Examples of the the word, hormone , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hormone ), is the 4091 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Hypothyroidism concluded that in uteri DDT exposure may affect thyroid, hormone ,levels and" play an important role in the incidence and/or causation of
  2. Antibiotics are also linked to an increased incidence of yeast infections. And, hormone ,replacement therapy and infertility treatments may also be predisposing factors
  3. A number of other hormone s and physiological functions. Effects on growth, hormone , prolactin and TSH (with relevant effect on T3 and T4) were observed directly
  4. Iron, mangenese and selenium, the levels of which vary dependent on cyclical, hormone ,variation during different phases of the menstrual cycle Various enzymes have
  5. Another protein, angiotensin,which signals the adrenal gland to produce a, hormone ,called aldosterone. This system is activated in response to a fall in blood
  6. The body's production of vitamin D and prednisolone. This results in major, hormone ,depletion, including DHEA and testosterone, that can result in death and also
  7. Is stimulated by the secretion of growth hormone by the pituitary, thyroid, hormone , and the sex hormone s (estrogens and androgens). These hormone s also promote
  8. 5-HT2A receptors, suggesting it is too simplistic to say serotonin is a happy, hormone , In fact, when the former antidepressants build up in the bloodstream and the
  9. Through increased secretion of asteroid is stimulated by the secretion of growth, hormone ,by the pituitary, thyroid hormone and the sex hormone s (estrogens and
  10. Disruption by exposure to light at night suppresses the production of the, hormone ,melatonin which leads to reduction in cellular immune defense and surveillance
  11. Structurally, DMT is analogous to the neurotransmitter serotonin (5-HT),the, hormone ,melatonin, and other psychedelic protamines, such as 5-MeO-DMT,Burstein, and
  12. Be induced in some biennials without vernalization by application of the plant, hormone ,gibberellin, but this is rarely done commercially. If a normally biennial
  13. Designed to reduce libido. He accepted chemical castration via estrogen, hormone ,injections. Turing's conviction led to the removal of his security clearance
  14. Of beta-endorphin, corticotropin, cortisol,and prolactin. Growth, hormone ,blood levels rose equally in response to all doses of DMT, and melatonin levels
  15. When Australian authorities confiscated 13 vials of Somatropin, a human growth, hormone , from the bag of Chinese swimmer Yuan upon her arrival for the 1997 World
  16. People taking both calcium and thyroxine run the risk of inadequate thyroid, hormone ,replacement and thence hypothyroidism if they take them simultaneously or
  17. Firmer, mainly due to hypertrophy of the mammary gland in response to the, hormone ,prolactin. The size of the nipples may increase noticeably and their
  18. Activity and differentiation from progenitor cells. Vitamin D, parathyroid, hormone , and stimulation from osteocytes induce osteoblasts to increase secretion of
  19. To drive this, and is implicated in the cognitive and arousal symptoms. The, hormone ,estrogen has been implicated in depressive disorders due to the increase in
  20. The report described the use of anabolic steroids and human growth, hormone ,(HGH) in MLB and assessed the effectiveness of the MLB Joint Drug Prevention
  21. Making it possible to produce more easily and relatively cheaply human growth, hormone , clotting factors for hemophiliacs, fertility drugs, erythropoietin and other
  22. Factors, such as fibroblast growth factors in the animal embryo and growth, hormone ,in juvenile mammals, also control the extent of growth. Regeneration
  23. Proposed as a pathogenic factor in female patients. In addition to changing, hormone ,levels, there are several other risk conditions for blood vessel problems that
  24. Enhancing substances used by competitive bodybuilders include human growth, hormone ,(HGH),which can cause acromial. Rest Although muscle stimulation occurs in
  25. However, is inconsistent use. In addition, researchers in the UK suggest that a, hormone ,in semen can aggravate existing cervical cancer, condom use during sex can
  26. Pathway by which growth hormone -releasing hormone causes a release of growth, hormone , However, the view that the majority of the effects of camp are controlled by
  27. 5-Dehydroepiandrosterone (5-DHEA) is a 19-carbon endogenous steroid, hormone , It is the major secretory steroidal product of the adrenal glands and is also
  28. Adrenal glands affect kidney function through the secretion of aldosterone,a, hormone ,involved in regulating the osmolarity of blood plasma. Anatomy and Physiology
  29. Decline. When insulin levels start dropping, the pancreas then produces the, hormone ,glucagon while releasing nutrients stored in the fat cells to the blood to be
  30. Of training and recovery. Carbohydrates also promote secretion of insulin,a, hormone ,enabling cells to get the glucose they need. Insulin also carries amino acids
  31. As an important modulator of the regulation of gene transcription by nuclear, hormone ,receptors. Clinical significance Calreticulin binds to antibodies in certain
  32. Cyclic amino acid that is a key intermediate in the production of the plant, hormone ,ethylene. Catabolism File: Amino acid catabolism. PNG|thumb|300px|Catabolism of
  33. Station for sleep and wake cycles, control of eating and drinking, control of, hormone ,release, and many other critical biological functions. *The thalamus is another
  34. Calcium channels, providing a minor pathway by which growth hormone -releasing, hormone ,causes a release of growth hormone . However, the view that the majority of the
  35. Alston began studying the compound triiodobenzoic acid as a plant growth, hormone , in an attempt to adapt soybeans to a short growing season. Alston found that
  36. Acts on kidneys to reduce phosphate reabsorption. Bone cells also release a, hormone ,called osteocalcin, which contributes to the regulation of blood sugar (
  37. In combination with gonadotropin as a way to treat female infertility. The, hormone ,is believed to act on the chromosomal integrity of eggs, creating healthier
  38. Response to stress. Investigations reveal increased levels of the, hormone ,cortisol and enlarged pituitary and adrenal glands, suggesting disturbances of
  39. Complex orchestration of events starting with an extracellular signal such as a, hormone ,and leading to an increase or decrease in the activity of one or more proteins.
  40. To viral infection. Chloramphenicol can cause testes pain, possibly through, hormone ,effects. Chinese research showed chloramphenicol affects motor neurons. It
  41. The heart. *Stimulation by AII of the adrenal cortex to release aldosterone,a, hormone ,that acts on kidney tubules, causes sodium and chloride ions retention and
  42. Of the posterior pituitary to release desmopressin (also known as antidiuretic, hormone ,(ADH) ) also acts on the kidneys to increase water retention. With ACE
  43. side effects. Carbamazepine may cause Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic, hormone ,(SIAD),since it both increases the release and potentiates the action of
  44. Doses may be required, as these substances may alter the absorption of thyroid, hormone ,from the gut. Frequent monitoring (every 2–3 weeks during the first months of
  45. Function as a second messenger in calcium signaling. Here, a signal such as a, hormone ,or an action potential opens' calcium channels so that calcium floods into the
  46. Disorders, including major depression. Over secretion of corticotropin-releasing, hormone ,from the hypothalamus is thought to drive this, and is implicated in the
  47. ACE-inhibitors, statins,migraine (for analgesia),aminophylline, hormone ,replacement therapy (estrogen),even electrical spinal cord stimulation are
  48. In that one can easily prepare a solution containing the desired amount of, hormone , add it to the known volume of GM, and autoclave to both sterilize and
  49. Given amount of alcohol causes greater intoxication for women due to different, hormone ,release compared to men. In contrast, reduced fear of stigma may lead men to
  50. Existing cervical cancer, condom use during sex can prevent exposure to the, hormone , Causes of failure Condoms may slip off the penis after ejaculation, break due

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