, leading some Brown administrators to question the, fairness ,of the ranking in light of the University's focus on undergraduate education.
  32. To the importance of fairness perceptions in the workplace. There are three, fairness ,perceptions applied to organizational settings: # Distributive justice, or the
  33. To a 'single powerful modern sense demanding responsibility from all and, fairness ,to all '. He also talked about the Christian doctrine of 'do to others what you
  34. Countries. The scope of judicial review may be limited to certain questions of, fairness , or whether the administrative action is ultra vires. In terms of ultra vires
  35. And thought to judicial matters. Asset underscores his concern for judicial, fairness , Alfred, according to Asset, insisted upon reviewing contested judgments made
  36. By returning to their old posts. In an effort to give the appearance of, fairness , Head insisted that Cartier be titular premier, with Macdonald as his deputy.
  37. Every four years. Pre-determined or fixed election dates have the advantage of, fairness ,and predictability. However, they tend to greatly lengthen campaigns, and make
  38. Healthcare reform includes questions of a right to health care, access, fairness , sustainability, quality and amounts spent by government. The mixed
  39. Upon the fundamentals of Equity Theory and pointed to the importance of, fairness ,perceptions in the workplace. There are three fairness perceptions applied to
  40. Against a panel of kinases. In engineering, it has been used to evaluate the, fairness ,achieved by Internet routers in scheduling packet transmissions from different
  41. To ensure that the resulting district map reflects a wider perception of, fairness , such as a requirement for a super majority approval of the commission for any
  42. Searching for an example as a precedent, and principles of natural justice and, fairness ,have always played a role in Scots Law. Comparable pluralistic (or 'mixed' )
  43. Universities, some Dartmouth students and administrators have questioned the, fairness ,of the ranking given the College's emphasis on undergraduate education.
  44. Also grant the Court the liberty to decide ex quo et Bono (" in justice and, fairness ,"),granting the ICJ the freedom to make an equitable decision based on what
  45. By the players. There are no attendants, and so the progress of the game, fairness ,of the throws, and the way that the pay-outs are made for winning bets are
  46. With a life in accordance with the cosmic plan. The association of justice with, fairness ,has thus been historically and culturally rare and is perhaps chiefly a modern
  47. Officers also sent letters to Donate conveying their disappointment over the, fairness ,and verdict of his trial. At the trial Donate was charged with but the judges
  48. And" a generous social-welfare state is not a road to serfdom but rather to, fairness , economic equality and international competitiveness. " Austrian school
  49. Can’t bias the decision in our own favor. So, the decision-in-ignorance models, fairness , because it excludes selfish bias. Rails argues that each of us would reject
  50. That" inequity aversion may not be uniquely human. " Indicating that ideas of, fairness ,and justice may be instinctual in nature. Variations of justice Utilitarianism

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